4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1049: Skeleton with thinking

These things... are all empty. Xiao Xiaoyu said,

Here is the world of the Dreamweaver world. Among the huge underground caves, there are many...the crystal of the protector.

In Lin’s test, these crystals have no dream energy, they are all empty...

However, Lynn can detect that they used to...

‘Hey! The pompom was suddenly hit by a force, and it suddenly let the pompom fly out... hit the rock wall at the back.

At the same time, Lin also saw the creature that hit the pompon... It looks more like a skeleton machine.

This skeleton machine is the smallest one that Lynd has ever seen. It is very similar to... The skeleton of the gnome, the gnomes on the dinosaur continent, it has four limbs, and a large 'cranium', and its cranium has A big hole, the attack just made from that hole.

It uses ... a weapon like the 'air bomb' that feels not very powerful.

The pompoms flew up on the rock wall. When the pompoms made this movement, this...the skeleton gnome suddenly seemed to be frightened, and immediately turned around and ran to the back.

It was mainly run with four limbs, and it ran into the exit of this crystal cave in an instant, and the pompoms immediately caught up.

Lin found that it was running down the depths of the underground passage.

The pompoms immediately chased up, the skeleton gnome found the pompoms up, and it ran much faster, but the pompoms were pulling closer to it.

However, Lin feels a little bit around... moving.

‘Hey! When Lin thought so, the mud around the passage wall suddenly exploded, and the five skeleton gnomes flew in different directions. They instantly slammed on the pompons and attacked the pompons with sharp objects.

These sharp objects stretch out from their 'hands' and are not only sharp but also quite high.

The sharp object pierced the outer skin of the pom-pom and penetrated into the viscera of the pompom. Under the cooperation of five skeleton gnomes, the pom-pom of more than one meter in diameter was instantly shredded.

These things... are quite powerful. Mainly in terms of strength, it is enough to tear the pompoms used for exploration, and they are not like fixed movements like the skeleton mechanics before, they have their own...thinking.

When they tear the pompoms. The pompoms also released a lot of micro-arms sticking to them, and now these units are moving along with the skeleton.

Skeleton gnomes seem to... live in deeper places, they have been moving down, and after about sixty meters, these skeleton gnomes have stopped.

Lynn found out. After reaching this position, the surrounding temperature becomes higher and higher, and the top is still very cold, only slightly better than the void.

Here, it has entered the level of melting ice quickly.

It seems that there is a high temperature object nearby, which causes the temperature in the entire channel to be high.

Now, a few skeleton gnomes have stopped here, as if they are resting at rest. So, Lin first moved. Lin let the mini-arms slowly get into the gnome's 'head bones'.

This looks like a complicated mechanical structure... and it is very different from a general skeleton machine.

The general skeleton machine has a 'dream energy receptor' to receive signals from the dream energy, while the skeleton gnome does not.

Lin's mini-arms don't need to go through every corner of the skull to detect if they have susceptors.

But... more detailed parts require more research.

Although the skeleton gnomes have been highly aggressive in the past, they have not responded to the activities of the mini-arms in their heads, so Lin carefully studied them here.

This gnome...

It does have many differences with other skeleton machines, although they are made of the same material.

However, the internal control core is very different. It is completely different from other skeleton machines. Their control core is completely another structure. It can't receive dream energy, and it is controlled by... brain. .

The core of the skeleton gnome is mainly... a ball.

This ball contains an organ inside. That is... the brain, the brain of the cold stone creature, looks like a liquid and is protected inside the ball.

Something like a pipe is connected around the ball. It should be to provide nutrients to the brain, and the role of the brain itself is to issue instructions to the entire body.

It seems that this skeleton dwarf does have its own thinking... Because it is commanded by the biological brain, Lynn decided to investigate its brain further.

But if you just dig in, it may lead to the death of this skeleton gnome...

Their brains cannot be exposed to the air, even if there is only a small hole. Lynn decided to go in from their nutrient system.

