4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1053: Teaching content

In order to deal with a variety of problems including dust, the skeleton gnomes brought the micro-machines found on the surface into their cities. Oh,

They are very interested in this extremely small machine, so they have set up a very large team to study micromachines.

This ‘huge’ team has about a thousand skeleton gnomes involved, they need almost no rest, and they continue to study until they understand the mysteries inside the micromachine.

Micromachines are the same as other machines, with a programmed system to drive the entire machine.

It's just that its system is... small, so understanding these things takes a long time for the skeleton gnomes, but in the end, they finally understand the system inside.

They removed the original micro-mechanical system and replaced it with the program they set, and then began to let the micro-machines serve them.

There were a lot of problems at first, but they slowly overcame them and the control of micromachines got better and better.

However, they do not seem to use micromachines everywhere, and their current use of micromachines is only used to remove debris from the body.

The scope of use seems to be very narrow, but there has been no problem. In this record, it seems that this group of skeleton gnomes is not bad except for the beginning of life.

Until... now.

However, the current problems have not been recorded in these historical records. If they are all gone, of course, there is no way to continue recording.

It seems that the history of this group of creatures is not very complicated, and they do not seem to record the things before the arrival of fear energy.

However, in addition to the history, you can find a lot of other things...

For example, the maps of these skeleton gnomes throughout the city, here have very detailed information, Lin now knows the specific situation of the city.

Most of this place is where civilians live, just like the common cities, but now the situation in these cities does not seem to be...optimistic.

Because you can see surveillance images in most areas here. But now these images are all in a state of being unable to connect.

It may not be possible that all of these areas have been attacked.

What attacks them, Lin thinks that it is more likely to be a micromachine. Micromachines are a kind of less stable things, and they have not yet fully controlled these things.

But it is not clear the truth about these attacks... but it should be known soon.

Within the various materials that can be seen here. Lin saw a lot of reports about micromachined errors.

It's generally a mistake in setting up the program, causing the micromachine to do something they don't expect to do.

But there have been no major problems all the time, but when Lin came here, I have studied the micromachines here.

Because there are many channels in the passage when passing through the channel... Lin found that the control system of these micromachines is mainly divided into two parts.

One part is that they perform tasks according to the set program. But there is another, more important part.

That is the part that receives the energy of the dream. There is a device for the reception of dream energy in the micromachine.

This means that they will receive instructions from the dream, that is, the energy of fear, this command will take precedence over other instructions.

Fear energy can control these micromachines at any time, but now because there is no fear energy here, it is not certain... whether the attacker is a micromachine.

In addition, there are also research materials on skeleton gnomes, where they describe how they learned various techniques in the skeleton machinery factory and later how to control micromachines.

The description here is quite careful, they should be expected that their pups can learn all the content.

Their teaching method is to instill all the knowledge directly into the brain of the baby. This is really convenient, but it can't be entered all at once, but it takes a long time to input it bit by bit.

Lin can find some interesting things from these research materials, such as things about skeleton machinery.

Mainly because they make this part of the skeleton machinery factory start to let Lin care.

When they tried to start the factory, they also started a large number of skeleton machines. The actual reason for starting these skeleton machines was not because they started the factory, but when they tried to start the factory, they triggered some kind of thing.

The skeleton gnome felt that this kind of thing sent out instructions, started all the skeleton machinery that was not moving in the factory, and let these machines dig to the ground to start work.

And what exactly is this thing?

Lynn is looking for this thing now. When Lin’s pom-pom was observing the materials in the ‘teaching area’, more pompons came to the underground city.

They split up and walked down the underground passage to the city, and now several pompons have reached other parts of the city.

These areas are all living areas. There are a large number of ... civilian-populated areas, and the buildings in these civilian settlements...are actually similar to the teaching areas now seen.

Lin is paying attention to a pompom flying in the civilian area, where I can see a lot of neatly arranged three-meter-diameter columns.

These columns look like support columns, but they are actually the same as those in the teaching area, with many small holes around the column. And these holes are used to place the skeleton of the gnome...the brain.

Their usual life is like this. They usually don't operate any machinery, but live in a place like the one created by Lynn's dream brain... ‘virtual space’.

They built up in the virtual space... virtual cities, virtual entertainment and everything they want.

All the space is realized and connected by these pillars. Lin sees the materials from the teaching area. The description shows that after they extracted the brain, it was changed to this lifestyle.

This lifestyle was originally designed to save resources, but it has now become a lifestyle that can be enjoyed, so that they do not need to build a variety of recreational facilities in a narrow underground planning space.

If possible, it is estimated that this group of creatures wants to stay in their virtual space all the time, but there is actually no way.

They must operate the body of the skeleton mechanic to leave work, explore or fight, etc., mainly because remote control in this underground is easy to appear... error.

They have not yet found a way to solve the problem, so it is necessary to put the brain directly into the machine to control it.

If they are going to continue, they will slowly and completely live in the void space, and everything in the real world will be thrown to the machinery.

Although it seems that it is now unlikely to develop...

Because no brains are placed on these columns, they are all hollowed out...

As before, there are no traces of battle, and these virtual spaces are all stopped.

Therefore, Lin's other pompom reached the place where the whole city was monitored. This place is called the main control room.

This main control room is located near the center of the city.

Because the map was known, the pompoms quickly approached the main control room along the passage.

The passages on the way to the main control room are almost the same as the front, full of dense fog composed of micro-machines, but these machines are all inactive.

They are not subject to any instructions.

In all the areas and rooms where the road passes, there is no such dense fog composed of micro-mechanics, but no brain is found.

It seems that the brains of the residents here have all been taken away. It is not known whether they have been broken down or where they have been taken.

Mainly there is nothing... the traces can be traced.

Another point is that almost all the entrance doors of the passage are open. Although the opening is different, the pompoms can pass, which saves the trouble of opening or blowing the door.

When thinking about it, Lin’s pompom had arrived at the main control room.

The main control room is a special place...the pompom is now in front of the main control room.

The door is also round and has a diameter of three meters, but it is completely closed and does not seem to open.

In fact, it can't be opened, mainly because there is no space for the pompoms in this door, which is purely complex mechanical structure.

This is what Lynn saw in the teaching materials.

At the center of the door is a small hole with a diameter of ten centimeters. This hole is just enough for the globular brain of the skeleton pygmy to pass.

Among the complex mechanical structures in the door, only this globular brain can move around and control what is inside.

They also control the operation of the entire city through the mechanical structure in the main control room, as well as the control of the virtual space.

The main control room and all areas of the city have 'connections' so it can control all the systems in the city, including the switches of all access doors.

However, the main control room cannot control what is not connected, such as the skeleton machinery or the need to have a brain in the machine to control.

All in all, Lynn only needs to make a thing of ten centimeters in size and can enter the main control room...

Then, search through the city and find what Lin wants to find.

It was the first thing that started all the machinery in the factory. Lin felt that the thing was made by the Dreamer, and of course the skeleton machinery on the surface.

The Dreamer originally created them, which should be to expand the dream, but for some reason until now they started. (To be continued.)

Ps: Thanks ~ Book Friends 1601280...~

Thanks ~ heavenly clouds ~ o Shangguan phoenix o ~ pull the horn ~ dust. ヽ ~ monthly ticket ~ sf0916

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