4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1033: recording

"There is already... no pollution."

On the vast wilderness, countless huge pieces of meat are floating.

This group of meat has just been carried out...not a war of war, or it should be said that it is more appropriate to clean.

The team of gel creatures has completely removed the micromachines on the surface of the tumbling man.

They think so, but Lynn feels almost the same... because on the surface of the world, the energy of fear has dissipated.

In the process of fighting, the micro-machines here did not have a strong counterattack, and there was no way to escape to where they were. They were...have been removed.

There is no fear everywhere, and even the little guardians have some changes in their attitude towards the world.

"It seems that it has become more guarded."

After the small nucleator observes the image of the whole world, there is such a reaction, which means that the fear energy does dissipate... the fear energy of the surface.

But the little nucleus is not aware of the details of the world, such as the underground situation, Lin feels that there may be some underground, although there will not be many.

The gel creatures also mobilized some relatively small arms to explore the underground of the world, but they now think it is basically safe.

However, the energy of fear has not been defeated like this...

“Where are they still?” The gel creature came to Lin’s place where the attacking stones gathered, and asked Lin.

"They are all in these positions." And Lynn also responded to them, Lin has discovered through the transfer of organs, fear energy... still somewhere.

From the transport organs they used, Lynn found some places where they could feel...the fear energy was gathering there.

They are not all a tumbling person, and in some places there are just a bunch of floating stones. Or something like metal.

Some places have nothing, but there are dense...micromachines that gather in the void.

"We will attack this place." When Lin told the gel creatures these places. After leaving such a sentence, these huge pieces of meat disappeared one by one...

Gel creatures have their own transport organs. The place where they are going to attack is the nearest one with a large number of micro-mechanical gatherings.

Lin didn't attack with them, just let some pompoms follow the meat pieces and go to that place to observe.

These pompons disappeared along with the meat pieces, and when the scenery in front of them changed again, Lin saw a vast void.

And the dense, micro-mechanical forces that are all over the void.

At the moment the pompon appeared, the micro-machine made a bright light, and several flashes of light flashed toward it.

But at the same time. Gel creatures have also appeared.

Huge pieces of meat flashed in front of the pompons, and the micro-mechanical flash hit them directly. At the same time as the dazzling explosion, the pieces of meat that had not been hit also sprinkled countless pieces of mechanical troops... ...meat.

These pieces of meat flew into the machinery army. At the moment of contact between the two sides, countless consecutive explosions occurred, and large pieces of machinery dissipated.

At the beginning of this war, Lynn believed that gel creatures had an advantage. If micromachines did not use any special way to counterattack, they would not be the opponents of gel creatures.

If they really use something special way to fight back. Then Lynn will join the battle.

If not, then keep watching here...

Lynn feels...the fear energy is planning something, so they are not very responsive now.

This has always been the case. As long as they have plans, they will behave like this. In this state, micro-mechanics will not have any strong counterattacks, and they will wait to be destroyed in the same place.

Only some basic resistance will be carried out.

Lynn feels that it is not difficult to know their plans. It is only necessary to get the mayor here, although the mayor himself is not willing.

It has been scared by... fear, although it seems that what has been done in its brain will not affect the mayor itself, but after its brain was blocked by fear last time, it is somewhat different.

Even now the little nucleus has cleared its fears. It also appears to be very scared of what happened before.

However, Lynn will not use it to detect fear energy for the time being.

This group of micromachines attacked by gel organisms. Lin believes that it is not the main force. The main forces that need to observe the fear energy can know what they are thinking.

Among the places where multiple fear energy gathers. Lynn feels that there are several places that are suspicious... Although they are talking to gel creatures, they are not going to attack those places directly, but slowly sweeping all the mechanical units from the 'outside' location.

As the war continued, Lynn continued to do things that she had been doing before, such as... the study of the core of dreams, and continuing to explore this tumulter who was feared to pollute.

After exploration, Lin found a lot of creatures like 'wires' under the ground, but they are all in the 'un-started state'.

The unstarted thread is similar to the 'egg' and is an object that is three meters in diameter and that is in a state of sleep until it wakes up at a time.

That is when the core of dreams instills memories in them.

Lin found that this dream core has this function. When a creature...whether it is a cold stone or a cell-like creature, it will 'receive' various memories in the brain, including knowledge. Wait, then send it to the nearby 'wire egg'.

All the memories are infused into the eggs, and then it begins to grow. Initially, a lot of silk threads grow around the eggs to absorb the surrounding material as nutrients, and then grow bigger and bigger, like hyphae. The underground began to spread.

Because of the memory, this thread will treat itself as another creature, because it can feel that in the process of growing up, its 'will' and thinking ability are constantly expanding, which will make them produce one. The feeling of 'chengling', after all, the original creatures are generally not big...

This may be the original origin of the wrathing tradition of God, but they do not record the details, so they do not know that this is actually not their own gods, but this ‘God’ has their memories.

The size of the silk itself, if possible, can cover the entire tumbling person, just like God can observe the world.

However, their life span is limited, and Lin has discovered some silk creatures...the body.

Although longer than the common creatures here, these threads will die, so they can't live to observe the world.

Before they die, they create a lot of 'silk eggs' and wait for the next opportunity.

It seems that these threads seem to be able to direct the core of dreams, but in reality they are all created by the core of dreams, but why does the core of dreams have such strange functions?

Lin is investigating this kind of problem, and Lin believes that this core manufacturer or something else has permission to set it up.

At present, Lin found a lot of ... memory in the core.

These memories are all recorded. Even though silk creatures have grown and died for many generations, the core of dreams still retains their memories.

These memories... most of them are worms.

Obviously, it is because of the legend of the gods... and the earlier legends are different from the latter.

After reading a few memories, Lin found that the original legend was that the worms were looking for something... that is, the core of the dream, rather than letting them go around in the wild.

Only this legend has not been completely preserved, but has become increasingly blurred, and later the worms do not know what to look for.

In addition to this, there are occasionally other creatures that die next to the core of dreams. Their memories are recorded and they are also given the opportunity to become a god.

Only creatures whose intelligence reaches a certain height will be recorded and remembered. The less intelligent creatures will not be remembered, so only a few creatures have been able to become a **** for a long time. After all, the high intelligence creatures that just died near the core of the dream are very less.

These creatures are nothing special, but what's interesting is that they all have one thing in common, that is, after 'becoming a god', they will try to protect their own populations, they usually go back to observe their own population, and sometimes give them Various help, but not direct communication.

Even some creatures that were previously driven out of the population will return to care about the population.

Lynn observed the memory of many creatures until... the silk of the original generation.

The silk was born because of the eggs left by the previous generation, so how was the original silk born? Lin is now studying the issue...

The original generation of silk is also a worm.

This generation of worms is also very...primitive, but they don't need to leave the population to find the core of dreams. At that time, they live with the core of dreams, and they will pick some ‘highly respected’ old people to die next to the core.

In this way, the old man's 'spirit' can become a god, and then protect their entire population, the original legend and the present has a big difference, because a series of complicated things happened on the way.

But that is not the main problem. The main problem is that this group of rags is not with the core at the beginning. The core is another kind of creature, or something...for them. (To be continued.)

Ps: Thanks ~ the danger of 徘徊~ 588~ Thanks~ Mask mask~ 绯 霜 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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