Want to destroy them?

Lin was hesitant when she received the information about the gel creatures, because these huge mirrors in the fear zone seemed to have a lot of intelligence inside.

Lin feels that it should be studied, and gel creatures don't want to study. They think that they should attack immediately.

They didn't attack just because they were exploring the relationship. They just wanted to find more mirrors at once and then destroy them all at once.

But Lynn has some doubts, have they found all the mirrors, because the fear area is very large, their troops are unlikely to find all the mirrors in a short time, gel creatures mean they are not sure, but at least these Destroyed.

Then they launched an attack.

'boom! The explosion exploded on the surface of the huge mirror, but Lin had not given up on the research. Lin asked the attacking stone to wrap around the other side of the mirror and let it continue to detect information.

The gel creatures only attack one side, so they don't hit Lin's attacking stone for the time being, but they obviously don't care that there is a branch of the army there.

In fact, gel creatures should think that Lin is like them, the loss of the individual is negligible, and destroying these mirrors, which may be equipped with fear energy objects, is the most important thing.

So they don't care if they accidentally hurt Lin's one or two units, but they attacked them all. Under their bombardment, the surface of the mirror began to burst rapidly, revealing the complex structure inside.

The attacking stone, which was researched on the other side, also found some new information.

This attacking stone has been testing the image of the water polo that came from the mirror. The image shows the jungle used for ice crystals on the hillside and the tree roots that are adjusting a lot of ice crystals.

I have been exploring this kind of scenery for a long time, and Lin has been wondering what these ice crystals and roots are, and the answer is when the gel creatures start attacking... suddenly popping out.

It seems that the fear energy in the mirror always has an answer. And this answer came out after being attacked by the attack.

It turns out that these are forest-like ice crystals, all of which are ... biological information bases, various creatures in the void, mainly cell-like organisms, whose nuclear information is preserved in these ice crystals.

Every piece of information is solidified by a special substance. It seems that this will keep it from damaging, and a large amount of solidified information will pile up together and look like ice crystals from the outside.

The creatures with the same roots should be called 'adjusters'. They are responsible for maintaining these ice crystals, but they still have a lot of tasks. They don't know what to do. The information about fear energy is not explained in detail.

All in all, these ice crystals store information about huge amounts of living things. Where did the information come from?

If the water polo is indeed the 'sea of ​​creation', then this information may come from the creators distributed throughout the void.

The creators continually repeat the process of creation and destruction, and each time they destroy, they collect all the biological information, and the entire creator group may have a place to place information.

Maybe it is water polo.

But Lynn can't confirm that the news is true, unless I go to the water polo to confirm... After all, the information that fear energy says is not clear.

‘Boom! When Dang Lin thought about it. The brilliance of the explosion slowly swallowed up the entire mirror, although it was ten kilometers in size. But there is no counterattack ability.

Therefore, it soon disappeared.

After the mirror was destroyed, Lynn did feel that the fear energy here became... a little lighter, and although it was filled with fear energy, they would not continue to send a lot of wrong information to Lynn's troops.

It seems that destroying the mirror is really effective.

Then, Lin let the troops spread. Let them fly to each gel creature to find the position of the mirror and observe the process of destroying the mirror.

Now, they have found six mirrors, each with an irregular shape like a stone, more than one kilometer in size.

It feels like something big. But they don't have any counterattack ability, and there is no guardianship here, which makes Lin feel quite strange.

Although I used the wrong message to get lost to Jean Lin and the gel creature, it only delayed a little, and I was able to move on.

These fear energies... What are you thinking about? Lynn wants to know this.

The gel creature started to attack, like destroying the previous one, destroying the remaining few and they are quite actionable...

Lin asked them to wait a little before they attacked, and then let the attacking stone touch each mirror. All the mirrors gave Lin the same information as the original one. There was nothing special about it.

The gel creatures didn't wait too long. When Lin explored it a little, they immediately attacked, and Lin didn't stop it, but let them start fighting.

After all the mirrors have been destroyed, the fear energy in the fear zone has become even lighter, but they are still here, and obviously there are other loads.

Then, only continue to look for it.

"They...have been attacked."

When Lin wanted to let the troops gather back to continue exploring, suddenly the gel creature sent such a message.

One of its forces suffered from ... attacks, and this attack caused them to be completely destroyed.

There were ten troops scattered before the gel creatures looking for a mirror, but now only six are found, the remaining three are still looking for, and one is attacked.

It seems that the fear energy will still fight back, but why are they attacking now?

With this doubt, Lin and the gel creatures let the troops go to the place where the troops were attacked.

The gel creature said that its troops suffered from guns from many sides in an instant, and even did not know where the opponent was. It seemed to be a very hidden thing.

After arriving at the area where the gel creatures said the troops were destroyed, Lin and they all saw a ... very conspicuous thing, it has no hidden meaning.

This thing is also like a mirror, but it is not a mirror, but... water.

Or it is a liquid that occupies an area of ​​more than ten kilometers, and it is filled with quite... intense fear, as if all the fears after destroying the mirror were concentrated here. (To be continued.)

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