4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1021: Collision explosion

'boom! ’

In the sky above the wilderness, there is a constant resounding...the roar of the roar. Oh,

Of course, there is no air here, so these sounds are simulated by Lin, and Lin's pompom is floating in the air, watching it is a spectacular sight.

Every few seconds, you can see a huge fireball blooming in the distant plains. The intense brilliance instantly illuminates this dark world, and soon it is fleeting and calm.

Whenever the radiance illuminates everything, Lin can see such a scene.

On both sides of the plain, there are two different environments, one is the continuous high peaks of rocky peaks, and the other is the canyon terrain, with many large cracks on the ground.

The peaks and valleys are separated by tens of kilometers, and every few seconds, some missiles are emitted from the mountains and valleys.

These missiles vary in shape, some are spherical, some are disc-shaped, and some are... triangular.

But no matter what shape, they fly at the same speed, and their purpose is to fly to the center of the plain, colliding with the missile launched by the other side.

The power of the explosion is not exactly the same. Sometimes it is quite powerful, sometimes it is relatively weak. Lin feels that these missiles are made of materials similar to the '78 type bomb.'

Their impact caused a strong explosion that illumined the surface of the world, but even after the explosion, the light of these missiles would not completely fade.

Because Lynn noticed that there were a lot of ‘lakes’ below their explosion point.

To be precise, there are some big holes that shine, but it also looks like a lake with glowing lakes. When the explosion above, the luminescent substances in these holes will be particularly bright.

Lin feels that this is somewhat like the luminescence produced after the explosion of the gravitational ball. It needs research and research to determine.

But when can you study in the past?

Now, the explosion is still going on. It looks like the two forces are fighting, they are constantly shooting missiles to attack each other, but there is a problem...that is, their missiles all collide with each other very accurately, and no one deviates from the course.

therefore. Lin feels that they are also experimenting with some kind of experiment... missile collision.

Thinking, Lin let a pompom... fly over.

The pompons flew over the plains, and they clearly felt the fear of spreading on the plain. The fear was like a thick fog covering the ground. They were quite... strong.

If there are other creatures here. How did they survive the influence of this fear?

While flying here, Lin is also preparing troops in the floating rock. The fear here must be removed. After Lin and Gel Bio said the situation here, they are also planning to attack here.

But before that, Lynn decided to first understand the situation here, see if there will be living creatures here, and the fear here... Will it run away?

It should have been known that Lynne arrived here and found it. I don’t know if the fear energy will run away, or will it be prepared to deal with it...

No matter which. Lin felt that there was no problem.


The explosion once again gave off a dazzling brilliance. Lin's pompoms were already close to the explosion site, and some of them might be hurt...

Therefore, Lynn stopped the pompoms and continued to observe. Lin believes that no matter what purpose they launch missiles, it is impossible to always launch them.

So there will definitely be a moment to stop...


It seems that it has stopped.

Over the past three thousand seconds, the missile has not been launched, it seems that it is now a safe stage. So Lin let the pompon move on and flew to the area where the missile exploded.

Here, you can see a lot of light-filled potholes, though. Lin feels that it is better to call them 'Light Lake' because Lin found that the luminescent material inside is liquid, and some are like... lava, obviously a very high temperature substance.

The missiles are all exploded in the air and will not blow to the surface, but the explosion will still affect these 'light lakes' on the surface.

Lynn also found out. There are some things beside the light lake... moving.

These things look a lot like...transparent pipes, they are crawling on the ground, then they reach into the lake and begin to absorb the luminescent liquids in the lake.

The liquid flows down the pipe, causing the pipe to slowly illuminate, and Lynn notices that the pipes extend far away.

And they extend in the direction of two missile launches... The mountain and the canyon, after seeing these two places, Lin decided to let the pompom fly to the mountain, and then let another pompom The canyons fly, these two places should be inhabited by certain creatures, or this is the energy of fear.


As Lin’s pompons began to move, Lin went to the canyons and mountains to launch those missiles again.

