No tactics are used.

In the process of fighting this giant base of ten kilometers in size, there is almost no ... tactical.

The armies of both sides are pouring all their firepower with all their strength, and they are madly attacking any enemy forces until their ammunition is exhausted.

However, there are very few arms that can survive until the moment the ammunition is exhausted. They will quickly turn into fly ash in the explosion, but there will be more troops on the top and continue to attack.

On the other side of the giant base, there was no reinforcement. When its miniature shields dissipated layer by layer... The small bases exploded one by one, and it slowly became isolated.

The battle ended when the firepower from both sides was almost enough to burn the fungus in the original world.

The massive base fell apart in countless attacks, and it finally turned into an unparalleled brilliance, and the intense fear energy as the roar of its destruction spread to the surroundings.

But the stones that these fear energy can start are all surrounded by the army of Lin or gel creatures...

This battle is really fierce... This biggest base is different from anything else. It can emit light continuously, with almost no cooling time, and it won’t be like even if it is hit by a small nucleus missile. The base entered the state of paralysis as quickly.

It is very special, especially when Lin wants to take it as a prisoner, but it is especially difficult to capture it as a prisoner.

All in all, this battle is over. Maybe there is still the last one left. That is there are two bases...

These two bases, each of which is only one kilometer in size, can be said to be much smaller than the previous ones. They are the two giant bases that carry out the least fighting. They don’t play much at the moment they appear, but After a little cleaning, the surrounding gel forces flew in one direction, and the purpose of their flight was to meet each other.

In the course of the battle just now. They have been successfully merged together, and ... combined.

Just as they were originally assembled from many small bases, the two giant bases are now colliding and merging.

The reason for these mergers has been learned a little through research, that is, there are some incomplete devices inside these bases, which need to be combined to fully play.

It was a mystery why it was necessary to make these incomplete devices at the time of manufacture, perhaps just because of the need for camouflage... They wanted to imitate the size of the floating rocks nearby, so they had to make some incomplete devices.

Indeed, if they were combined from the beginning. It will look quite large. Although there are countless stones in the floating rock, there are not many large stones. The usual stones are tens of meters in size, so the big stones will always be conspicuous and may be suspected... .

Lin doesn't know. The combination of the two giant bases will have any effect. But now a large number of gel creatures and Lin's troops are preparing to besiege them. As long as they are solved, the micromachines may not have the ability to fight back.

This is the wave of fear.

Lin suddenly felt that the waves of fear in the distance came again, but this wave did not make sense when the battlefield was heavily occupied by Lin and gel creatures.

How many troops they started, they will be destroyed, but Lynn feels... this time the fear is different.

Soon, the wave of fear rolled over the battlefield, and it didn't start any rocks. Instead, after passing through countless troops, they contacted the two giant bases that had been assembled.

Lynn felt a very special feeling, as if all the fears were concentrated in the giant base...

Lin and the gel creatures fired numerous attacks on the base, but it seemed to be a step later. The fear energy concentrated in the base stayed for a while and then shot from the base, like a water column. Shoot in the distance.

This fear energy, the direction of aiming is... the kingdom of the people.

Although the distance is far away, the fear energy only needs to reach the position of the kingdom of the gods in a short time. It penetrates countless floating rocks and directly hits the gels that are blocked in the kingdom of the people. biological.

These gel creatures used to be shields to block the attack of fear waves several times, but this time Lynn felt... fear energy from them... worn in the past.

Not so smooth, the energy of fear seems to have passed through a narrow pipe, and the speed of the gel creature is slightly slower, but it still wears the past and directly hits the country of the people.

However, the energy of fear did not remain in the kingdom of the people, but in an instant, and continued to go far away.

However, at the moment the fear energy passed, Lynn noticed all the things inside... they were crazy.

"Ah, ah! No! I want to kill you! Let's die!"

The inhabitants were maddening. They picked up various weapons and attacked them wildly. These attacks were mainly due to... fear, because of extreme fear, they felt that all around were horrible monsters, but they produced a kind of The idea of ​​self-defense, therefore began to attack the surrounding targets.

Originally, Lin thought that they would be afraid of brain damage once again, but this phenomenon is somewhat different... It is true that micromachines should not kill them, but use them, although they do not know the reasons for their use.

In addition to the residents, many of the buildings here have also started... crazy.

Because these buildings have a control system in them, in fact, most of the buildings here can be it is very convenient to move the position later, but now there are big problems because those responsible The engineers in the mobile building are also crazy.

They entered the control room of the building and then started the movement of the entire building. This was originally a project that needed a lot of cooperation, and in a state of madness, these buildings would only sway down to the ground.

However, before they did so, they were stopped by the pompoms. Lin’s massive pompoms began to stop all the crazy actions of the residents inside.

At the same time, Lynn also paid attention to the situation outside.

The fear energy that flows like a water column has stopped at a certain place in the floating rock, and there... continues to spread.

It seems that they are not so good.

However, some of the units that Lin has been flying out of the floating rocky ground since the beginning of the battle have also got new news. They have found... the birthplace of the fearful waves. (To be continued.)

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