4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1050: Entrance

‘ booming...’

This is the depths of the land of the Dreamer...

Lin's mini-arms are being with some creatures called "skeletal gnomes" by Lin.

Although they have such a name, they have nothing to do with the real gnomes, just...the body is somewhat similar.

Now, Lin is lying with them in front of a... door.

The door is round and has a diameter of ten meters, and the shape is somewhat like a huge gear.

It was their entrance to the city...because they had successfully killed Lin's pompoms before, so they now come back with some fluff from the fleece pompoms.

They actually have doubts about the pompons because they are not sure if the pompons are the kind of creatures they have been fighting, so they have to take the fluff back to identify them.

The door was slowly trembled, and the entire circular door was rolling out with the roaring sound, slowly showing the environment inside the door.

When the door was completely rolled to the side, a dark scene appeared in front of Lin and the six skeleton gnomes.

"This is very strange. Why is this?"

The two gnomes in front looked at the dark scenes. They communicated with each other through devices near the brain. In their memory, they should be able to see a bright view after opening the entrance. There should be some skeleton gnomes, such as their 'senior' to meet them.

But now there is nothing, even the ... lights are not open.

Although they have been active in the ground for a long time, Lin found that these skeleton gnomes also like brighter environments, and they have vision devices that require light.

‘Hey! Therefore, the skeleton gnome, which is placed in front of it, illuminates the lighting of the head with the light that is constantly shining, illuminating the environment inside the door.

It can be seen that the surface and walls in the door are not 'sludge', but are similar to metal, smooth and reflective.

Behind the door is a square space with a size of more than 30 meters. The height is more than six meters, and there are many passages on the surrounding walls leading to other places.

This seems to be a common underground living environment, and this place is more conspicuous is the body ... the body.

On the ground, there are a lot of skeleton gnomes, and they are motionless. It looks like a corpse, and these skeleton gnomes see so many similar squats on the ground, they also show horror.

Yes... frightened emotions, skeleton gnomes are a group of 'normal creatures' that are very scary, so Lynn is very curious about how they survived the energy of fear.

It should not be fear energy... let them go.

Because they have nothing to do with the energy of fear. The micromachines in the skeleton pygmy are made by themselves, not the fear energy to send them.

However, the details of this issue, this group of patrols are not very clear, and after the city, Lin will investigate the specific situation... although it may not be very smooth now.

As Lin thought about it, the skeleton gnomes also stepped into the entrance of their underground city. A gnome walked over to the companion who fell to the ground. It quickly extended his forelegs and began to examine the inside of the head of the corpse.

The result of the test is the same as Lin’s thought.

Although Lin's mini-arms did not go along with its limbs. But Lynn was always 'watching' its memories, so I knew what it detected.

This corpse...is indeed a corpse, because there is no brain inside, and the brain with the brain seems to have been dug.

So it will not lie there...

After that, these skeleton gnomes detected all the companions who fell to the ground. Their symptoms were the same, that is, the brain in the head was dug.

Other parts are intact and there are no traces of battle. They all feel very strange. Another strange thing is that there should be a mechanical device called 'console'. This device is used to control the opening of multiple doors here. Although there are many passages in this entrance room, they cannot be opened and need a console to open.

But now the console is gone.

There is nothing but a corpse on the ground. This is also very weird, more weird is...

How was the entrance gate just opened?

Next, a skeleton gnome tried to contact the ‘total console’, and the main console was located inside the city, which could control all the places, including the entrances here.

but. As Lin thinks, there is no use in contacting the main console, because there is no response, as if the signal... is interrupted.

"What should we do? Try to find a way! Let's go back and see!"

Faced with so many problems, these skeleton gnomes have become more and more flustered, but they still try to stay calm.

"Yes, you should go back first! Only forcibly open the door..."

They made a decision under discussion, and the skeleton gnomes ran to a door in the corner of the room.

The door is also round and tightly attached to the wall. There is no such thing as a 'door handle', so there should be two ways to open it.

One is to open something like a console, and the other is...

"Just in that position!"

Several skeleton gnomes stepped forward and took out some long strips of objects from their bodies and piled them at the door.

This method is quite simple, and it seems that many creatures like to use it.

After being placed, the gnomes quickly ran to the distance. After confirming the safety of the whole staff, a gnome said: "Started!"

'boom! ’

The whole place trembled fiercely, and the circular door disappeared.

Shown behind the door is a dark passage.

But... the darkness of this passage cannot be illuminated even because it is not purely dark. The reason for the darkness of the passage is mainly because there is a lot of fine matter inside.

It is like the thick fog on the surface.

Seeing this scene, the skeleton gnomes are stunned...

“Why is this?” At this point, they only had one idea, and no one dared to step forward into this channel.

However, after a while, they decided to enter the channel, so they first tested whether the dense fog in the channel was dangerous... use a flying limb for testing.

After the test, the skeleton gnomes were lined up again and slowly walked into the thick fog...

At the moment they entered, Lin also found that the thick fog and the dense fog on the ground... almost the same. (~^~)

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