4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1029: Table bombing

Above the earth, it is filled with smoke.

"Most has been cleared."

This piece of soot is formed by countless debris, which originally belonged to some large objects... objects that were synthesized by micromachines.

Micromachines wanted to use this method to attack, but they have all been turned into powder.

"But continue to clear."

The machines that fried these machines into powder were the huge pieces of meat in the sky, not long ago... the gel troops arrived here.

At the moment they appear, they bombard all the objects on the surface of the world that contain the energy of fear. They are completely different from Lin. There is no idea to study this, just to get rid of the fear here.

However, under Lin's request, they were still a little late, and they would have arrived earlier and cleared everything here.

If they arrive early, Lynn may not be able to get the transmission organs of fear energy, and may also let the fear energy and machinery here escape.

However, Lynn is not sure if the one she got is the only thing she can deliver.

Now, the gel creatures are scattered in the air, they fly to every corner of the world, and all the fears on the surface are blown up.

Because the micromachines here are not very powerful, so Lin should not need to join them, so the battle is first handed over to the gel creature, and Lin only needs some arms to follow them.

Lin’s attacking stone remained in the mountains, and the mountain was destroyed before, but the missiles inside were all made out of Lin.

I was made together. There are those inside... the bandits.

Although not completely rescued. But it also saved a lot. Lin wants to know if the fear of the world disappears, whether they can re-establish civilization in this world, so the surviving individuals need more.

Because Lin is not very likely to make this kind of creature, some...the details are not fully understood.

However, Lin knows about these 'cold stone creatures' and almost cell biology.

Now that these bandits have been brought out, they have maintained their previous attitude and attacked Lin without fear. So first get a prison... and trap them.

After finishing this, what Linde had to do was to test the collapsed mountain. Lynn was very curious about how the micromachines attacked the mountain before, because there was no fear energy around them, they might have some way to sneak into it. Come in, or say...

In short, there are many possibilities, so there are already a lot of Lin... the worm-type arms have entered the collapsed mountains.

They move rapidly in the gap between the rocks and have reached the depths of the ground below the mountain.

it's here. Lin found the traces of the explosion, and... some small tunnels.

They are really very small. These tunnels are only a few centimeters in diameter, the largest is ten centimeters, but they are always going deep into the ground, as if something was specially dug out.

These narrow tunnels are also suitable for Lin's worms to move forward, so Lin let the worms move deep into the tunnel.

Tunnels may be excavated by micro-machines. They only need to dig out very thin roads and then assemble explosives when they are close to the mountain.

They may have been so sneak attack, but... Lin did not find traces of micro-machines in the tunnel, but found many traces of cold stone creatures.

This is what they are expelling, a tiny grainy object that has a lot in every tunnel.

It seems that there are a lot of mini-type cold stone creatures living here... but only seeing the traces, not seeing the living individual.

Drilled into the ground for almost a hundred meters, the fastest worm found a ... special place.

This position... appeared... crystallized.

It is the kind of crystal that the nucleus guards found here, except that there is no nucleator in these crystals. It belongs to a kind of mineral that is originally located here.

As the worm progressed, Lynn discovered that this underground contained a large amount of this crystallization, and that the worms of other tunnels came to the same depth and found it at the same time.

There seems to be quite a lot of this material here, and Lin feels that this substance may not be formed by ‘natural’.

After some tests, Lin felt that they were made of something... Although they could not be seen from the outside, when they touched the crystallization into the dream, they found that they were neatly arranged and arranged.

Lin feels that this should have a deep connection with the kind of protector.

Therefore, Lin went underground to make more... bigger worms, and Lin decided to completely clarify the underground crystal structure, for example, how big it is and how it was formed.

In addition to the worms and bandits, there is something else in this world... Civilization is here, or something special, that these protectors are created.

From the historical description of the raging worms... The larvae originally worshipped these crystallizations, but they did not specifically worship any creatures.

But according to their records, Lynn can find that crystallization is a very special thing, they often appear on the surface in a special form, which is the reason for the initial worship of the worm.

Another point is that the worm can cure some of its spiritual problems through crystallization... This makes crystallization very useful for worms.

But at some point, they suddenly discovered that there was a ... creature in the crystal that they felt that the creature had a bad influence on crystallization and then they were studying to expel them.

The raging insects succeeded in expelling the creatures in the crystallization. After that, the fear energy came. Lin felt that there were some problems.

When Lin thought about it, Lin had a worm that discovered something new...

The worm was drilled into a relatively open cave. The entire cave was 30 meters in diameter and the wall was completely composed of crystals.

If it shines inside, it can make the whole cave become very dazzling, but Lin pays more attention to some things in the cave. The ground of this cave is covered with many... silk.

They are very small, but they are densely covered here, and it feels like a fungus, but the environment here is obviously not suitable for the usual fungal life.

So, Lin asked the worm to detect the silk, and Lin found that the inside of the thread... was hollow, and there was a micromachine inside.

This is a micromachine that is not activated. They are squeezed into these wires that are only one millimeter thick... Lin feels that they will move because of fear energy.

However, they do not seem to threaten at the moment, so Lin first released some micro-arms to break them down.

As Lin decomposed these micro-machines, Lin also let the arms move along these lines. Lin soon discovered that all the threads had a 'concentration point' under the crystallized cave.

At this point of concentration, all the wires are rolled together, and a large number of wires are rolled into a coil of one meter in diameter.

There are a lot of silk threads that extend from other places and do not grow above the crystallized caves, but they all gather in one location, and this location also has a large number of micro-machines.

All the micromachines are in an un-started state, and these micromachines are somewhat...wonder.

Although they don't move, most of them are in a certain position, not the way they usually rest.

To put it simply, these machines look like they are fighting fiercely, and then suddenly they are fixed. This is a phenomenon that Lin...has seen.

In fact, after removing the fear in the micro-machines, they suddenly stop moving like this, and it looks like it is solidifying.

The micromachines here should all be suddenly removed from fear, and the things that remove their fear are at the center of the thread.

This is a protector.

There is a small piece of crystal in the center of the wire wrapped, and inside the crystal, Lin found a nucleator... It is almost exactly the same as the one found before, and it is a kind of protection that has little effect on other biological thinking. Nuclear.

However, it is also slightly different from other protectors, mainly... personality.

"What? Are you something that can be guarded?"

When Lin entered the dream to see it, it said to Lin... Lin heard a fairly familiar sentence, Lin did not answer the question, but asked directly what happened here.

"There was a thing that couldn't be guarded here." The nucleus responded: "But now everything has become guarded, so I will guard it here for a long time... forever guarding it."

Lin asked: "So you want to leave here, go to other places that can be guarded?"

“Is there anything else that can be guarded?” The nucleator immediately said, “I am going!”

Then, Lin took it away. If she saw such a nucleus guard, Lin would definitely take them away, so that it can be easily studied.

And you can use them to do something like treatment.

After Lin let some worms dig it away, he continued to explore here. Lin used many micro-arms to move in different directions with each thread.

These wires also extend to many places and are filled with micromachines.

Lin felt that the micro-machines had invaded here before, but they were eliminated from the fear energy and kept still.

Because of their large number, Lin feels that there should be more nucleators here, and should also be able to find out...what is the reason for their aggression here.

Generally, the fear energy ignores the various creatures in the local area, unless... It feels that there are creatures threatening it, and then the troops will attack the target. This underground must have something... something that makes fear energy care. (To be continued.)

Ps: Thanks ~ Immortal Apple ~ rewards ~

Thanks ~ 俺 really not a hero ~ listen to snow ah ~ smokeless ~ o Shangguan phoenix o ~ monthly ticket ~

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