4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1052: Underground life

What is the thick fog that attacks the skeleton machinery?

Lynn has a lot of answers, but at the moment... I have to look at some of their previous things.

At that time, skeleton gnomes were not skeleton gnomes, they were a group of... cold stone creatures.

But their appearance at that time was very close to the present, about one meter in size, and only four limbs, and they lived in a world full of fear at that time.

In order to avoid fear, they lived on the ground and lived in Tibet.

It seems that the fear at that time is not covered... very comprehensive, this group of cold stone creatures by creating a device that detects the energy of fear...the scarce place, then hides in that position.

They seem to have some resistance to fear, that is, they accidentally come into contact with fear, and they don't go crazy quickly, so they can run around and live.

But this kind of life is quite difficult for them. In the constant rush, the number of them becomes less and less, the resources on the ground are more and more difficult to find, and the scope of fear coverage is coming. The bigger.

Later, it was difficult for them to find safe places without fear.

However, they have discovered some new places... that is, under the surface, there is a safe place under the ground.

As a result, they began to dig underground, they have been moving deep underground, trying to escape the fear of energy... There seems to be no mention of what they want to stop the world's disasters.

Just saying that they have to dig down, they have been moving deep into the place until they almost feel the fear energy stopped.

Then, I built my home in that location and lived.

Because the underground resources are more abundant, the creatures have not changed their position any more, although they have become stable. But they still haven't stopped digging because they fear that the energy of fear will go underground and they continue to dig.

At some point. Their mining team unearthed a... thing.

This thing is quite huge, according to their description. This is a factory buried in the ground, there are all kinds of ... skeleton machinery in the factory.

This group of cold stone creatures are very good at making all kinds of things, so they are also very interested in this factory. They explored in the factory and found the way to start the factory.

At the moment they started the factory, all the skeleton machinery in the area was 'live', and all the skeleton machines made the same thing, that is... leaving the factory.

According to the description of history. Every skeleton machine left the factory at that moment, and then a tunnel was excavated underground to the ground.

Because these creatures were afraid of the ground environment, they didn't follow the skeleton machinery to the ground. They were still at the bottom of the ground. Then they thought the factory was a pretty good place, and then they started a new city around the factory.

At the time of their establishment, they also began to quickly study the various things in the factory, and they slowly learned about the manufacturing and control technology of the skeleton machinery.

At the same time, they also encountered some problems, they found that ... the temperature of this underground environment began to rise.

The cold stone organisms have higher requirements for temperature. Because most of their body is a very low temperature liquid, if the temperature is too high, it will ... evaporate.

They do a lot of searching and searching. They didn't find the reason for the temperature rise, but they didn't want to move up the surface, which would make them close to the fear energy.

Later, when the temperature was getting higher and higher, they decided to save their lives.

Discard most of your body.

They used the mechanical technology inside the factory to transform their bodies, that is, to dig out the brain independently and put it inside a sphere.

Unlike cell-like organisms, cell-based organisms are composed of cells in the basic brain and body. But this kind of cold stone creatures have different brain and body constituents.

If their brains are made separately, they can withstand higher temperatures. Therefore, the brains are extracted separately so that they can successfully continue to live in the temperature-raising ground.

They create a skeleton mechanical body that is comparable to their original shape, which is the skeleton gnome that Lynn now sees. At the same time, their lifestyles have slowly changed a lot.

For example, they originally touched each other through communication, and later became a direct signal, and what is learned is to instill information into the brain, and control the mechanical aspect is also to take the brain directly to control.

They have become like a group of machines, only when they are born, they are the appearance of the cold stone creatures.

They have a special 'low temperature zone' to allow the pups to grow, but the time of the pups does not last long. Soon the pups grow to a certain extent, and their brains are extracted and placed in the skeleton machinery. .

After they turned into mechanical creatures, their lives were also very different, but their character did not change. They were still afraid of fear energy, so they lived underground for a long time.

Until some time, they detected that the fear energy on the ground seemed to dissipate before they sent the detection team to the ground for investigation.

They were amazed when they reached the ground, because they found that the distance between the ground and the record was different, to be...a lot.

And the sky was covered with thick fog, and they only noticed that the ground was constantly 'evaporating'.

But they didn't try to improve this phenomenon. In fact, they thought they couldn't do anything, and another discovery that surprised them was that there was no fear energy on the ground.

However, they have already lived in the ground, and they have built a large city. It is impossible to abandon the city and run to the ground, but at least no longer be threatened by the energy of fear.

So they looked very happy, and in addition they found a kind of machinery that swayed on the surface.

That is micromachinery.

They don't know the subtle mechanical mechanics, but they are very interested in micromachines.

That's because they have been plagued by a kind of thing for a long time. Because after turning into a mechanical body, it is easy to mix in the body with various fine debris, that is, dust or something. They always do not clean the debris. This can cause a variety of... malfunctions, and sometimes debris can get into the brain and cause dangerous events.

Micromachines can help them solve this problem. (To be continued.)

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