4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1064: a group of stones

Skeleton gnome... At this time it is a creature of 'small little'.

Lynn decided to give them a new name, called... ‘small stone’, because they are a kind of cold stone creature.

The shape of ‘Mushing Stone’ is about half a meter to a meter, moving with four limbs. It is a dwarf creature, which is true for the group.

The ecclesiastical creatures are relatively large. They are three meters high. They stand on their limbs. They seem to have a lot of tentacles. From the description of the dreamers, it is impossible to determine what kind of creatures the ecclesiastical creatures are.

But the environment of this world is very extreme for cell biology, and it is similar to the void...so they are unlikely to be cell organisms.

The record descriptions of this history are mainly dreaming of future generations, not dreamers.

Dreamweavers have entered the transpirations and there has been no news so far. The dreams of future generations are quite concerned about its situation. They continue to signal the sects of the sect. They thought they were not received by the sects. Later they only Find……

The ecclesiastical creatures were received, but they were ignored after receiving them.

This made the dreaming descendants feel... angry, they felt that the ecclesiastical creatures trapped them in this place, even if the sect had saved them before, but this did not prevent them from angering the ecclesiastical group.

Therefore, they are linked to another group of biomes.

The fascinating stone is the squad of the sect of the sect. They live in the group of the sect of the sect, and most of the time they are responsible for some 'tricks', such as helping to carry materials, building buildings, etc., and the sects will assign them food. They are generally forbidden to go outside the city, and the reproduction of the rock is also restricted. The church allows them to keep the number of groups stable. Unless allowed, the number can not be increased, and the church also limits their residence. The rocks are to live in their assigned homes, and they cannot build their own buildings.

The rock is like a group of servant creatures, and it has been since they joined the Order.

But it is better than a church that has been living a mechanically repeating life. The emotions of the rock are much richer, they are eager to have entertainment, have bigger territory and so on.

The original rock was for the food to follow the Order. Because there was a threat of fear energy on the surface, they didn't have much time to pay attention to it. It will be fine if you can live.

Now, because of the long, quiet life, they began to demand something other than food. At this time, they began to express their opinions on the group that restricted them.

But after all, living together for so long, the stone did not dare to do anything, just went on until ... they heard the call of the descendants of the dream.

The descendants of the dream food first contacted a few leaders in the middle of the stone, and the stone was the first time to receive such contact, which was very wonderful. So the dreaming descendants also disguised themselves as a mysterious species and did not directly express their true identity.

They tell the stone to extract the dream energy from the columns of the Order, put it into an easy-to-carry energy carrier, and then bring it to the evaluator. The stone is not willing to start because it would violate the regulations of the Order.

The stone is not clear about things like dream energy. They just know that the church has forbidden them to approach the cylinder.

The descendants of the dream have also noticed that it is not possible to let the fans directly take them to the transpiration, so they have begun a more long-term plan.

They found that the stone was dissatisfied with the church, and they slowly expanded the mood. ‘Inciting’ their hatred of the Order.

Under the constant flicker of the dreaming descendants, many fans began to yearn for an independent life, not with the Order.

After the dream of the offspring found that the opportunity came, they also began to tell the location of the Missouri to place weapons.

The dreamy offspring can observe all the conditions in the city built by the entire church in the column. This is a big advantage for them.

The stone that tries to resist is trying to get the weapons of the Order under the guidance of the descendants of the dream, and also tries to make it by itself. This is not difficult, because the stone itself has many manufacturing tools.

They used this tool to build buildings under the orders of the Order, but it seems that there is nothing wrong with making weapons.

Although the stone tried to disguise in front of the sect of the sect, they still showed many anomalies. However, the Order of the Creed... seems to have no doubt about the Rock.

They still live the same life as usual.

On one occasion, a stone was killed by the corps of creatures for trying to steal weapons, but the sect of the sect was also smashed, and there was no doubt about investigating other rocks.

This makes the dreaming descendants think that it seems that there is no problem as long as the violation of the rules is not obvious.

So they let the stone not to steal the weapons, all changed to their own manufacturing, because most of the weapons are made in a simple way, the dreams of future generations can tell the fans how to do it, and the stone can be made with a little modification. A version that suits your use.

After making enough weapons, the dreaming offspring began to evaluate the strength of both sides, and the success of the lost stone.

Because I have seen the dreamers fight with the machinery and the sects before the dreams, so the future generations of the dreams know the power of the ecclesiastical group. They think that the rock is indeed likely to win.

Then, they let the rocks gather together and begin a full-scale attack on the Order.

The initial attack by the Rocks allowed them to occupy an area in the city of the Order, which bases on this area and continues to attack other places.

To say that these two sides are fighting alone, the rock is still not possible, but the dreaming descendants have played a very important role in this battle. They always tell the Rocks all the information about the Order. The actions of the Order, which made the stone slowly gain an advantage, and the Order was defeated.

Later, the remaining small group of sects escaped, and the shards occupied their cities and occupied the buildings of the sect, acquiring all their skills.

Then, the stone will not listen to the words of the future generations.

This is something that dreamers have not expected... because according to their plans, the stone should take them to the transpiration.

The mysterious stone has always regarded the descendants of dreams as things like gods, and has the ability of omniscience. However, the technology and materials obtained from the sects of the sects found that the descendants of the dreams were not gods, but a group... imprisoned. Biological only.

Then continue to imprison them.

The stone is like this. (To be continued.)

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