4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1030: Silk thread in the ground

There is more and more smoke in this world. Oh,

The army of gels drifted through the air, and they will be attacked by the raging rain. These seemingly small substances bombard the vast wilderness...

It is full of potholes.

Under the explosion, the energy of fear disappeared along with the micromachines... destroyed.

Although micro-machines have counterattacks, they are not opponents of the gel biological forces. Whether it is power or anything else, the micro-machines in this world are much weaker than the group of wars floating in the rock, even if they can destroy some coagulation. Glue troops, but will soon be overwhelmed by countless explosives.

At this rate, the gel creature will soon clean the whole world... However, Lynn feels that it should be able to solve the secret of the world before then.

Because some worms have reached a considerable depth, Lin found some wires... some of the wires that have not been attacked by micromachines.

The micro-mechanical accumulation in the silk, and some of the original structure of these silks, Lin found that ... the main manufacturer of crystal.

This can be said to be a ... very large creature, some like a bus-like creature, its nerve structure, buried deep in the end.

The silks that Lynn sees now are part of it, but not all, and the bigger part is deep.

This creature is actually very different from the bus-like creatures. This tumbling person is not its own. It just lives in the ground.

However, it is also quite large in itself, and it is crystallized with it.

It collects a lot of things from the ground, then reconstructs them and slowly combines them into what they are now crystallizing.

The purpose of doing this is still unclear. These things are known through the neural structure of the silk... In fact, this silk creature is also a cold stone creature.

It seems to be their 'base camp', and Lynn has not seen so many coldstone creatures on the same tumbling.

And this silk creature itself can be considered ... dead. Although there is still a 'blood' in the silk thread, the function inside has completely disappeared, and the micro-mechanical machine has been dug up and rushed deep into the silk thread.

But they don't occupy all the threads, they don't move.

and so. Lin will see a lot of micro-machines in the silk, and Lin feels that they are invading the body, not invading the living things.

Anyway, Lin can still investigate its memory from the liquid of the silk, knowing what happened here...

It seems to start from a long time. This creature has been here for a long time. It has nothing special to do, it is to make some crystals.

The overall shape of the silk creature is wonderful, it has a silky neural structure, and there are some 'body'.

These body structures are somewhat like...hands, but they are quite huge, and silk creatures control these hands and use them to make crystals.

Although the purpose of the original crystallization was not clear, the silk did have this meaning. It is to put the crystallization on the surface, and then let the creatures like the worms worship the crystal.

Originally its time has been very... peace, until ... the arrival of fear.

Fear energy suddenly appeared in the world at that time, and they immediately made all the creatures they were exposed to go crazy, and the force micro-machines of fear energy also quickly moved underground.

The silk thread hiding in the ground began to feel scared. This is not the influence of fear, but it is really scared, but it also has a way to deal with fear, that is... to get the protector.

It seems to have a good understanding of what dream energy is. The silk thread specially prepared a piece of crystal, and used this piece of crystal to make the first protector.

But in the process of manufacturing... The micromachines of fear energy have been dug deep underground, and some micromachines have touched the wires, and they immediately begin to attack.

They drill through the nerves of the thread. Decomposing the ‘hand’ of the thread, but not ruining the crystallization of the thread, so the thread is at this time... put the protector out.

The nucleator cleared the micromachinery full of fear. At this time, the silk thread also created more nurturing guards, and let these nucleators go to the world to ... aid.

at this time. The worm has not been affected, because the energy of fear has not polluted the world once, and they are still living... adoring the crystallized life of silk production.

In order to protect these admirers, the silk thread sent some guardian pasts to the crystallization of the wrath of the wrath.

However, after the larvae felt the nucleus in the crystallization, they felt that this was a bad thing, and then tried to remove the nucleus. If there was no way to remove it, they would throw away the whole piece of crystal.

The end of the way they do this leads to the need to keep their anger alive afterwards...

After that, the movement of the micro-machine attacking wire has not stopped, but intermittently. The wire itself is like a huge mesh covered with the ground, and the mesh becomes more and more under the attack of micro-mechanical. The smaller it is.

Although the wire will make the protector, it is too large and the protector has no way to completely block the micromachine.

Finally, after the micromachine successfully destroyed an important part of the thread, or the organ..., the thread did not move any more.

The micro-mechanics also retreated. They ignored the nucleators who were manufactured, and did not continue to destroy the entire body of the silk, so Lin could see these... records.

This is probably the case... Lin added some guesses in it, because the memory I read here is definitely incomplete. In general, this silk creature seems to be a very strange thing.

However, after it died, the energy of fear completely occupied the world, and Lin was very concerned about how it made the protector.

Therefore, according to the description in memory, Lin asked some of the branches to go to the first place where the nucleator was made.

This place is in a deeper position. In the memory, Lin did not see too detailed description, just know that this crystal is much more special than ordinary, and... seems to be in this position.

Lynn’s fastest worm unit reached a new cave, the ground of which was covered with dense...micromachinery.

And there are many pieces of crystal in this pile of micro-machines, it seems that they have been fighting very fiercely...

The first piece of the nucleus of the nucleator is also in this position... (to be continued.)

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