4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1000: Things everywhere

"Come on, take these things and go there!"

Lin’s certain pompoms are now floating in the air that connects the world.

The camp of the imaginary people is under the pompoms, and Lin sees that they are constantly carrying a large amount of cargo from the camp and placed them on the aircraft parked in the center of the camp.

This camp has almost moved away. They have been here for a long time. This virtual private land is a very valuable thing for the virtual people.

The virtual people have gotten a lot of useful things from here. For example, the faster technology for growing young cubs is through the microbes here. In addition to the research, there are many new technologies, technologies for making new materials, and planting techniques, all of which can be obtained from this place.

And it’s always safe, because the creatures in this position are... 'moderate', because a lot of new technologies are found here, so the generals value this place, but because of the news of the collapse, it has to Evacuation here... Now the virtual people have developed into a stage where there is no crime at all, which is quite rare in the individual creatures, but it is difficult to say how long it has been maintained... However, as long as there are leaders like generals, their The development general will be on the right track.

Lynn feels that something may happen in the near future, so I just talked to it by the way, and then by the way... give them a movie.

There is no special purpose in the film, just let them know what happened in the distant sky. In addition to these virtual people, there are many creatures familiar to Lin who can see this movie.

With the return of the virtual people. Scholars and Susumi’s ‘ontology’ were also taken back. But their mechanical bodies are still here to continue their exploration.

but. Scholars say that it also wants to go back to the pompon to use this body to explore, because there are many places in the past because it was not able to explore well because of the limitations of the body. Now I have changed this more... safe body, it can come to many before The place to explore.

This seems to be no problem, so Lynn decided to put it back after a while.

Then, Lin is here to continue to act. What Lin wants to do now is to solve the micro-machine here...

Micromachines have not continued to do anything with the bus organs that connect the world. Those biological units that were assembled in the underground, such as the ground mirror, did not continue to attack the mollusks but returned in full.

It can be said now... a peace.

There are still a lot of ... crisis, the micro-machines have not completely left this place, so they are likely to continue doing things.

Lin wants to find them... and the way to find them is very simple. In fact, just like the floating rock, there is a thought that the pompoms will fly quickly in the air.

When flying, the pompons unfolded the fluff of the body, and the fluffs shattered a little bit, turning them into dusty dust all over the sky.

And each sprinkle of fluffy powder. They can all be regarded as an ‘eyes’, and they will send all the messages they see to the dream space in the body of the velvet ball.

then. Observing the small nucleus to be in this space, they will decide for a moment whether the observed scene is a guardian.

"This place is too guarded!" "This is also!" "How do you find so many places to guard!" "This can be guarded." "It seems to be able to guard it." "It can be guarded." "Too much can protect!"

Small nucleators will respond constantly, and they believe that most places can be guarded, which means that these places are also safe.

However, Lin did not want to use them all the time... When the small guardians observed these links, Lynn was also studying their observation methods so that they could know how they judged.

But in fact, using them to detect and purely detect them is almost as fast as they can judge a lot of information in a flash.

Not only on the ground, but also in many places, such as underground, Lin's large arms are connecting the world to move around, looking for traces of any micro-mechanical.

"This is... a place that cannot be guarded!"

Suddenly, the little nucleus responded to a stone found by Lin's pompom. When the pompom extended out of the tentacle to detect the inside of the stone, it found that it was packed with micromachines.

Then, Lin blew it up.

Sure enough, in this way, although it is easy to find micromachines, it may be difficult to solve them all.

Therefore, in addition to looking for them, Lin has to build a lot of bases here, continue to observe and explore the environment here, and also ensure that the collapse will not happen here.

As long as the soft creatures complete their mission, when they break down the organs of the stellar bus, then micromachines can't do anything.

However, it may take a while to ensure that they are safe during this period.

At the same time, it took a while for Lin to take the stellar bus information ball of the mechanical spider. It seems that I have entered a stage where everything needs to wait.

Therefore, Lin mainly conducts activities on the floating rocky ground, where there are still many things to do, such as making more troops.

Because Lin feels that the floating rock is the core of the collapse, then the micro-machine should not give up this place, and it is not wrong to do more troops to deal with it.

There is also some communication with the ... gel creature.

Gel creatures haven't talked to Lin all the time, but after Lin told them about the ruins, they seem to have a big reaction.

The reaction is mainly about their performance. The original flight movements of their arms are all the same. There will be no change. After Lin sent a message to the ruins of one of their branches, the unit suddenly seems to have received some The impact of the flight became strange, and it hit a stone next to it.

This kind of reaction is really strange, but they still haven't responded to any information.

Although they behave strangely, they don't do anything special. Lin feels that the micro-mechanicals of the floating rocky ground should have been treated almost, and it has almost entered a completely safe state...

However, Lin still has some doubts. (To be continued.)


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