However, this time the missile did not fly to the center of the plain where they had collided before, but flew in the other direction.

That direction...is the location of the factory where Lynn arrived.

This huge object of more than a dozen kilometers is now lying on the ground, and Lin is still not sure why it was transmitted here, although it is because of it that Lin found this position so quickly.

Lin is more confused now, why is it attacked?

'boom! ! ! 'Several missiles have already flown in, they collide with the crystal-like shell on the factory. In the fierce roar, the shell of the factory collapses instantly, and numerous cracks spread wildly in the factory and in the body. .

The pompoms that were explored everywhere in the factory saw this sight.

Although the explosion did not destroy the entire factory, it was not a single attack. Lin noticed that more missiles had flown from those two places.

And the factory itself... without any defensive capabilities, it can only be here until...


The ray of the explosion, and then even the three lights, a large number of missiles continue to fly, when the missile's launch slowly stopped ... the original huge factory, has become debris and debris.

On top of this wreck, Lin's arm, Craken, was floating in the air. It escaped from the explosion and looked at the places where missiles were launched in the distance.

Lynn wants to know why they blow up the factory.

If the attack is against Lin, it means that there may be no other creatures here, and the missiles are all emitting fear energy.

Thinking, Lin's Clarke flew high in the direction of the mountains, and during the flight, a large number of missiles were also launched from the mountains and flew straight to Craken.

'boom! The missile exploded, but it exploded on the ground far from Clarken.

Because they didn't hit, the missed missile didn't seem to fly all the way, but it would hit the ground and explode.

Although I don't know why, Kraken is now close to the mountain.

There are many mountains here, but the missiles all fly out of a mountain.

From the outside, the mountain is a pure rock structure, and its missile launch is a place close to the top of the mountain.

There are a lot of holes in it, and the missile is flying from here.

Looking at it, Lynn let Craken approach the place where the missiles were launched.

At the moment of approaching, Lin suddenly noticed that a spherical missile was shot from the hole, and when the missile approached Craken, Craken's figure disappeared.

When Clarken appeared again, the missile had already flown into the distance.

Although there is a strong fear here, it can still be transmitted, so it is very easy to do some evasive action.

After it was launched this time, Craken immediately released more than a dozen pompons, which quickly flew into the hole launched by the missile...

this is……

Lin found that there was a cave-like space inside, and there were many missiles of various shapes on the ground.

Around these missiles, there are many... moving things.

They look like... a creature called ‘bandy’, about six meters long, whose body appears to be covered with a rock-structured shell and floats slowly on the ground.

Lynn found that they were pushing those... missiles.

Because the pompoms are now in stealth, as if these 'bandits' didn't notice, Lin looked at a group of bandits and pushed the missile to a hole, then made a little bit behind the missile, and suddenly the missile fired fiercely. Shine and rush towards the cave.

The target of its attack, of course, is outside of Clarken, but this time it was escaped by Craken.

And the bandits are working harder, pushing more missiles into front of the launching hole and adjusting the missiles to launch.

But before they fired, the hole was blocked by Craken.

The huge tentacles stretched out through the launch, and a lot of small tentacles stretched out on the skin of the large tentacles, and Craken wrapped all the bandits that launched the missiles in a few seconds.

They didn't want to run away, and Lynn felt that they were attacking Kraken's tentacles with some sharp objects, as if they wanted to break the tentacle.

Moreover, more of the bandits caves have floated out of the depths. Many of them have seen the Kraken's tentacles flying directly to attack, and there are still many bandits who are actually pushing those missiles. Some bandits have already fired missiles. It’s wonderful to have Clarke, which makes Lin feel wonderful...

Can you say... Are they planning to launch missiles at this place? That would only lead to a ... result.

This mountain may disappear. (To be continued.)

Ps: Thanks ~~ King 16~'s reward~

Thanks ~112211211212~俺 is not a hero~ thousand miles winetown~ the monthly ticket~sf0916

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