4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1012: Short break

The war... is over?

The situation here... Like Lin’s idea, the light of the explosion of war has now...has subsided.

This war has not lasted for a long time, but the glory of the explosion once covered a large area, and now it is nearing the end... Only a few mechanical bases are still resisting, they are constantly pouring There are no tactics and plans for all of your own energy.

Therefore, they are now disappearing one by one, when the last explosion rang... all the bases were destroyed.

And with their fear energy, they also dissipated in the floating rock.

Now, Lin’s troops and the team of gel creatures are...sweeping the battlefield, and the impact of this war on the floating rock is still quite big.

Because the two sides are constantly bombing, there are many blank areas in the floating rocky ground, that is, there are no places where rocks float, but there are still many wreckage.

Lin’s troops are collecting a lot of wreckage and researching those wrecks, and Lin’s most researched is the giant base that was captured before.

It is completely paralyzed by the influence of the small protector, so Lin can freely detect the various structures inside to understand the micro-mechanical weapon system and so on.

The various systems in Lin's base are quite interesting, and their weapon systems are mainly caused by a very explosive material.

However, these structures have obviously been placed here for a long time, until the fear energy starts them, they will move.

Lynn feels that she might be able to use other methods instead of fear energy to direct them, so that Lin can control the base and create similar ones.

But in the previous battle, Lynn also discovered that studying a structure that does not mean understanding all...micromachinery is not the same in structure, so they have previously shown different strengths and functions.

Gel creatures, Lin found that they are not doing research on the enemy... but doing something else, they are merging those injured arms together. It seems to be treating them.

As for those who were not injured, they filled the blank areas left by the war. They dragged some stones from other places to those areas where no stones floated.

This seems to be to maintain balance, but Lynn feels that even if there is no stone here, it will not be.

This war has also caused many creatures to be affected. But most of them have escaped, but they are not easy to live here again.

However, Lin and the gel creature seem to be doing various post-war treatments, but Lin and it both understand...

The war should not end so easily.

“Can you feel it?” When Lin’s attacking stone and the gel creature’s battleship approached, it sent this message to Lin: “Fear... is still pervasive. I can’t go out here, and I can’t go in.”

Although the description is very weird, it refers to the transmission, Lin also noticed from the beginning, this place is now ... can not be transmitted.

Accurately speaking, it is impossible to feel the position of the transmission. Before the transmission, the organ should be used to confirm the position of the transmission. However, when Lin uses the organ perception, he cannot feel the exact position and can only feel ... fear.

Fear energy uses some method to interfere with the biological transfer here... This effect continues, even if all the troops here are eliminated.

Lynn feels. The main reason is the large area of ​​fear outside the floating rock.

As long as you don't completely remove it, it won't be a victory... So, Lynn and the gel creature shared this information.

Gel creatures say they also know that the area is nearby, but it is more difficult to clean it up... but they are now ready.

Lynn noticed that gel creatures are preparing some special arms, and they are preparing for a strong arm, but they are similar to micromachines.

It is to combine some of the arms to make them bigger, while at the same time changing. The interior of these units is also constantly decomposing and integrating.

They told Lin that they were going to send some troops to the fear zone and let the troops clean up the fear there.

And when Lin asked them why they could stop fear, they did not elaborate. Lin believes that... this group of gel creatures themselves do not like communication.

They do have some ways to 'skew' fear energy, but don't know if they have a way to dissipate the fear energy, as the little nucleus did.

Lin also said that some troops should be dispatched and they should go to the fear zone together. Although Lin already has a pompom force there, but those pompons did not find anything.

Mainly because of their small number of relationships. This time, Lynn intends to dispatch a large number of troops, and if he searches thoroughly in that area, he should be able to discover something.

In this way, Lin and the gel creature are preparing quickly... A brand new force is quickly formed.

Only the gel creatures are brand new, their troops are made up of a large number of pieces of hundreds of meters of meat. There are many small units around these huge pieces of meat. Lin feels like a strange soldier, and according to the gel According to the creature, these units have the ability to block the energy of fear.

Lin asked the gel creatures about tactical things. The tactics they said were very similar to those of Lin, that is, the target to be dealt with is not fear energy, but something with fear energy.

As long as you find those things, destroy them. The fear energy is a bit special, but it still retains the characteristics of dream energy. When the load is destroyed, they will disappear.

Such a large amount of fear energy disappears... This reminds Lin of the scene when she defeats the brains dream...

Compared to the gel creatures, Lynn's forces seem to be 'normal' because they are made up of thousands of attack stones.

Lin has transferred a large number of attack stones that have been involved in the battle to the edge of the floating rock. They are all tens of meters in size, and they are equipped with a small guardian as one of the weapons.

Although it can't be transmitted now, Lin doesn't need to transfer reinforcements from a distance. The resources in the floating rock fields can create an endless stream of troops.

Now, both units have left the floating rock and started to send to the fear zone... (~^~)

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