4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1020: factory

This is a dark place...

The width is only about two meters, a narrow passage is in front of Lin's eyes, and floating on the passage, giving Lin a vision is a pom-pom.

The pompom is flying slowly along the passage. After flying a distance, the pompom sees a wide area in front of it. It is like a huge square with a diameter of about 300 meters. The ground here looks like Crystallized, if it is illuminated with light, it will reflect a dazzling light.

However, there is nothing in itself because this is a abandoned place, a factory that has been abandoned.

In the process of exploring the energy of fear before, Lin found a large number of empty areas, but found it when almost the last area was explored.

This place looks like a mountain, a mountain of crystal-like, shiny material.

It is 19 kilometers in size and has numerous cave-like entrances on the surface, so Lynn lets Clarke approach it, and then a large number of pompons fly into these entrances.

Through the memory of fear energy, Lin has a little understanding of the mountain, that is, this mountain is a construction factory.

It is used to produce something, but Lynn does not know that it is at a marker point near the floating rock.

Now, the square where the inside of a pom-pom is reached is a ‘construction point’. Although this place has been abandoned, Lin can still see some records.

In fact, Lin does not know the reason for its abandonment, but the fear energy indicates in memory that it has been abandoned.

Thinking about it. Lynn let the pompom fly to the center of the square. And according to the information obtained from the memory, the fluff is extended and gently touches the ground.

This fluff has a dream energy. Lin believes that it should be able to trigger some of the organs here. Of course, these organs were originally triggered by fear energy, but Lin felt that using other dream energy might also trigger.


Suddenly, Lin found that the surrounding area began to vibrate, and a large number of cracks appeared on the ground of this vast square. Lin found that liquid-like substances poured out of these cracks.

The liquids were black, they all rushed to the center of the square, then gathered together and slowly formed a shape.

When it is finished, the liquid begins to become...solid, so they also become a piece...something.

This piece of things that Lin had seen before, is in the mirror of those fear energy as a carrier.

Its surface is mirror-like and the shape is like a stone, but it's much smaller than what Lynn saw before. Only ten meters in size.

But Lynn thinks that it is exactly the same as those that are exactly the same. This is so small because... it's just a 'model', it's just showing what it was created before.

In other words, the mirrors of fear energy are made here. Did they abandon this after they were made?

This factory is not much bigger than those mirrors, but they can form multiple parts and then assemble into the void.

Lin's pompom flew before the model mirror that had just been formed. The fluff was stretched out and some tests were performed. At the same time, some liquids remaining on the ground were detected. Lin found that these liquids were...micromachines.

It's a little different from the ones I've seen before. This should be a type that is built specifically for construction, and they don't have their own 'consciousness' and only work according to the set instructions.

Lynn feels that this place may have a large number of such micro-machines. The fear energy used to construct a lot of things here, and then they left the micro-machines here.

It should be like this, in short, some research can be done here.

Maybe you can find out what the fear energy had made here before. It should not only be a mirror, but they certainly made something else.

'Snapped! After the moment. The original Craken was on the square. Although the square was narrower than Craken's body, Craken could still get in by shrinking his tentacles.

Lin now let Craken release more arms. Lynn decided to let them completely test the factory and occupy this place. Lin felt that she could transform it into a warship or something else...

This feeling is...

Lin suddenly noticed that there was a change in the position here, but because Lin did not have any units to stay outside, I did not know the specific situation.

Lin immediately let a pompom that was closest to the exit fly outside the factory. When the pompom left, Lin saw a very different environment.

Originally, this factory floated in the void, but after the pompom went out, it saw a vast ... earth, the ground is a plain of rock, extending to the distance to see the towering and continuous mountains, looking up It is a starry sky.

It seems that the factory was transmitted to a tumbling person. The most important thing is... After coming out, Lin suddenly felt a strong fear.

Is it here... where is the fear energy hiding? And Lynn also noticed that although it is also near the floating rock, it is not marked by fear energy.

In other words, fear energy finds a new place as its hiding point, and Lin can't find it based on its previous mark.

This is quite normal, but why should it bring this factory here?

But since I found it, Lin decided to communicate with the fear energy a little... exchange it.

Thinking, Lin let the pompom fly away from the factory and flew over the plain outside.

Lin mainly wants to... see if she can 'peace peacefully' with it, because Lin feels that there are other ways to reach the unforeseen land, and it is not necessary to collapse.

Mainly now that I know the memory of fear energy, Lin thinks that they are possible...communicating, so that Lin can go with them to the unpredictable land.

However, if they are unwilling, then there is no way, they can only continue the previous war, and they must always pursue the energy of fear until they are completely eliminated.

Because, Lynn does not want to let the collapse happen, and fear energy is indeed a threat to many creatures... unless they are allowed to go back safely...

'boom! ! ! ’

Lin did not send a signal of communication, and saw an unusually explosive explosion over the plains in the distance...

The blast of the explosion seemed to be the feeling of several dozen '78 bombs' blasting together. (To be continued.)

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