4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1063: Squeezed out plan

The transpiration, the thing that stabilized the world, after coming to the world, it went deep into the ground and completely hidden its own traces.

The dreamer dreams of trying to find this transpire to understand its specific situation, but because it is difficult to find ... gave up.

It did not expect that, now, actually found the location of the transpiration.

In this description, the transpiration is described as a giant stone-like object, and the body of the transpiration is within the stone.

Now that the transpiration is found, the dreamer dreams are of little use, because what it needs most now is to catch the group and then get the nucleus from the church.

However, the dreamer dreams of a little bit of research on this object called the transpiration.

In the course of the research, Dreamweaver has found a place to surprise it. This transpire can itself be used as a carrier of dream energy.

But now there is no dream energy in the vagrants. After the dreamer dreams of this situation, it has produced an idea.

After that, the dreamer dreams of leaving a few machines to the side of the transpiration, and the rest continues to chase the Order, and later... after a while.

It finally found a group of members of the Order who were hiding in the ground. The machine of the dreams immediately launched an attack, and the members of this group were resolved after a brief resistance.

The cylinder protected by this group of priests was also acquired by Dreamweavers. It immediately “extracted” the nucleus inside, and then let the machine take it back to the ground.

But... it’s too late now.

Fear energy is accelerating the dream space of dreamers, and its huge space is getting smaller and smaller, becoming a fragmentary state like before... even smaller than that.

The engulfing of fear energy has almost spread to the dreamer's dream itself, and the numerous 'descendences' it has produced have long since disappeared into the sea of ​​fear.

The dreamer dreams that its mechanical force may not be able to send the protector back, it will be completely eaten by the fear energy.

Therefore, it can only use one action that it calls the 'final method'.

The Dreamer has started some machines that have been in the same position in the real world. It integrates itself and the dream space in which it is located into this machine.

At the same time as it is integrated, it also 'hardens' its own dream space, which can make the dream space not be swallowed up by the fear energy so quickly.

Then, it allowed the machine to quickly rush to the group of machinery with the nucleator. Let the two sides meet.

This machine was specially made by the dream food. It was extremely fast. Soon it reached the position of the group of machinery carrying the protector. After the two sides merged, the dream food allowed the machine to go underground.

Its idea... mainly like this.

Dream food wants to return to the position of the transpiration. And let yourself... enter the body of the transpiration.

In this way, it is possible to overcome the fear energy.

Because it is too late to study the nucleators, and a nucleator can not be used to defeat the fear energy, but the dream can use this nucleus as a shield to protect themselves and their own dream space is not to be Devouring.

Then, it can safely reach the position of the tranfer, and let yourself into the transpiration.

In this way, it is possible to communicate with the transpirations, and even control the transpiration... like the dream creatures that live with real life.

The transpiration is sure to have a strong ability to stabilize the world. Then it can destroy the whole world.

Dreamweaver dreams like this, as long as it can command the tranfer, or let the vagrants listen to its ‘suggestions’, then it can destroy the carrier of fear energy and defeat it in this war.

The Dreamweaver’s dream plan was successful... At least the first step was successful.

Its mechanical forces suffered a micro-mechanical attack when they returned to the evaluator position, but the dreamers dreamed of successfully repelling these miniature enemies to the position of the tranfer.

Then, the dreamer dreams and the dream space together into the transpiration.

At this time there are still a lot of fragmented dream spaces on the ground that are not completely swallowed by the fear energy, in these dream spaces. The descendants of many dreamers dream of gathering are gathered there.

They watched their dream space shrink down bit by bit under the pressure of fear energy, but they were not afraid and did not have any fear.

These descendants are looking forward to and looking forward to their ‘mother’. The dreamer's dream plan can succeed... control the transpires and defeat the fear energy.

However, their expectations... have fallen short.

When the dreamer dreams of entering the transpiration, its connection to the fragmentary dream space on the surface is also broken.

