4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1009: Cooperate

"Hurry up and make this thing guardable!"

Little light **** move in a space filled with fear, wherever they go, all fears are quickly...dead.

Lin is watching the progress of all this outside.

The pompoms are still on the surface of the giant base, and the pompons have not suffered any attack. Even though the pompons are surrounded by almost countless micro-machines, they all seem to be in a daze, floating and motionless.

The same is true of the giant base itself. It does not move, does not emit light, and it has completely collapsed.

What Linde wants... is this effect. Although there are many ways to attack a giant base, only a small guardian can be used to leave a ‘full corpse’ to the base, so that Lin can have the opportunity to study it.

"Don't attack."

Lynn noticed that there were more gel creatures gathering in the distance, and Lynn sent a signal to them, and Lin didn't want them to destroy this giant base.

And they seem to understand Lin's message, these gel creatures shoot a lot of explosives on this side, but they are aimed at those micro-mechanical and small bases, not targeting giant bases.

However, micro-mechanics... seems to know what Lin wants to do, and sees that the small bases around are all turning. They are not aiming at distant gel creatures, but aiming at this giant base...

'boom! ! ! Under the gleaming glory, the giant base was torn apart under the firepower of the friendly forces, and all the small bases fired into the giant machinery.

It seems that they understand very well... to kill any prisoners who might reveal intelligence. Under the last flash, the entire huge base has turned into a violent glory. It seems that it has some kind of self-explosive device inside and is small. The flash of the base detonated.

This strong ray of light suddenly spread, and along with the light of the explosion, there is a lot of fear energy.

These fear energies emerged from the explosion center of the giant base in a circular shape. They spread faster than the explosion, and soon affected thousands of floating rocks that were tens of thousands of kilometers away. These rocks swayed and moved. Attack all gel creatures around.

It seems that the giant base itself is not only a strong fortress, it can be used to spread fear even after the explosion, thus starting more bases.

However... in any case, the giant base is still missing one.

These newly started mechanical bases. Soon after, they were attacked by a large number of gel creatures. At the time of their battle, Lin also targeted the next four giant bases.

These bases are rampant in the battlefield, and their energy seems to be inexhaustible, and countless rays are constantly being shot. Continue to clean all gel forces around you.

The kind of arms that were able to escape most attacks and reach the giant base before the gel creatures did not reappear. Obviously it was a very special unit. However, the gel creatures also used more arms to fight. On the way forward of a giant base, the usual forces of the gel creatures retreated, but there are still a large number of gel creatures over 50 meters in size.

They fly to the surface of the surrounding floating rock, and let their body stick to it, and then the whole gel creature is like... dissolved so slowly sinking into the rock surface, and finally disappeared.

The giant base and its army came here. When they are close to these floating rocks... ‘Boom! ’

Gel creatures... Transform these floating rocks into traps, and these traps seem to be completely unnoticed by the giant bases, so they are unprepared, and the first cracks of the floating rocks that have been transformed into traps, the impact of the burst Let a lot of...micromachines dissipate.

Although there is no defense, the giant base is surrounded by a large number of micro-machines that will trigger an explosion, but they can't stop too many...explosions.

‘Booming! ! ! ’

Hundreds of rocks around the giant base erupted together. The scene was quite spectacular. When the blast of light covered the giant base, Lin also moved.

Thirty discs of 100 meters in diameter flew from a distance. They adjust themselves to the fastest speed and quickly approach the target.

When the explosion scatters, Lin can see the miniature shield that has become sparse and sparse, and there are many small bases... fragments.

The giant base itself does not appear to be damaged. In addition to some cracks on the surface, many micro-mechanics gather on those cracks and seem to be repairing them.

However, the giant base noticed that Lin's disc was close. It had a six-kilometer-sized figure that turned slightly and emitted a dazzling light. The first time was ten.

Accurately hit ten discs... Originally, the giant base thought so. However, Lin's disc is one step ahead. These discs are lined up one after the other, neatly arranged in flight, each disc is the shield behind.

