4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1059: After being trapped

It turns out that... So dreamers dream, so that they live in the fragmented dream space of this world. ●⌒,.

When the dream creatures in the fragmented dream space are heavily preyed, their numbers are becoming scarcer. The dreamers find that they are unable to get enough food.

And the place where it lives is so small that it cannot continue to expand, and it has no way to go to other worlds...

What should it do?

That is to use ... protector.

Although this new type of nucleus has no ability to guard the core, it has another ... special ability, that is, they can find some distant energy.

The protector can discover some of the energy outside of these fragmented dream spaces, and they can absorb this energy.

The Dreamer Dreams is amazed at this phenomenon because it does not know how these protectors discover and absorb this energy.

But for the Dreamer's dream, this is a key to ... to enable them to continue to develop.

It began to use these protectors to get energy from the outside, and then use that energy to expand the size of the dream space, but also as a supplementary food.

In this way, Dreamweaver's dreams slowly expand these fragmented dream spaces, and they are quickly plagued by ‘hungry’.

In fact, if the dreamer does not continue to proliferate, it can live in a dream for a long time, but if it continues to grow, it will consume energy.

These energies can only be obtained by preying on dream creatures. For now, the former Dreamers have many ways to get energy, but those methods are now impossible.

At the same time, the land of the dreamer's dream food has not been able to expand much... because the size of the dream space is limited.

These fragmented dream spaces are all attached to some real carriers, and the dream energy that these carriers can accommodate is limited.

Although the dream energy itself can be much larger than the carrier, it still has a certain size limit. It has no way to get bigger.

But now it is a little bigger than the original, and it doesn't matter if the dreamers dream about it, at least they are not completely trapped.

The only thing that makes the Dreamer dream is that the energy that the nucleus has taken from the outside doesn't know how much. It may be consumed very quickly, which in turn will cause them to enter a trapped state.

In order not to enter the trapped state, Dreamweaver began to act quickly, and it still wanted to implement the previous ideas...that is, to find more carriers in the real world.

Just find more carriers and expand the dream space. Dreamers dream of a chance to reproduce the world before.

In this regard, it still needs to rely on the protector, because it believes that this protector has a strong ... detection ability, can detect some real carrier position.

The dreamer dreams are considered to be 'very guardable' objects for the protector, so they are willing to help the dreamer to do a lot of things.

Therefore, they began to help the dreamer... detect distant objects.

These nucleators are indeed very capable of detecting, they perceive what is real, and soon they discover the real world.

The real world seems to have suffered a lot of trauma, mainly because the dreamer dreams of starting all the weapons at that time. These weapons shattered the earth, and numerous cracks formed huge canyons that spread around the surface. Even after a long time, the spread has not subsided.

At the same time, the protector also detected a lot of things that can be used as carriers, which can be used to develop dream energy.

Moreover, the protector also discovered something that was originally created by the Dreamweaver civilization.

These are some of the machines used to build the building. The dreamers dreamed of sending signals to them. They didn't respond... It was only now that these machines were all trapped.

Because the previous destruction changed the terrain of the world. And this group of machines is trapped in a canyon, and there are no individuals who can fly and have signals to respond.

So they are always in this place... there is no way to leave.

But this group of machines is also not damaged, because they have the function of repairing each other and making new individuals, so they keep a certain number of them in the canyon.

After knowing. Dreamweavers decided to direct these machines. It first commanded the machines to start producing the units that would respond to them, so that they could stay in touch with the machine at any time.

Then, it allows these machines to make things that can leave the canyon, such as the arms that fly, and so on, which allows the units to leave the canyon. Then look for materials to make the carrier.

Because these machines have some problems, the Dreamer’s dreams and their connections are not... stable, so they are given a set of procedures in advance, which allows the machine to not directly direct the dreams. Will run on its own.

Then, the machines started working so quickly that they found a lot of materials that could be made into carriers, which were then processed and assembled to make them into a large cylindrical shape.

This kind of cylinder is usually up to tens of meters, and it is used as a carrier of dream energy to stand on the surface of the world... Under the work of mechanical efforts, a large number of cylinders stand up and they are scattered on the ground.

When these cylinders are established, the machine is also responsible for injecting dream energy into these cylinders, while the dreamer's dream food is connected to the dream energy in these vectors.

The originally fragmented dream space has become wider with the increasing number of cylindrical carriers. The narrow spaces are getting bigger and bigger, and they slowly become not connected to each other by narrow passages, but Complete, huge space.

The Dreamer continues to create his own 'generations' in these larger and larger spaces, and it intends to rebuild the entire Dreamer civilization, and its descendants should be able to do so.

However, just in the process of development, it has encountered some problems...

There are some cylindrical carriers... that have collapsed.

These collapsed carriers have also led to the dissipation of dream energy. The huge dream space is therefore missing a small piece. Although this is not a big problem, the dreamers dream about the main reason for the collapse.

The reason for the collapse of the cylindrical carrier is... the shaking of the ground, which is the cause of the earthquake.

The nucleus guards have detected that earthquakes and other phenomena have occurred everywhere in the real world. In addition, there are events such as the sudden opening of a huge rift of hundreds of meters wide on the surface.

The nucleus thinks that this is a very unprotectable phenomenon, and the Dreamer dreams of thinking so much, perhaps because of what it has done... Now the whole world seems to have some kind of great disaster.

A variety of phenomena have become more frequent, and several earthquakes have destroyed many cylindrical carriers, which has reduced the dreams by almost half.

Dreamweaver dreams that it can't continue this way, but it still can't escape from the world... But at this time, a group of machinery excavated something when excavating the material to make the carrier.

These things... are left by the dreamers of the past, which is a special thing, but in fact, the things of the dreamer civilization can basically be special.

This thing records the plan of a previous dreamer.

The original world of the Dreamweaver was destroyed by another world.

At that time, they did not completely want to escape, but they also slightly developed an idea of ​​going back to the world that was destroyed by the crash.

The world that has been struck has turned into a pile of pieces...so these dreamers have given up on this idea.

But they believe that if a world is hurt so much, but this damage has not yet been completely destroyed, there is still a way to keep the world... stable.

There are a group of dreamers who have carried out research on this project, mainly to prevent similar disasters in the world in the future.

But the key point here is not the dreamer himself, but the thing that is called the vagrant.

Dreamers love to study other worlds, as well as various creatures living in other worlds... they have found such a place.

They discovered a world that is...evaporating.

The main phenomenon of evaporation is that the earth's surface slowly breaks into tiny powders and floats into the air, and in this state of the world, it will stop working.

The Dreamer discovered that the world was originally in a state of 'violent activity', that is, the movement of the earth's crust was quite frequent.

However, this is a thing of the past. When the evaporation occurred, all activities stopped, and the whole world entered a state of slow evaporation.

Although the evaporation of this kind of thing in the world sounds more horrible than the intense activity of the earth's crust, evaporation is actually a very slow phenomenon, and its emergence can keep the whole world extremely stable for a long period of time. status.

In further research, the Dreamer found that this evaporation was caused by something.

This kind of thing is called 'the transpiration'.

Is it a creature? Still something else? Or is it a weapon?

The Dreamer didn't figure this out, because the research didn't continue. At that time, the Dreamer wanted to use the transpiration to stabilize the world, but that didn't really make sense. If there was another world impact, it wouldn't be enough to stabilize it.

As for other problems, the Dreamer can solve it by himself.

The study was later interrupted, but some of the information was retained.

Including... how to find the information of the 'vatar'. (To be continued.)

Ps: Thanks ~ Grey King ~ 84 years of Caesar ~ the monthly ticket ~ sf0916

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