"You must be careful..."

Among the dark passages, six skeleton gnomes are moving cautiously.

There was a strong mist around, and countless crumbs were flying, and the source of these debris was mainly... the walls of the passage.

The originally smooth walls now seem to have been corroded, and they are covered with pits.

These traces represent the source of dense fog in the channel... The debris that forms the dense fog comes from the wall. It seems that something has broken down the wall into countless debris, and these debris are floating in the air, not falling. On the ground, a thick fog filled with passages is formed.

But what is it doing?

Skeleton gnomes did not study, they were moving forward with one heart and soul, and although they found traces of the surrounding walls, they did not pay attention.

They seem to be eager to reach this channel... It seems to have arrived, and the skeleton gnomes have stopped.

In front of them is a circular door, but this time they don't need to blow up the door, because the door is half open, and the dense fog around the door is very thin, which makes it fire from the pygmy skull. The light illuminates the scene behind the half-open door.

It is a vast space, the ground is still covered by a reflective object such as a metal plate, which is almost smooth and complete, and is not as full of potholes as the walls of the passage.

This also means that there is not much fog in this space, only some debris floating from the channel is floating.

But on the ground of this space, the scenery that resembles the entrance is full of skeleton gnomes' corpses, which look like the encounters at the entrance.

This made the skeleton gnomes more frightened, but they went forward and stepped into the vast space.

The gnome, who was at the forefront, illuminates the surroundings with light, and the five companions behind it are scattered to study the corpses on the ground.

The condition of these bodies is the same as before, that is, the sphere with the brain is removed, and the main reason for saying that it is removed rather than destroyed is that there is no trace of attack.

So it feels like it was dug out in good condition. What creatures or things will do this? Here is under attack. These patrols are completely unaware of...

However, Lin is now paying attention to the surrounding environment. This position... is already the interior of their city.

It looks like a...square, about a hundred meters in diameter, and there is nothing like a building in this open space. There are only corpses everywhere, and there are some large machines that fall to the ground with the bodies.

The skeleton gnome city is composed of multiple underground spaces of different sizes plus channels.

The general space will be full of buildings, and the space on the edge of the city has no buildings, it seems that it is at the stage of ... not yet started.

The large machines that can be seen here are all used for construction projects. It was only after the incident that the machines were all motionless like the bodies on the ground.

"Why is this...?"

The six skeleton gnomes who came in saw the scenery in front of them, they were completely stunned... They didn't know what to do, so they were all in a daze.

It was indeed patrolling outside for a while and then found that his city became like this, and the blow to these creatures was quite large.

But no matter how much they are hit, Lin's exploration still has to continue, and they may take a while to recover, so...

At the entrance to the passage, a pompom flew in.

This pom-pom is also one of the pompoms that Lynn used to explore the underground. It followed the skeleton gnomes to this underground city. This pom-pom is in a hidden state, so it has not been noticed by the skeleton gnomes, it flew out of the passage and came into this space.

When the gnomes are still not knowing how to be a good stage, Lin let the pompons bypass them and explore them first... First, probe the square-like place.

In addition to the corpses on the ground, the squares are obvious. The pompoms have slightly detected the bodies on the ground and flew to the front of a large machine.

These machines are also skeleton-shaped machines. And the shape is very similar to the outer 'image bone', but there are some differences. The most obvious difference is that there is a cockpit inside.

The cockpit is small and just the size of the brain in the skeleton pygmy head. So the way the gnomes operate these large machines is to take their brains out and stuff them in.

But now there is no brain in the cockpit, and it seems that the brain was suddenly taken away during the operation. The building materials that were originally transported by the machinery were scattered all over the floor.

However, the creatures that took their brains did not leave any traces, and certainly could not be sure whether they were creatures.

After watching it for a while. Lin found that the state of each machine was basically the same, so Lin let the pompom fly to the wall around the square.

There are many access openings on the walls that lead to different areas of the city.

Soon, Lynn found an area that he wanted to go to. This area is called the 'teaching area', where you should be able to see what history is.

Those patrols have never been to the teaching area, and they have very little knowledge of history. Lynn must look at it himself.

The entrance door here is a circular door with a diameter of three meters. Unlike the previous one, the door here can be opened manually.

The pompon stretched out the fluff and poked a small hole in the center of the door. The door suddenly made a loud sound, slowly...opened.

‘Hey! At the moment when the door opened, there was a huge amount of dense fog coming out of it, and the pompom was wrapped in an instant.

This is...micromachinery.

The thick fog that emerged from behind the door is made up of micro-machines, but it is not a complete micro-machinery, but it is also mixed with a lot of other debris.

And these micro-machines are now in an un-started state, they are all motionless, mainly because these machines do not have any tasks.

The opening of the pompoms here attracted the skeleton gnomes, and they immediately ran over here, and Lin immediately let the pompoms fly into the passage.

This passage is the same as the one that came in before. It is full of thick fog, but the dense fog here is mixed with micro-mechanical, and there is no scar on the passage wall here.

No matter which channel, these dense fogs are very weird...

Several skeleton gnomes did not enter the passage, but stayed at the entrance. They are now very scared. The fact that the pompom opens the passage door is a very worthwhile thing for them... frightening.

Because they don't know what is open... so the pompoms easily reach the other end of the passage, which is the teaching area.

Opening the exit of the passage, Lin can see the scenery inside the teaching area. It is also a very wide square like the previous place, but there are many neatly arranged columns in the square.

These cylinders are more than two meters in diameter, connecting the surface and the top. These cylinders are actually where they are learned.

Skeleton gnome learning is to take down your brain, then put it on these cylinders, and then accept a steady stream of information.

Those skeleton gnomes, even if they haven't been here, know the general situation here, and the pompom flies before the nearest cylinder.

It can be seen that the surface of this cylinder has many holes of the same size, which were originally used to place the brain.

Now these holes are empty, and it seems that no gnomes are learning here when the event occurs.

But the bigger possibility is that the brains of the dwarfs learned here after the incident have been dug up.

No matter which side, the column here is not damaged, so Lin can still know something through it...

I thought that the pompom put the fluff in the hole in the cylindrical surface...

The pompoms can mimic the brain's brain to send and receive signals to observe all the information stored in the cylinder.

Although Lin intends to look at the history of this group of skeleton gnomes, but has not yet seen this, Lin first saw what happened recently.

Because of this cylinder, it also has the function of monitoring. Lin has adjusted the recent time slightly, and soon Lin found it... there is no scene when the problem occurs.

At that time, in this teaching area... there were still many students studying, their brains were set on the pillars, and the whole space was very bright.

Lin adjusted the time a little. Suddenly, Lin saw that something wonderful happened here...

Throughout the space, the mist suddenly and slowly filled, and the fog increased rapidly, and all the scenery of the whole place was quickly obscured.

Lynn's perspective is on a certain column, but it is not limited to any one of the columns, and can be adjusted to all the columns in the room at will.

But no matter what perspective the column is adjusted to, the thick fog is seen...

It can be said that the dense fog filled the entire teaching area. After a thousand seconds, Lin found that the light here was also darkened.

It seems that the fog has turned off the lights.

However, these perspectives can still see the surrounding environment, but only can see the dark environment, and can not penetrate the dense fog.

Lin noticed that the dense fog around it began to slowly become thin after three thousand seconds, and then began to disappear little by little.

Those fogs don't float anywhere, but disappear directly into the air... It looks like this in the images recorded here.

There are those brains that are originally set on the pillars that are learning, and they disappear together. (~^~)

Ps: Thanks ~ Ha ** silk ~ rewards ~

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