A light hit the disc in the forefront. This time there was no simulated sound. Under the silent explosion, the two discs at the forefront of the queue were destroyed.

The entire team is still moving forward, and nine other lights are flying around the team, not hitting any disc.

Sure enough, this has long been discovered by Lin. These giant bases are different from small bases in that they can emit a lot of light at the same time, but they cannot emit two or more rays in the same position continuously.

That is to say, there are many... turrets on the surface of the base, but each muzzle has a separate launch cooling... No muzzle can be fired twice in succession.

As long as the discs are lined up, it can only continuously attack the top disc until it destroys the entire team.

But before that, the disc team will arrive first, because the cooling time of the light emitted by the giant base is about two seconds.

This is really... too long.

The ray of the explosion illuminates again, this time destroying two discs... and there are twenty-six behind, and as the disc's flight distance gets closer, the giant base begins to move, and it quickly moves toward Going back and releasing a lot of micro-machines, they are like a group of insects that surround the disc.

And these micro-machines came round, and they stopped moving at the moment they touched the disc, and they all entered a state of paralysis.

The small protectors invaded the micromachines through the outer shell of the disc, and as they worked hard to make these machines guardable, the discs also approached the giant base.

At the moment of approaching, it launched the attack again. Lin felt a little strange. It didn't choose to blew but attack.

This time... paid the price of four discs, because the distance is closer, but the remaining discs have reached the surface of the base, and they have all the small guardians stored in the body...injected into the base.

Along with the energy of fear, the small protectors went deep into the base, and Lin also released a large number of miniature arms, invading the cracks on the surface of the base, and detecting various structures inside.

Lynn wants to find out how these things are made at the fastest speed.

This time, the small base near it was blown up, and nothing could stop this research... except one thing.

Another giant base closest to it has an action. This base is the largest one, with a size of ten kilometers.

It is more than 100,000 kilometers away from here, which is quite close. After Lin’s disc team occupied the base here, it immediately reacted.

Its surface illuminates with dazzling brilliance, and a direct light shines straight to this side. Lin believes that the power of this light is much larger than before, but...

'boom! ! ! ’

It exploded on the way.

A large number of gel creatures, before stopping at this largest base, Lin felt that they were performing more and more... with cooperation.

They blocked the light with their own bodies and won the research time for Lin.

Lin also quickly studied, although there are still many unclear places, but Lin has found the way the base is moved. In fact, it has been moving, and Lin has some ways to adjust its direction. Let it fly to a safer place in the distance.

At the same time, Lin also paid a little attention to it elsewhere.

At the time of Lin’s dispatch of the disc team, a large number of attacking stones and a number of mixed arms were entered into the battlefield. Now they are working with gel creatures to solve the mechanical bases everywhere.

The original gel creatures and those bases were difficult to solve, but after Lin’s troops joined, they became the majority of the minority, and the battle balance quickly collapsed. Lin and gel creatures quickly gained an advantage and destroyed a large number of machinery. base.

These victorious troops quickly gathered here, all of which aimed at the largest giant base.

Since the beginning of the battle, fear has already started countless bases here. I am afraid it is difficult to create more reinforcements now. So... as long as the powerful giant bases are killed, the war has almost won the same feeling. .

Thousands of troops, gel creatures, and Lin's attacking stones, flew in from all directions, and they surrounded the largest giant base. This giant base knew that it was facing the siege, and it also entered a state of urgency. .

It is surrounded by dozens of small mechanical bases, and countless micro-machines are surrounded by a ring of tens of kilometers in diameter, which strictly protects everything inside.

Lin's troops and gel creatures also reached the range of their range, and they were ready to attack.

When all this was going on, Lin was a little concerned about the other thing, that is, there are still two giant bases left.

The two...come to come together. (~^~)

Ps: Thanks~ I am not a hero rewarding 588~

Thanks ~ Red Rabbit Super Light ~ rewards ~

Thanks ~112211211212~ pants ti~ monthly ticket~

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