4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 999: Smooth development


Here is a... a dark world.

The sky is covered with dark clouds, the ground is filled with dense dust, the steel-built buildings are lined up, and the brilliant brilliance flashes in the screen between these buildings, accompanied by the flashing of these lights, various The sound of the sound also sounded, and the characters on the screen were trying to promote their products, constantly creating a higher volume, trying to push the other kind.

But no matter how loud the noise of these advertisements, no one will pay attention to them.

Countless figures bowed down the building, their faces were expressionless, as if they were set up in a general movement, and occasionally coughed a few times, but these subtle sounds would soon be advertised. Cover it completely.

However, there are times when a few will raise their heads slightly, their sights pass through the gap between the buildings that are filled with advertisements, look at the gray sky, and only last for a few seconds, then they bow their heads and move on.

"More... virtual currency."

In this era, every creature here has basically such an idea, so they have no time to wait, no time to rest, only constant efforts... and then death.

This life has been with them for a long time, for a long time, until...


"Wow! Did we live in such a miserable place?"

"Don't say anything, be quiet when you watch a movie, you know?"

Here is a movie theater, on a huge screen, a movie called ‘Gray Age’ is being shown. And in the seat below. Then it is filled with a creature called the virtual people.

Most of the virtual people are quietly watching the contents of the movie. But sometimes there will be a little noise. For example, there is a young and imaginary person sitting next to a female virtual person who is saying loudly to his mother: "Have you ever lived in this place? How did you feel at that time? It must be hard to accept, I feel very uncomfortable when I look at it!"

"Shut up and watch the movie quietly!"

"Okay..." Seeing his mother seemed to be angry, the young imaginary closed his mouth, and looked at the screen again, looking at the contents inside.

It was quickly attracted to the content inside, and the movie 'Gray Age' was the latest release of a movie about the world in which the virtual people lived before.

There are no protagonists or story stories in this movie. It is purely a documentary, recording a lot of what happened before, describing how the former virtual people worked in an environment full of dust and advertising. People without virtual currency and people with virtual currency lived two. A very different kind of life, many people continue to commit crimes in order to obtain virtual currency, so they have set more laws than mountains... In general...

It is a fragment of the life of a virtual life.

When the movie was over, the female virtual person left the seat with his child and walked to the exit of the movie hall. While walking, it also said to the child: "How. Now I feel happy to be born here? ”

"Yes! I am the happiest!"

When they stepped out of the exit of the cinema, the dazzling brilliance entered their eyes. But this is not the light of advertising, but the stars of the sky.

There is almost no dirt in the clear sky, so the warm light can reach the land accurately, and the air is full of clear atmosphere. Everyone who walks in front of me has a smile and joy.

Because, there is almost nothing here... everything they saw in the movie.

There is no dust in the sky, no crimes, no dead workers... There is clear air, an empty environment, and no buildings with no advertisements... No, maybe there are some ads.

"Heavy notice!" There is a small screen next to the entrance of the cinema, which is playing a flashing picture, and it is also ringing the voice of the people: "The super disaster of the perfect score, the ruins of the void," Will be playing in the near future! Please keep an eye on the latest news of the movie!"

"Ah! I want to see this!" The cub who heard this immediately called out: "Next time we look at this, is it good? Is it good?"

"Disaster film? It doesn't say when to play it, let's talk about it later." The virtual people left the cinema with a reluctant cub, what they didn't notice was...

At the entrance to the cinema, there is an 'eye' looking at them.

“The previous documentary was very popular, general.” In a room in a distant hemispherical building, several people were sitting around a desk and discussing the movie.

"Compared with the past, our life is too close to perfection. This is a brand new era."

"Yeah, since the last batch of thieves have been solved, there has been no crime at all. Everything has been going smoothly. No one has any complaints about the current life."

“The groundwater excavation is also very good. We have found a vast underground water area in many places. I believe this can completely replace the previous ocean, and it is still a sea without any pollution. We will never let it suffer again. Any pollution."

"The air in the whole environment is quite clear, the purified oxygen has spread on a large scale, and we have already revived some of the extinct plants in the past. I think... everyone will soon forget the previous environment and fully embrace the new... ..."

"No, I have to be remembered before." One voice sounded, and the imaginary people who were present were quiet, and they all looked at the initiator generals of the words.

"So the previous documentary will be played out. All the people must remember... everything that happened before, we can continue to progress." The general said: "Now our development is getting better and better, but the future is still not determine."

"The entire race of us... needs a long-term leader. One will only consider the population, and will not consider its own leaders, not only one, but also many, but they must all ignore their own interests... ”

The general looked at a people who was present: "The technology seems to be perfect."

"Yes...Yes!" The citizen immediately stood up and said: "Under the new technology, our cubs have been able to enter the learning stage much earlier than before, and they can start learning almost at birth..."

"However, the effect is still going to be observed." The general said, looking at the screen next to it.

The screen shows the appearance of a noisy cub in the cinema. This cub is very special, because... it has not lived in the former virtual world, but a new generation.

According to the original growth rate of the virtual people, the newly born generation has not yet reached the time to learn, but the young child has been able to learn and yell.

This is mainly due to a recently completed technology that allows young cubs to enter the learning phase more quickly, and the technology is stable and does not affect factors such as longevity.

This will allow the population of the virtual people to grow more rapidly.

However, the general is not completely reassured about this technology, so it is necessary to observe for a while, and if the number of virtual people increases, the factors of instability will increase.

For example, many criminals may be born again. The general is trying to completely isolate all crimes. This is also the goal that it has been pursuing.

Now that it is reached, how to maintain it is a problem...

In addition, the general is also worried about some other problems...

"About the next film..." Thinking, the general said to a nearby person: "Is the playing time fixed?"

"This can actually be played when it is." The citizen said: "It’s just a source..."

"Isn't that film source yet sent?" The general said: "Well, today's meeting is over... It's hard."

"Working hard!" All the people stood up, and after leaving a position, they left the hall, leaving only the generals still here.

After seeing other people go out, the general took out a smaller video device, opened it and poked a ball-shaped icon on the top, and entered some information in the pop-up box and sent it out.

The message is written like this: "Isn't the time of the incident fixed?"

After ten seconds, the icon of the pompoms lighted up and the response message arrived. The reply was written as follows: "It may or may not happen."

"So I can't figure out when to close the door..." The general sent another message.

This is...something that happened recently.

Because the construction of the entire colony has been very smooth recently, the generals have asked to start building many recreational facilities, and cinemas are included.

The general intends to release some films in the cinema, including documentaries describing the past life, etc., but many people expressed their desire to see the big movies with explosive effects that they used to watch. At present, because there is no such movie, the popularity of the cinema is not It will be very high.

And just recently, the general suddenly received the information on the pompom, and the pompon said it would give it a movie.

Pure... disaster movie.

When the general was puzzled, the pompom also said something else about it, that is, something about ‘collapse’.

This matter made the generals more concerned than the movie. After careful discussion, the pompon said that they would not be affected here, and the general was relieved.

Even so, the general is very concerned about when this happens, and the pompom tells it... It happens when the movie is released, but it is only possible. (To be continued.)

Ps: Thank you ~ the annual ticket ~Yz2004~ monthly ticket~

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