"This is a miracle, the miracle has appeared! Our ceremony has been successful!"

When the local surface grows strangely crystallized, the worms have made a cheering posture.

This is also... in the core of dreams, the things in the memory record of silk creatures.

Silk creatures...that was once the raging worm, it fell to the core of the dream at the last moment, and after its consciousness recovered again, it found that it had become a silk creature.

Silk creatures, originally small filaments, can grow rapidly underground, like plants that continue to spread.

Initially there were only a few wire structures that could not be moved, but during the growth process, a part of the wire became a structure that could be drilled in the underground, like a tentacle structure, which allowed it to move around and digging underground things.

After it has grown to a certain extent, the first thing you want to do is to show its population a 'troll' to tell them that they are already gods.

Thus, it was thought of using those crystals, which made some crystals and sent the crystals to the population of worms on the surface. The population of larvae found some special signs on the crystals.

So they can recognize, and then the worms quickly reacted and worshipped the crystallization... This is the main reason for the crystallization of the wrath.

However, they now seem to have forgotten the purpose of the past.

After that, they did not hold any rituals of becoming gods, because there is already a god, so there is no need to have more gods.

It is not clear how the ceremony was originally delivered. After this, the group of worms worshiped and crystallized. Development is on the side.

And this wrath of God... is also a silk creature, and it has always remembered its mission. As a ‘God,’ it should not communicate directly with ordinary residents, but it can protect these residents silently.

With its help, the group of rags did avoid many dangers and they were able to develop quickly.

And silk creatures become gods. Its life span is also much longer. These cold stone creatures also have a long life, and the worms are relatively short, and should average 50 years.

Silk creatures watched them change for many generations. They used to live a very calm life. Nothing special, until... fear energy comes.

But before the fear energy came, silk creatures began to study the core of dreams.

It actually discovered the core of dreams very early and noticed the special nature of this thing. There are also guardians inside.

Silk creatures want to understand the core of dreams, but its research methods are more... monotonous, that is, constantly touching the core of dreams, and then exploring the world of dreams in the core.

Because the place inside is a bit big, it was quickly explored, but there were new discoveries. Silk creatures have discovered... its 'will' can be connected to the core of dreams.

This allows it to control something in the core. For example, the production of the protector.

But it does not know what is going on itself, until... after its population has developed, it has some understanding.

The worms at that time were quite...developed, so there are also many researchers inside, and these researchers are studying the crystallization of their long-term worship.

They discovered the energy of the dream inside, and then they began to study what the dream energy is. When the research is getting deeper and deeper, they also discover...the dream creature.

Some places in the world were originally dreaming creatures living in life, and these life points were discovered by the worms.

Rage researchers then did a lot of discussion about these energies, and they also supported a general view. That is... the dream creature was originally a creature in another 'space'.

For some reason, they are here.

And they need dream energy as a carrier to be able to show here.

Silkworms have observed these worm research teams, and it has learned a lot, which is also helpful for its own research on the core of dreams.

In the process of studying the core, the silk creatures learned... how it became a god.

This is mainly related to the core. The silk creature was very hungry and fell to the ground. At this time, it is almost certain to die, and it is indeed dead.

However, before it died, it touched the core of dreams. This dream core gave a copy of the thoughts and memories in its mind before it died.

Then I put these thoughts and memories into a ... creature.

That creature is a silk creature.

Before the introduction of these memories, the silk creatures in the initial state were in a state of not growing, but after the introduction, the silk creatures began to grow rapidly and finally became what they are.

It was only surprisingly discovered that it was not a worm at all, but a memory that was copied. This memory made it think that it was a worm.

In fact, it was a silk creature from the beginning, and this silk creature... was specifically incubated.

As long as the memory and thinking of other creatures are introduced, the silk will begin to grow, but only know this here... I don't know who cultivated it, and what the purpose of the culture is.

From the very beginning, the silk has the energy to connect with the core of the dream, and it can command the core to do something.

Although the wire that knows the facts is quite shocking, it may be because of the memory of the worm, it still protects the population of larvae, so that when the fear energy comes, it sends the nucleus to the worm population. Try to help them get rid of fear.

Just no success.

In this story, Lin is more curious about this dream core. It seems that the legend of the worm is very related to it, and this core may be some creatures... it is here, the creature plans to Use the core to cultivate a creature like silk.

But all this seems to have nothing to do with the energy of fear. The fear energy came here to ruin everything, and did not see any special creatures to help.

So no matter what, first collect this core first, then solve the fear energy.

It seems that... it has almost been solved. Under the bombardment of gel creatures, most of this tumbling person should be purified, but the fear energy here should not be the last.

Mainly after studying the transmitted organs brought by the fear energy... Lin concluded. (To be continued.)

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