What kind of substance is this?

It looks like water. The liquid that appeared in front of the eyes of the eyes occupied a range of ten kilometers. From the outside, there was nothing in the liquid, but it contained a very strong... fear.

"Destroy it."

When I saw this liquid, the gel creatures reacted as usual, and they were ready to attack. A large number of gel warships took off their parts and sprinkled them on the snow. Tablet liquid.

'boom! The explosion also followed.

The explosion made Lin feel a little... surprised, because the explosion occurred around the battleship of the gel creature, and the debris that flew out of the battleship did not fly far, actually it was just the one that had just left. At a moment, they exploded.

The light of the explosion swallowed all the warships that radiated debris, and Lin looked at their bodies becoming smaller and smaller in the explosion, and finally completely shattered... they were blown up by their own explosives.

Before Lin, I have seen such a... self-destructive scene.

It's like a catcher, and there's a variety of things that Lynn sees in the data... creatures trying to get close to the water polo, their death is very similar to the battleship of the current gel creature.

This gave Lin an idea, and the liquid that I see now may come from... water polo.

"It... is interfering with me." The gel creatures did not continue to attack, they sent out some information, and Lin explained briefly the reasons for the previous self-explosion.

There is no point in this explanation. Lin needs to test it herself... So, Lin asked an attacking stone to open the surface of the muzzle, and fired a missile from it. The missile flew away with the dazzling tail flame to the distant liquid. .

There are many lingering senses in the missile. If it is controlled and blew, Lin can clearly feel that during the missile flight, Lynn also carefully feels trying to capture any possible information.

And... the missile did not blew itself. It has not been affected and has been flying into the liquid.

The feeling after flying in... It is very similar to ordinary water, and its flight does not last long, and Lin feels a powerful...power. It seems that something has hit the side of the missile.

The missile also exploded, and the energy of the explosion spread in the water, causing the water surface to sputter a very high...splash, and the wave did not rush into the void, but it seemed to be shrunk back by gravitational influence. Then the water surface returned to its original calm.

This is really a... weird place.

But the previous one was not blasted by the impact, but Lin wanted to explode and see what would happen. It seems that it will not cause any harm to this water area.

However, Lin is even more strange is why the missile will not be affected by it and blew itself? There may be many reasons for this...

"Destroy it... it must be destroyed." When Lin was thinking about various things, the gel creatures moved again, and more warships threw fine explosives into the waters.

This time, these explosives did not explode immediately, but steadily flew to the target... it seems. Just like the kind of self-destruction just happened once?

Perhaps it is because the influence of water polo has not been able to continue here.

But Lynn believes that the main reason for the self-explosion is that the water polo uses some method... to control these explosives, and this control ability may not be very good here.

Numerous finely broken explosives fell into the water, and suddenly the surface of the water seemed to have been hit by heavy rain, and there were countless ripples.

Moreover, the water splashed this time did not retract, but all drifted to the surrounding void.

Therefore, if it has been bombed so much, it is indeed possible to completely blast this water.

But... this water area doesn't seem to be so simple to die, although it doesn't use any counterattack. But Lynn found out... it actually began to grow.

Lynn noticed that the entire waters began to swell, and it grew faster than the gel creatures blew it up. It was like the constant influx of water in the water, making it swell in a short period of time. Doubled the size.

It is also the size of the original ten kilometers. It has increased to twenty kilometers, and its expansion has not stopped, the entire water area is constantly increasing, and every second, its volume will be larger than the original.

Moreover, Lynn also found that ... the bombing of gel creatures has no effect. The debris exploded before it reached the surface.

But this is not self-destructive as controlled, but these crumbs have slammed into a...transparent thing.

These things are in front of the water, so that the attack of the gel creature can not reach the water directly, perhaps this is the same thing as the missile that hit Lin in the water.

Lynn also allowed some of the attacking stones to participate in the battle. They fired a large number of missiles that were directed at the expanding waters, and they hit something first before hitting the water.

