4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1031: New core

This should be regarded as a...dream core?

Lin discovered this thing just now. It is the first crystal that silkworms used to make the protector.

It is more than ten meters in size and looks exactly the same as the crystals that are common here, and the shape is irregular.

And inside it, there is something that Lin is familiar with... a dream core.

Lin got it out of the ground, and now it's on the ground and in the larger attack stone, Lin is now studying it.

The core of dreams that Lynn has seen so far, they all look like a star in a dream, and they are like a sphere wrapped in lava. This is no exception. Now, Lin’s pompom is at the core of this dream. The surface is moving.

The surface that appears to be surging with high-temperature substances does not actually feel any temperature, and Lin's pompoms quickly turn around here.

If the core of the dream is like a star, if the pompom is now one meter in size, then the core of the dream is more than 30 meters in size.

It is much smaller than the core of the creator.

The core of this dream does not know anything about the silk creature, but Lin feels that it was not made by it, but at some point the silk creature discovered this core.

Then learn... use the core method.

Now, there are no guardians here, but...Lin found that there seems to be a process in which the nucleator is making.

The pompom flies to a certain position in the core, where there is a... whirlpool among the churning lava.

And in the center of the vortex. Can see a group of bright light. As the vortex rotates, the light becomes larger and larger, and at the end, it flies out of the vortex.

Formed a ball of light exactly the same as those of the previous protectors... It seems to be the newly born protector.

"You dare to enter this place that can be guarded! If you don't leave, I will cause huge damage to you..."

At the moment when the pompon is found, the protector immediately uses the method they are used to ‘threaten’ the pompom.

When they do this, they mean that they are actually not threatening if they encounter a target that can really hurt. There is no waste of time to say anything, but a direct attack.

Lin didn't pay attention to it, but bypassed it and flew into the whirlpool where the protector was born.

"You actually want to tarnish this place!" The nucleus saw it and immediately chased it up, but...it didn't do anything else, just catch up.

After reaching the depths of the vortex, Lin could see that there was fluid everywhere, something like lava, and there seemed to be no way to go.

but. Here you can find...something special.

In front of the pom-pom, suddenly there was a little light spot.

This light gradually grows bigger and bigger, as if it is growing up, there are many tiny spots around it that continually float to this spot, allowing it to continue to grow.

It seems that the next nucleator is also in the process of generating... This dream core seems to be constantly creating protectors. Lin is concerned. Why are there so many nucleators here?

These protectors were not made by the core of the dream itself, but they received some kind of instruction before they started to manufacture.

Lin is now able to detect the situation in the core, mainly to investigate the 'dynamics' of the dream energy here.

Lin has been studying various things about dreams, and of course the core of dreams. Dream energy is a very special thing, but after researching, Lin has learned a lot...

For example, the core activities of dreams, through the study of the core of the creator, Lin found that many of the functions in the core can be changed.

If there is enough ‘permission’ to give the core input instructions. Then the core will act according to its ideas, and have the authority to command the core creatures. Lin only knew one creator before.

After all, that core is built by itself, so it has the ability to make adjustments, but it does not completely control the core.

As for the core that does not belong to oneself, there seems to be no way to control it. For example, ... brain spirit, they have never been able to control their core.

Now, Lin has seen another kind of biological control core, which is the silk creature found in the underground of this world.

This creature seems to have no such ability, and it has nothing to do with the energy of the dream itself, but it did give this core command and let the core create the protector.

The core may have some nucleators, but the number is not very large. There are now many nucleators scattered throughout the world, mainly caused by silk creatures.

It is to deal with the energy of fear, Lin wants to know how it is done, and can find some clues in the core.

This is the 'thinking' of the silk thread. In order to give the core instructions, the silk thread has already introduced its own thoughts into the core. To be precise, the core has recorded the thoughts of the silk thread. The silk thread used its own brain. 'Connected to this core.

When connected, the memory of the silk thread is recorded by the core, and Lin can be detected here.

This is much more complete than the memory that Lynn had previously detected in the silk. It almost describes... the life of this creature.

It turns out that this species... is like this.

The memory that Lynn first saw was not a silk creature, but... a worm, and at the same time, it was a long time ago, and it didn't really take long.

In short, the total group of worms at that time was not so developed, at least not to make missiles. They lived a primitive and simple life in this world. They used and built simple tools and gathered on the plains to build up. The stone city is somewhat like the former jade dragon.

And this kind of worm has a special 'custom', that is... a custom that can be called 'the road to God'.

The population of the worm will pick out some of the 'elegance' in the population over time, and these elites will perform a ritual.

At the beginning of this ritual, you will eat a lot of special food, then leave the group and embark on an adventure in this world.

The protagonist in Lin’s memory is one of the elite angers who participated in the ceremony. After the initial ceremony, it went to the distant wasteland.

Although there are many raging worms to start together, they will be separated after departure, completely unconnected, and rely on their own strength to survive.

The plain at that time was not as ridiculous as it is now, but it has many creatures, a very rich world, and certainly a very dangerous world.

It is said that as long as they have undergone a lot of tempering, they can become ... 'God'. In the legend of the rag, as long as they experience the initial ritual and survive in the adventure, they will be able to gain an infinitely extended consciousness. Be aware of everything... 'God'.

They don't actually have the word God, but they all have similar meanings.

So every time they hold this ritual, in order to make a rag become a god, but it has not been successful.

Even so, they still believe in the chance of success. The same is true of the main character of this memory. It can be said to work very hard at first. It explores and lives hard in this world.

Moreover, it has lived successfully for a long time.

Initially it worked very hard, there was no fixed place to live, wandering around, and later it found an underground cavern that entered the cave and built a dwelling in it.

Then, it settled there, and although it went out afterwards, it would not go too far.

Everything is centered on this residence, and as such, it has lived for a long time.

It is probably ten years of pompoms.

After living for so long, the thoughts of this worm are full of doubts. How can it become a god?

The legend of the population only says that it can become a **** through tempering, but it does not elaborate on what to do.

This worm has only begun to regret the reason why it was not clear at the beginning, but these legends are like this, only some vague descriptions, no specific details.

Later, at some point, it happened suddenly... an earthquake.

The raging worm therefore had to flee from where it originally lived, and instead of going to the ground, it moved to a deeper cave.

The cave always leads to a deep underground. Although the environment is wide, there is no food resource.

The raging worm slowly fell into the predicament of hunger.

The feeling of hunger has been with it until it is exhausted... At the last moment, the worm fell to the ground, but not completely dead, it should have entered a coma.

After waking up, the raging worm found himself in a cave full of crystals, which was completely different from the previous rock cave.

In addition to the rock wall is composed of crystals, there is a large crystal on the ground in the cave.

This... seems to be the core of dreams.

Now the worm does not care about this. Although it is in a strange place, its hunger has not disappeared. It has not eaten at all. After the meeting, it falls to the ground and enters a coma. .

After this time, it did not wake up again.

Or, no longer wake up as a raging worm...

When its consciousness is restored, it finds its own body, which has become another appearance, and its brain, or thinking ability, has become stronger.

It quickly came to the conclusion that it has become an infinite extension of thinking...God. (To be continued.)

Ps: Thanks ~ wandering 24315~ rewards~

Thanks ~ bird first fly ~ 绯 dance cream ~ exposed kyjerry ~ o Shangguan phoenix o ~ monthly ticket ~

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