4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1013: Wonderful information

"They are trying to make us lost..."

Lin and the forces of the gel creature... are marching in the endless void.

Although there seems to be nothing here, the feeling of moving forward here is like going forward with the maze.

There is a ubiquitous fear everywhere, which is why this place is called the fear zone, but it does not simply trigger fear.

They also trigger some other...information, false information.

Now, in every unit of the Lin army, all the senses except the visual are constantly receiving a variety of information.

There is a strange voice echoing here. It will be like a creature calling, and it will be like a bomb exploding, and it also has a strange smell.

Although it is in the void, the energy of fear can still put a variety of information into these senses.

At the same time, Lin can detect through the detection side that there are huge objects in the vicinity, they are in front, side, or anywhere, but they can not detect these huge objects by another detection method. Can detect a bunch of subtle, intensive things.

But from the point of view of vision, there is nothing in this place... Lin found that all the senses discovered by the arms are in conflict with each other, and they constantly provide different information... Only vision provides real.

Even if the mind in the brain knows this, but because of conflict with other senses, advancement becomes quite difficult... Simply put, it is a situation like this... even if nothing is seen, it will suddenly feel the front There may be a bomb and stop moving immediately.

The force of the gel creature. This is quite obvious for this. From the beginning, Lynn noticed that their troops stopped occasionally, then moved on immediately and then stopped.

Obviously it was very strongly disturbed.

Lin did not suffer from this interference, and Lin could quickly analyze the wrong information, but Lin still maintained the same speed as the gel creature.

Because Lynn feels what might happen next, this state is now vulnerable to attack, although no troops have been seen here.

There is mainly no micromachine here. It’s just pure fear energy. These energies have no direct lethality, but if they hide any weapons...

"Discovered..." Suddenly, Lynn received a message from a gel creature in countless wrong messages. At the same time, Lin noticed that the ten gel battleships in their troops suddenly accelerated and flew forward. After flying for about 30 kilometers, it stopped.

At the moment they stopped, Lynn saw in the void that she had nothing. Suddenly there was a huge object.

Lin felt that it was originally 'hidden' here, and the moment the gel battleship touched it, it appeared.

This object looks like a mirror. It has no rules like a stone, but its surface reflects the brilliance of the starry sky. It is more than ten kilometers overall. It is bigger than the largest combination base before.

but it. It doesn't seem to be any attacking action. Lin used to play the pompom to explore and didn't encounter this thing. Lin felt that it should move the position.

Several gel warships that had just touched it flew back at this time, and they also sent a message: "Crush it."

"Wait a minute." And Lin said to them, but also let an attacking stone fly to this mirror-like object, and then gently touch it to detect what it contains.

At the moment of touching it, the senses filled with false information before attacking the stone suddenly became...clear.

All the wrong information before disappeared.

Instead, ... another kind of information.

The composition of this mirror. It is a structure like Mengyan that can store dream energy. Lin feels that this thing is not... those made by micromachines.

Because its composition and the micro-machinery things that Lynn discovered before are very different, but the most important thing is that you can also receive some... images.

There is an image about ‘ocean’, that is, an image of a water polo, but this time it is not the surface of the water polo, but the inner view of the water polo.

The interior of the water polo, like the ocean, has vast waters and no other scenery... but Lin found that it is not just that, but it can continue to adjust the image... Continue to observe in the deeper water.

Lin slowly adjusted to the depths. When Lin made these things, the gel creature seemed to cooperate very well without any doubt and no direct attack.

However, they did not stay where they were, and some of them began to search elsewhere.

Lin’s troops are all here, and Lin is also paying attention to the situation in the image. As Lin adjusts the image down, although it feels deeper, the brightness in the image remains the same, as if it has been It is close to the position of the water.

Although Lin can see that it is getting farther and farther from the water surface, as the depth of sneak increases, Lin slowly discovers some... scenery, this is... mountain?

Lin found a lot of ... mountains, the tops of these mountains are flat and round, the size is not clear, because there is nothing in the picture that can be used as a ratio.

But these mountains should be very big. Lin can only see a small part of the mountain top. The mountain extends all the way to the depths of the ocean, but I can't know how deep the ocean is.

With the adjustment of Lin, the image slowly approached the top of a mountain. The ground on the top of the mountain looked like a common rock, but it was like what was flattened, and the summit was very smooth.

This smooth mountain top... nothing.

Lin felt that she should continue to explore down the hillside, and at the moment Lin thought so, the summit suddenly made a burst of noise.

Yes... There is a sound here. When the sound is heard, a lot of bubbles are rising on the smooth surface of the mountain top, but these bubbles are not floating, but all are like being glued to the ground.

‘咔’ At this time, there was a gap in the center of the smooth top of the mountain. From the gap, Lin looked inside and could see that it was pure darkness. At the same time, Lin had another feeling.

That is... fear, and some... information, which came to Lin’s thoughts when Lin saw the gap in the mountains. It seemed that the fear energy was sent to Lin.

Fear energy wants to express something to Lin... They come through there, and the mountain is actually something like the 'channel'.

Fear energy first came through here, that is to say... this mountain leads to unforeseen places?

However, there is no way for fear energy to return through it, so they will use the method of controlling micro-machines to create a collapse phenomenon before they can return to unforeseen places.

But what does it mean for them to give Lin this information? Or it's just some fake information, the purpose of deception is inside... but they don't know what to deceive.

It seems that I just want to explain that they come here through the mountains in the water polo. No matter how Lin remembers it, if there is a chance to go to the water polo, then see if there are any mountains... Then, Lin continued the exploration.

Because in addition to these mountains, it seems that the image can reach many other places, so Lin will continue to move down the hillside, so that it should reach the bottom of the sea.

After moving down for a while, Lin found a lot of strange things on the hillside. These things looked like... ice crystals.

They grow on the hillsides one by one, initially very sparsely sparse, but the denser they become, the more they go down.

I don't know what these things are, but they should not be ice, although they are very similar.

Further downhill, the hillside almost became a forest of 'ice crystals', they were densely populated, and Lynn saw some moving objects.

These objects are very much like...roots, they are very long, and they shuttle quickly through the ice crystal forest. Sometimes they roll up an ice crystal, break it up, then assemble the pieces to make another shape. Ice crystals.

Feeling is a very strange movement, and Lin feels that the root of the tree and the root of the creator...much like, but the root of the tree... is not connected to the ontology, it is a single activity in its own, saying it It is the root of the tree that is actually like a worm, but its surface does not have any organs.

Then continue to explore, Lin found that the mountain has become more and more wide, and the jungle of ice crystals has also increased, there are many such roots moving around, Lin found that they are responsible for adjusting the ice crystals, mostly Time is a little fiddling, such as adjusting the position of the ice crystals, or moving the ice crystals to another place.

Occasionally, the ice crystals are broken and reassembled.

At present, Lin is still not sure what they do, but one thing that can be confirmed is that these roots are not... wildlife.

They are part of a group whose mission is to adjust and maintain ice crystals.

These ice crystals also have some effect. Lynn tries to touch them and see what instructions are there, but there is no explanation at the moment.

Fear energy may not be known at all, or simply they don't want to say it.

As Lin explored these things, Lin suddenly received the signal of the gel creature... They said that they found more things like huge mirrors.

And also said that these huge mirrors should be destroyed, because the mirror should be the object carrying the fear energy. (To be continued.)

Ps: Thank you ~ Qiangzhen political commissar ~ Sakura Yuki ~ monthly ticket ~

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