The things seemed to be very strong, they blocked the explosion, but in the distance it seemed that the missile exploded on its own, and the brilliance of its explosion spread out, seemingly not blocked by anything.

This is mainly the result of sensory disturbances. The strong fear emanating from the waters is now interfering with the senses of the arms, and this time it even affects vision.

Lin believes that this interference should almost be ruled out.

From the very beginning, Lynn can distinguish the false information brought by the interference, but Lin did not rule out before, that is, I want to see what the main impact will be caused by the interference... Now, Lin decided to exclude them, just use the thoughts a little. It’s quite easy to control the various senses of the arms.

At the moment when the interference was removed, Lin noticed the scenery in front of me... The change was not very big. The original clear and transparent waters are still the same now, but Lin believes that this water area is not transparent, and there must be a lot of mixed inside. thing.

However, the effect that it looks transparent is not caused by the sensory influence of fear energy, so it is no different to look at this water area after removing the influence.

The other thing is different.

Above the surface of the water, there are a large number of objects that were originally completely transparent, but after Lin excluded the influence of the senses, Lin saw them.

These objects, like the roots of trees, are quite similar to the roots that Lynn saw in the information image. They are mostly protruding from the water, and some are like plants growing in the water. These are like Everything in the roots has a diameter of thirty meters or more.

Their length is not yet judged, but it should be hundreds of meters because they protrude from the water and all attacks hit the roots.

Under the roar of the explosion, the roots are constantly being shattered one by one, but they continue to stretch out of the water, thus constantly blocking the explosion.

Gel creatures seem to have seen them too.

Lynn noticed the small gel creatures around the gel battleship, which were all around the battleship. Lin felt that under the siege of these small gel creatures, those fears would not touch the battleship.

Lynn feels that through this method... avoids the sensory influence of the warship suffering from fear,

And they are like Lin, they didn't use this method at first, but they started using it now... but they don't know what they think.

In short, now they have strengthened their attacks, and under their constant bombing, the roots of those that rush out of the water have become less and less.

They still can't fight the speed of destruction at the speed of regeneration. Slowly these roots are all gone... disappeared.

But at this time, the waters also swelled to the size of ... 50 kilometers, it looks like a piece of ... ocean.

However, compared to its volume, the fear energy contained in it does not increase with volume, but becomes even more... sparsely.

At the same time, it has stopped growing and has not done anything else, and gel creatures continue their attacks.

There are a lot of warships in gel creatures. Even if this water area is five times larger than before, they can blow it up, but it takes a little longer than before.

Lin also participated in this battle, but only involved a small number of attacking stones. The missiles launched by these attacking stones did not bomb, but moved to the depths of the waters. They also collected information while moving.

However, most of the missiles that entered the depths of the waters exploded because they were attacked and there were quite a few roots in the waters, but they did not continue to stretch out.

Although they will attack these missiles of Lin, they will not do more things, they will not stretch out and resist, and these roots are waiting here...and they are destroyed by the waters.

They... should have their own ideas.

Lin did not give up, but continued to launch a large number of missiles into the waters. Each missile was able to detect various information in the water. At the same time, the attack of the gel creatures continued to destroy the place.

At last……

The situation here is over.

The huge waters were completely dissipated under continuous bombing, and there was almost nothing left here, including the fear energy that was originally quite strong.

Not only the energy here, but Lin feels that the fear energy in the entire fear zone is fading. Is it that all the energy loads here have been completely destroyed?

After the fear energy has disappeared, it becomes a normal void space, as if everything had not happened before.

"It's over." After the gel creatures sent out such information, they began to fly back.

"Really finished?"

Lin asked them. (~^~)

Ps: Thanks ~ the big man demon ~ the reward ~

Thanks ~smlhzd2~zoiberg~Feng Zhiyue~The empty space~ lazy sky~ the monthly ticket~

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