This also led to the descendants who waited for it in a piecemeal space. They didn't know what the specific situation was. Now these groups of descendants can only watch their own space slowly being swallowed up.

And what they are most looking forward to. But there is no news at all, so they are like all creatures attacked by fear... feeling real fear.

However, they can't do anything. These descendants are more than the Dreamer's dreams... Weak, they don't even have the ability to control machinery, so they can only look at their own space and be with themselves. Fear swallowed.

These piecemeal spaces disappeared one by one in fear, because they are different in size and disappear in different times.

But the creatures inside think that their ending is the same...

However, just when they almost gave up all their hopes, suddenly... the miracle appeared.

This kind of miracle is not the dream that they expect to control the evapotranic to eliminate the fear energy...but the church has appeared, and the original mass sneak into the ground once again appeared on the surface.

The Order found the carriers on the surface carrying the only piecemeal space of dreams. These carriers were also some cylinders. The Order decomposed the columns into pieces and then brought them under the ground.

Because the energy of fear does not spread below the ground, or does not spread completely, there are many places in the ground where fear energy is not involved.

After reaching the ground, the dreamy descendants in the shredded space found that their space was no longer squeezed by the fear energy, which made them very surprised.

The members of the Order lived underground after this. They dig a lot of space in the ground and collect resources and life everywhere, as if they did not intend to return to the surface.

And these dreaming descendants lived with them, but they did not have any communication with the Order.

Just ‘see’ the life of the ecclesiastical group.

The original dreams of the future are not able to perceive the real world, but the Order has installed some ... devices on their dream carrier cylinders, so that the dreamers can know the real situation.

It was discovered that the ecclesiastical group saved them. These descendants were very surprised, but the wonderful thing was that when they tried to communicate with the sect of the sect, the ecclesiastical creatures did not respond.

It seems that I have not noticed the general.

The dreamers used all the methods they knew to send information and the group exchanges. They didn't respond, so they just gave up.

But it doesn't matter if you can live anyway.

After that, the descendants of the dreams are so together with the Order... very ordinary underground life, the daily life of the group is to dig holes everywhere, collect food, eat food, store food, rest, continue to find food. .

There is no entertainment and nothing special.

Except for one thing, they regularly gather around the dream carriers in the center of their homes to worship. The worship activity is a large group of religious creatures gathered around the column.

These cylinders were cut into several sections when they were carried into the ground, but after the underground, the Orders assembled them again.

Their worship activities are gathered around the column and will also move the 'special forces' to collect more dream carrier materials.

The sect will process these carrier materials and then attach them to the cylinder so that the cylinder becomes a longer cylinder.

In the process of lengthening one by one, some cylinders with a length of several tens of meters have already been more than 100 meters.

The descendants of the dreams of living here, watching this column slowly increase, they also noticed that everything seems to be very... calm.

The energy of fear did not spread here, and they were not attacked by micro-machines. It seems that there is no problem.

On the other hand, they can't receive any news about Dreamweaver's dreams. What happened to it? They care very much.

Therefore, this group of dreaming and descendants came up with more ways to try to communicate with the religious group. They wanted the group to take them out of here and go to the place where the transpires went.

However, this group of churches still did not react, they still lived a normal life.

Dreaming of the offspring is not to have any opinion on this kind of plain life, but they are worried about the dreamers dreaming, so they continue to try to contact the ecclesiastical creatures.

After a while, there was finally a group of creatures responding to them. It told the dreamers that they could not leave this place because of the dangerous relationship, so they could not move around in the ground.

But don't say why it is dangerous.

The descendants of the dream food are not satisfied with this answer, but the ecclesiastics no longer pay attention to them, therefore, the dreaming offspring turn their target to another group of creatures.

This group of creatures soon responded to the signals of the dreaming offspring, which are the creatures that Lin later called... skeleton gnomes. (~^~)

Ps: Thank you ~o, 1994~10000!

Thanks ~~日1994~王阿花~书丿虫~ Half bottle dissatisfied~ monthly ticket~

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