4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1054: Attacker

"No!! Help! Save me!"

Here is the underground city of the skeleton gnome...

Lin let the pompom create a small pompon with a diameter of less than ten centimeters and let the small pompom enter the main control room of the skeleton dwarf.

There is no controller in the main control room, but the system inside is not damaged, all can be used, so now Lin is using it...

Lin wants to investigate through the main control room about the factory that started all the skeleton machinery, but has not found it yet.

But I found something else... things.

Lin is now observing a certain area of ​​the city through a surveillance system, which is located near the factory and is a place where civilians live.

Like other civilian settlements, there are a large number of pillars, each of which can be fitted with dozens of brains. All the brains embedded in the pillars are residents living in virtual space.

However, there is no brain on the pillars here, they all disappeared... but not completely disappeared, and some residents are still alive.

Lin now sees three skeleton gnomes on the ground. They don't know if they are civilians here, but at least their brains are in the skeleton machinery and not on the pillars.

But their situation now seems to be... dangerous.

Twenty meters behind them, there is a swirling vortex that appears to be made up of countless particles, and as it continues to rotate, the surrounding objects are constantly sucked.

But there isn't much that can be sucked around, and the most obvious are the three skeleton gnomes being sucked.

"Help!" They are constantly sending out signals for help, while they are on the ground, they are constantly trying to move on the ground.


"No!" A skeleton gnome suddenly gave a terrifying signal. It seemed that the whole body had flew up because it did not grasp the ground, and was sucked by the vortex.

The other two skeleton gnomes looked at the sucked companion with horror, and saw that its figure disappeared into the swirling vortex that continued to rotate.

"Hurry up and escape!" This scene caused the remaining two skeleton gnomes to erupt a stronger ... survival will, they forced to climb forward, but the vortex seems to attract a lot. No matter how they move, they can only move forward little by little.

Lynn feels that this whirlpool should be the group that attacks the entire region.

Now looking through the surveillance equipment, it feels like a micro-machine, but now there is no pompom around. There is no way to investigate immediately, so they need to leave some traces.

Lin looked at it, the main control room can be controlled here... Also includes the weapon system, it seems that every region of the city has weapons, no. It’s not just a good weapon, it’s also a weapon that can be used by civilians.

‘咔’ Under the control of Lin, the ground around the two skeleton gnomes crawling next to each other suddenly opened slowly.

Under the open ground, a small table was raised, and two... cylindrical things were placed on the table.

"What?" The two skeleton gnomes also noticed the ground and the things that suddenly opened next to them.

"Assemble them, you have to use this to fight back." Lynn sent this signal to them, and a skeleton gnome immediately responded.

"It's the main control room!" exclaimed excitedly: "This is the weapon that the main control room sent us! We can use this counterattack!"

When it was finished, it moved hard to the side, and soon it moved to the side of the open ground and picked up a cylinder from there. Installed on the forelegs.

This cylinder is about 30 centimeters long and is one of the weapons commonly used in skeleton gnomes. Lin just adjusted it and used it for these two gnomes. The reason why these cylinders were not sucked out was because it It is fixed on the raised table, and the touch of the skeleton gnome can lift these fixes.

However, one of the two gnomes is still in a state of sorrow, and only one comes over and picks up the cylinder.

One should also be enough. After installing the cylinder, it uses the cylinder to align the vortex in the distance.


Lin found that before the attack, the brain showed a strong desire to disappear. At the same time, the cylinder also issued a strong ... roar.

‘Hey! ’

The explosion exploded on the vortex, and a lot of dust debris sprinkled on both sides, and the swirling vortex stopped.

It seems that the suction it created has also disappeared. The two skeleton gnomes no longer have to hold the ground, but they have not yet relaxed.

Because, although the vortex stopped, the shreds that originally formed the vortex still floated like thick fog, and they had no intention to dissipate.

"Fast, hey now run away!"

The two skeleton gnomes did not want to continue playing. What's more, one of them wouldn't play, they immediately stood up and ran towards the nearest channel.

At the moment they did this, Lin found that the thick fog was also rushing and rushing toward them.

The skeleton-equipped gnome equipped with weapons noticed this situation. It immediately turned around and fired again on the thick fog that came in. When the brilliance of the explosion illuminated, the full fog of the surging also spread, turning into countless The debris spilled over the surrounding ground.

But in the next second, the debris again gathered again, completely enveloping the two skeleton gnomes.

"Do not!"

This is... their last emotions.

The thick fog drowned them, completely obscuring their figure, which lasted for a hundred seconds... When the dense fog dissipated again, two skeleton gnomes could be seen.

They look intact, and the weapons that fit on the forelegs are also, but they don't move, and Lin thinks their brains have been dug away.

The dense fog also went with it at this time, and it quickly disappeared beyond the surveillance of the monitor. Only two bodies were left on the scene... no other traces left.

This situation is similar to the previous ones. Perhaps these dense fogs are used to attack the entire skeleton gnome city in a similar way.

However, Lynn thinks that if they do, the skeleton gnome may have a counterattack. The thick fog may be used in some way before the attack, for example, attacking the main control room first, so that the skeleton gnome loses the counterattack ability, and then attacks the city. Areas, all their brains are removed.

Although the thick fog seems to have escaped, but Lin has traced them in some way... (~^~)

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