4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1058: The birth process that can guard

How were they born?

This starts with the nucleus guardian.

A nucleator is a creature that protects the core of a dream. From birth to forever, they permanently guard one thing.

And more than their characteristics, they are more noticed by the powerful ... power, this protector can kill almost all dream creatures.

The usual dream creatures are completely unable to fight against them. They are a fairly powerful dream creature, which allows them to protect the core from any damage from dreams.

Their production process is a mystery, and the dreamer itself is not sure how this kind of protector is produced. The general idea is that the core of dreams and the original creatures used by the dreamers as weapons have achieved this kind of guardianship. relationship……

But how this is done, the dreamer is not clear.

Although it is unclear, Dreamweavers are still able to study the nucleators. After understanding the nucleators, they decided to transform the nucleus and use this powerful nucleus.

Protectors usually don't leave the core of their guardianship, and the Dreamer intends to create a type that can leave the core, so that the protector can guard anything.

As a result, Dreamweavers began to transform a nurturing nucleus. This new nucleator is not only loyal to the core of dreams, they can guard against anything...what they feel can be guarded.

At the same time, they are also very powerful. There are many kinds of dream creatures in the dream world. Some dream creatures are quite good at concealing themselves. This kind of protector is designed to search for any hidden dream creatures.

After being set up, Dreamweavers began to create this special protector, who transformed some of the original protectors to create new guardians.

According to the Dreamer, this new type of protector can guard their country.

quickly. The first new nucleator was born, but after the birth, the Dreamer discovered that the new nucleus... is completely different from their design.

It does not loyal to something, but feels that many things can be guarded, but whether it can guard it seems to have its own definition, not interfered by other things.

but. The main thing is that it doesn't have any ... attack power, and the Dreamer is surprised to find that this protector has lost the power of the past, they can't kill most dream creatures, but they can't be most dream creatures. Kill, although there is no 'attack power', but their 'defense' is still very strong.

To be precise, they are a kind of dream energy that is difficult to capture and absorb, and it is a difficult opponent for other creatures.

But they have no threats. So there is no need to deal with them.

After the dreamers created the protectors, they discovered that the artifacts were actually different from the ones they set, but they were completely unaware of them before they were made.

The Dreamer intends to reinvent these protectors and create the perfect thing they want to make.

However, they let this protector... escaped.

This kind of protector has no ability to attack, and their ability to escape is relatively strong. They send a lot of information that makes the dreamer feel quite annoyed, and escape from the Dreamer's 'reform laboratory'. Going outside.

Later, when Dreamweavers planned to take them back, they suffered an attack from...the original dream food.

Under the attack of the original dream food. The Dreamers are also destroyed, and they have not been able to take back the nucleus. These new nucleators don’t know where they are scattered, maybe they are still floating in the original world of Dreamweaver...

During the period after the original dream ruined the Dreamer, there was no news about the nucleator until the dreamer dreams and the original dreams. After blowing up the world...

The pieces of Dreamweaver's dreams have returned to the world and began to re-establish its ... in the world that was blown up.

At this time, it met this nucleus again.

This kind of protector is guarding something... that is the core of a dream.

The core of this dream seems to have been left by the original Dreamer civilization, and it is now being guarded by a group of guardians who can guard this.

Dreamers dream of eating this core. At this time, it suffered the attack of this group of protectors.

Of course, it is not a real attack. It is just that this group of nucleators are constantly 'insulting' it and sending it a lot of information. The original Dreamer dreams of ignoring this information, and it takes the core of the dream back.

It also wants to arrest these nucleators to renovate, but now the dreamer's civilization has been destroyed, and most of the previous technology has been lost, so Dreamweavers have no ability to transform these nucleators.

And when it got back to the core of dreams, after a while, it found out that...the unexpected thing, the core of this dream... actually produced such a protector.

It is completely the core of dreams... automatically generated.

The former protector was also born at the core of the dream, but the kind of protector has a strong ability to protect the core, so it is thought that the dreamers are the core to protect themselves.

But this kind of protector who has no protection ability, why is the core of dreams produced?

Dreamweaver dreams... I don't know the problem.

However, it has found a way to use these protectors.

Now the dreamer is in a world that has been destroyed. The dream space is like a sea island, narrow and scattered. It has been stuck here for a long time, and there is no way to increase it.

However, such a nucleus has a way to extend the core.

The dreamer dreams that the nucleator can devour some special energy. Recently there is a kind of... seems to be the dream energy drifting from the distant sky.

The protector can swallow this energy and turn it into a part of the energy of the dream space.

This will expand the size of the dream space...


It turns out that it seems that there is a more detailed history here, although if you have not seen the overall history in the raging worm, you will not know what is being said here.

Lin is still in the dream space of the red pillar. Here, Lin discovers something that records history. The things described by this thing are very close to the questions that Lynn asked before.

Dreamweaver seems to be willing to answer Lynn’s question, but only in a rather strange way to answer it... (to be continued)

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