"What is this thing? It seems that it can't be guarded!"

"They are superfluous."

"This kind of thing that can't be guarded actually says that we are superfluous things! Oh, it's stupid and stupid. Yes, it's obviously something that can't be guarded. I dare to say so many things that can't be guarded."

"The birth of them is a mistake."

"You can't guard things that are wrong! You can't guard against this wrong thing! I want to turn you into a real mistake!"


Lin is now in the dream space of the red pillars found between the secrets... This dreamer said that she can tell Lin about their history.

However, Lynn found that its description of history is too much... simple.

For example, if Lynn asks the little protector whether they made it, it will reply ‘they are superfluous things’. When Lin asked the details of its manufacture, it just repeated this sentence.

And Lynn asked, why did they attack the skeleton gnome, it just said ‘they did extra things’.

It was originally thought that it would be described in detail as the history that Lynn saw in the raging worm, but in fact it did not describe it at all, but just replied with some information.

The little nucleus is quite angry with the group of dreamers. When they see the dreamer, the little nucleus thinks that the dreamer is quite unprotectable.

When the dreamers say they are wrong, it becomes even more angry.

This is a bit strange, if the Dreamweaver is the maker of the Little Protector. Then they should think that the dreamer is something that can be guarded.

But for now. The little nucleus has only pure anger towards the dreamer. If there is an attack ability, they will definitely launch an attack immediately.

Thinking, Lin said to the dreamer in front: "Can't you describe things in more detail?"

"This is already the ultimate in detail." The Dreamer responded: "If you don't want to continue to get information, then leave here."

"...but, you won't leave easily, are you?" The Dreamer continued: "You might want to threaten us? Want to threaten with death?"

"Enough! You can't guard things!" A small nucleus suddenly burst into extreme anger. It said to the dreamer: "You can't guard the extra things, I want to use all of you to death. Lose!"

The moment to finish this. The little nucleus rushed to the Dreamer and rushed into the fog of the Dreamer.

The small guardian... directly launched the attack? They never seem to do this for targets other than fear energy, no matter how unguarded the goal.

Although the little nucleus seems to have a very low intelligence, they know what they can do and what they can hurt.

So, does it now launch an attack that means it can hurt the Dreamer?

'boom! A burst of sound like a metal crash suddenly appeared. Lin found that the small nucleus in the thick fog flew out from the inside and slammed into the ground.

"It's too much to guard!"

The little nucleus flew up from the ground and it looked like there was no problem.

And that dreamer... It seems that there is no big problem, it is constantly shaking. And as it trembles, it becomes more and more...thin.

The Dreamweaver originally seemed to be a very strong mist. But now the fog has become thinner and thinner, as if it is slowly disappearing.

"You can't guard the wrong thing! Go to the wrong area and never come out!" The little nucleus issued a 'roaring' sound to the disappearing Dreamer, and Lin asked it: Did you kill it?"

"Yes, it can't be completely guarded. No, it disappears. This phenomenon can be guarded. What? That thing is obviously impossible to guard! I mean this phenomenon, not that thing! What is the phenomenon of this thing, that It is obviously something that cannot be guarded! That phenomenon can be guarded!"


Lynn found that the disputes between these small guardians seemed to have increased, but first of all, Lin looked at the disappearing Dreamer, which had only a few scattered ... crumbs.

It seems that the small protectors can really harm them, so the energy nature and fear energy of the Dreamer are very similar? I still can't feel it until this point...because they have a big gap with fear energy.

Fear energy is more like a huge 'space energy', while a dreamer is a dream creature.

Simply speaking, fear energy is like the ocean, and dreamers are like marine life, and their nature is very different.

But it can be killed by the little nucleus, which is quite interesting...

Now, this dreamer has disappeared, and Lin has no way to ask it more questions, although it will not answer well.

Lin is more concerned about this... This is already attacking them. If they fight with them, it may mean that there is no way to communicate in the future.

However, they seem to have no reaction. Just now, Lin thought that the dreamers would send troops to expel or kill the pompoms, but they did not do so, but did not react.

Whether in dreams or in reality, they don't use anything to attack the pompom, so Lin can continue to explore here for a while.

Lin looks around, here is a narrow cylindrical space, if the pom is a meter, the height here is ... more than 30 meters, and the width is six meters.

There is nothing to explore in such a small place, but in fact there are a lot of secrets hidden here.

Thinking, Lin asked the two small guardians next to him: "Do you think this place can be guarded?"

"This is ...... this is hard to say." A small nucleus responded: "Most of the places here are guardable, but apart from this location, this location is the only place that cannot be guarded."

Said, this little nucleus floated to the side of the wall and said to a position: "This place feels a little... can't guard it... you look at it that can't be guarded, why can't it be so guarded? What?"

The little nucleus said that after a while, he flew to the side and said to different places: "Ah, there is this place, this place is also, these places are places that cannot be guarded."

This position...

Before the pompom flies to a 'unprotectable position', the walls here look no different from the surrounding ones, but if you detect the dream energy here, you can find that the wall is a little different from the one on the side. Simply put, compare... …weak.

‘Hey! The velvet ball slammed hard at this position, and suddenly a hole appeared in the position where it was hit.

"You actually made this place a guardian!" said a small nucleator next to him: "It seems that you are quite guardian, let us go and make everything guardable!"

Saying, it flew to the hole that the pompon hit, and another small guardian followed.

There were two small nucleus guards who all flew out of the hole now, and Lin stayed here for about a second before they flew out.

After flying out of the hole, Lin could see that there was a vast expanse of plains.

This is the same as the dream space seen in the white pillar, except that there is no creature on this plain.

There are no dreamers or other creatures, but there are many large stones distributed, and the two little guardians seem to be happily dancing on this plain.

"Look, this is a place that can be guarded! It's awesome!"

As they danced on the plains, Lin's pompoms slowly flew to the surface.

Now, Lin is using the pompom to detect it here. Lin mainly wants to find out if there is anything else in this place... Dreamer.

This dream space is not large, it is easy to detect where they are by detection, but according to the current detection, Lin did not find any dreamers here.

The one who was killed by the little nucleus is perhaps the only one who dreams here.

What is the only dreamer here? Are you dedicated to fooling around here?

However, there are more things in the dream space of this red pillar, and Lynn has detected some special places.

These places are located in the plains, they are hidden areas, they can't be seen directly... But now, with Lin's understanding of the energy of dreams, they can find out where they are.

Small protectors can also find these places.

"There are still things that can't be guarded here! Yes, there are a lot here!"

The two small nucleators stopped in one place, and Lynn flew to the other side and reached their position.

This time, the place that cannot be guarded is a stone with a diameter of more than ten meters on the ground...

Sure enough, what is hidden here, thinking, Lin let the pompon begin to push the stone.

Although it looks great, the pompoms easily push it aside, and under the stone, Lynn sees a cave.

"It's full of feelings that can't be guarded!"

After flying into the cave, Lin saw a dark, this feeling is like the edge of the dream, but this black is also a disguise.

If she had just been in contact with the dream of the brain, Lin could not discern the degree of disguise, but now it is possible to clearly distinguish the hidden things inside.

Here, it seems that there are... historical materials that Lin wants to ask. (To be continued.)

Ps: Thanks ~ Sakura Snow 喵 ~ Palm Card ~ Big Baby ~ Masked Gunslinger ~ Monthly Ticket~

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