4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 998: There are still things

'Snapped! ’

This time it should be the last time. .?`

Lin’s cubs chasing the Void Bus in the void, each time it is surrounded, its transmission distance will become closer, and after this time, it will not be able to transmit even the encirclement.

Then, the mechanical spider approached it, squatted on it and began to detect its internal condition.

Although the cubs are struggling, there is no way to drive away these mechanical spiders in the invisible void. After testing the body, Lin has a shocking thing.

The thing that Lin wants to store the information... is in the body of the Nether Bus cub.

This thing is a ball, with a diameter of more than one meter, and the surface looks like a variety of 'terrain' that protrudes or sinks. It is said to be the appearance of the stellar bus. At the same time, it also emits some wonderful signals. .

This is exactly the same as that described by the bus nerve. It really is, but why is it in the body of this baby?

At the same time, Lin also examined the baby, and Lin did not transmit organs in his body... but it was indeed transmitted, it seems that it may be transmitted by something else. .?`c?om

It may be that the transporting organ of the stellar bus is transmitting it, and it is sent together with the data ball. Although I don't know why it is doing this, I will first get the information ball out.

It's easy to get it out, because the ball is in the 'esophagus' position of the baby, just make some stimulating position to let it spit out the ball, and the mechanical spider carries a lot of such high-temperature substances that can cause irritation.

‘Hey! When the mechanical spider put some high temperature in the esophagus of the baby, it suddenly reacted and spit out the ball inside. Lin let a mechanical spider catch the ball. As for the baby...

Let it continue to float here, it will not die, the continuous floating may make it into a state of sleep until it reaches a place where you can get nutrients, such as some tumbling people, it will wake up.

But Lin will not leave this baby completely, because Lin feels that it has some... problems, so it still needs to be observed.

Lynn let ten mechanical spiders follow it. Then the remaining mechanical spiders... left here and continued to fly in the other direction.

They are now flying to a position, and Lynn is also sending some troops from afar.

It takes some time, so this group of troops can wait in that position ahead of time. .?`c?om greet the troops coming from the transmission.

However, this has no special meaning. It is only slightly better than staying in it. It is better. On the way to flight, these mechanical spiders are also testing the data **** they have received, but Lin can’t detect the information inside. .

The composition of this ball... Lin is just a common common metal and rock. But the inside is not resolved, even if you use the nerves of the stellar bus.

Lin believes that only the old stellar bus can understand the information inside. It seems that this bus nerve does not want Lin or any creature other than the stellar bus to know the contents.

This is indeed a very normal situation, but Lin believes that it will not be completely resolved. It can be studied slowly, and the basic bus analysis of various objects is also very clear.

To put it simply, there is nothing special about other species. No matter whether it is disassembled or broken down, if you use the nerves of the stellar bus to 'imagine' this thing, you will get relevant information. .

This effectively prevents other species from knowing what this is. In fact, this is a very simple approach, and the meaning inside is only known to them.

Lin thinks that Ershi will know, but I still don't know how to communicate directly with it, but Lin feels that some methods can know the meaning inside, that is... construct the nerves of the gravitational ball bus.

Lin has tested its nerves many times and knows the composition inside. Lin feels that maybe she can use her own star bus to combine similar nerves...

When Lin studied these situations, Lin was also paying attention to the situation on the other side.

That is... floating rocky land.

"This thing can't be guarded. Do you know? Why should I remind me so many times? Are you stupid?"

In a ... dream space, Lynn's pom-pom is being with a small ball of light. This little light ball is... a small protector.

Now Lin and it both 'look' at the picture in front of them, this picture is constantly flashing, and there are many stones appearing constantly.

These stones. All of them are rocks of floating rocky land. They are quite numerous, so they flash with extremely fast speed. Every time they flash, the small nucleus will immediately react and say whether this stone can be guarded.

A stone that is considered to be unprotectable. Almost all are... hidden bases for micromachines.

But it's not 1oo% accurate. On average, there will be a base in a thousand stones, but it doesn't matter. It can't be wrong if it can't be guarded.

Stones that cannot be guarded have almost nothing in common. They are purely random, regardless of size or shape, so it is difficult to tell if this is a micro-mechanical base, but a small protector can judge it instantly.

Lin believes that they may have some kind of connection with fear energy, and can know whether some places are contaminated by fear energy through observation or various methods.

Lin intends to remove all the micro-machines in the floating rock field. This is what I wanted to do before... The nerves of the bus also said... Micro-machines will have a great impact on the floating rock.

According to the bus nerve, fear energy should also be counted as a kind of 'will'. They are brought here by the water polo from the 'unforeseen place', but the water polo seems to be unable to control the fear energy, or It is useless to say that the energy of fear is not used. In short, the water polo does not pay attention to it, let the fear energy float in the void, and then it infects the micro-machines, allowing the micro-machine to help them return to the unforeseen.

The wonderful thing is that it does not return to the position of the water polo to 'return the original road', but intends to let the micro-mechanism lead a collapse, create another passage to the unforeseen land, and then return from this new passage.

The creation of this passage is in the floating rock, perhaps because it once collapsed once, but to open the passage, it will lead to a more powerful collapse than before, so the collapse may destroy the floating rock and a large number of star buses. (To be continued.)


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