At the same time, Lynn also looked at other structures, and equipped them with a ... weapon in their heads. These weapons were used to attack Lynn's 'air bombs'. Their power is very... weak.

Lynn feels that there should be other uses.

At the same time, Lynn also found the part of their 'food', with a pipe connected to their brain and the 'mouth' outside the skull, as long as they pass through the pipe to enter their brains.

Lin’s action was hindered, and several of Min’s mini-arms discovered micromachines as they drilled into the pipes leading to the brain.

These micro-machines attacked Lin's arms directly, but these were all worm-like units, so they quickly seized the micromachines and swallowed them.

On the way to study these machines, Lynn found that these machines are almost the same as those on the surface, except that their tasks are different.

The task of these micro-mechanics is to protect the skeleton gnomes, attack any incoming microbes, break down these microbes... and then throw them out.

Are these skeleton gnomes also associated with fear energy? They can actually use micromachines as 'guards' to protect them here.

They do need some guards, otherwise it is easy to mix a lot of debris in this place...

These skeleton gnomes have still been resting in this place, and Lin has gathered the pompons that were previously explored underground, and once again went to the caves where crystals were discovered before.

Lynn asked them to stand there, and the mini-arms here continued to detect the brains of skeleton gnomes, which have reached the inside of the brain.

This is... a typical cold stone brain, but it is maintained by the surrounding machinery to maintain its nutrients, and there are some micro-machines.

In addition to the task of eliminating foreign objects, these micro-mechanics also have the task of maintaining the brain. These tasks are very...fine, and Lin feels that if these tasks are slightly wrong, they will break down the whole brain.

And in this brain, there are also many memories...

Lynn examined the memory and found the ‘skeletal gnome’ creature... they are indeed different from the real skeleton mechanics.

When they were born, they were still a normal cold stone creature, but after a period of growth, its brain will be taken out and placed in the skeleton machine, becoming the skeleton gnome that Lin sees now. .

The underground tunnels here are what they excavated.

Of course, they are the kind of creatures that Lynn wanted to look for, the creatures that meant to stop the disaster of the world. They also seemed to be the only larger creatures that survived the fear energy except the transparency.

They are many in number and they all live in one place...

There is a ‘city’ nearby here, and most of the skeleton gnomes live there, and the couples that Lynn meets are like patrols.

They are trained after they are born, and they often live a life of patrolling the city.

The reason they came out to patrol was mainly because of the recent emergence of some ... creatures.

It seems that since the fear of energy extinction, there has been no creature in the world for a long time except for them and through.

Until recently.

Recently, some creatures have appeared near their cities. These creatures are very...what, and dangerous. They attack the skeleton gnomes, sometimes sneak into individual bodies, and sometimes form large groups to attack the edge of the city.

In order to deal with this creature, they will train a lot of troops to deal with these creatures.

Because these creatures and Lin's pompoms are very similar, they attacked the pompons when they met...

It turns out that it seems that they have very simple reasons, so Lynn feels that it is almost time to go to their cities to see.

These patrols didn't know much about their own population history, but they probably knew something. They were mostly trained.

They are trained primarily to better control their own 'body'.

When their brains were first transferred to the skeleton machine, they could only do some basic movements, requiring long-term training to make difficult movements and using various assembled weapons.

Civilians among them usually do not carry out such training, but soldiers will...

But Lin is more concerned that they have said that they have to stop the catastrophe of the world before they begin to dig holes, but now it seems that they have not continued to do so, but they have lived here.

Or are they continuing to do this? Is progress just a lot slower than the original? At least these soldiers don't know that they have a disaster that is stopping the world.

The disaster they are talking about may be the energy of fear, or the process of the world's constant 'evaporation'.

Lynn thinks it should be the latter. (To be continued.)

Ps: Thanks ~ Guan Shu Zhixing ~ Summer Cat ~ Thousand Miles Wine Country ~ Sakura Snow 喵 ~ Dust. ヽ ~ monthly ticket ~ sf0916

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