4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1065: Concrete story

The stone won! They defeated the Order.

But they have ‘rebellious’ and have not helped the group of dreaming descendants who have made them victorious, and they have also said that they are deceiving them first.

Because the dreaming offspring did not indicate their identity from the beginning, and the behavior of the dreaming offspring is likely to lead to the extinction of the rock. The original rock thought that the descendants of the dream are 'gods', so they are willing to listen to them. If you want to go against the Order.

I did not expect that the descendants of the dream food are actually a group of creatures imprisoned in the column, which makes the stone feel ... very scared.

Because if they lose, they will all be extinct. They will definitely be extinct. The reason they are not afraid of it is that even if they fail, God will save them.

In order to express their anger of being deceived, they are not willing to help dreamers to do anything, on the surface they say so.

But in fact, the reason why Rock really didn't want to help was because they saw a lot of information left by the Order, and they found that it was indeed a very dangerous phenomenon to get close to the transpiration.

Simply put, if you are close to the transpiration, the entire population will be devastated.

Therefore, the Rock is not going to approach the transpiration. Of course, they also have some anger against the dreaming offspring, but this is not the main reason.

Mainly because the stone is afraid of the danger of the vagrants, although it is, but they do not explain this reason, just that it is because the dreams of future generations deceive them.

However, the real thoughts of the rock are still noticed by the descendants of the dream, so this group of offspring has once again produced an angry mood.

The mystery is much more cautious than the ecclesiastical creatures. They are afraid of what the future generations will do, so they blow up the cylinders that carry them.

Dreaming of the offspring...but they didn’t die. They knew that the stone had to do these things, so they immediately fled, and many dreams of the offspring were transferred to the nearby dream energy carrier.

In fact, many buildings built by the Order can be used as a dream energy carrier and connected to the cylinder.

It’s just that the descendants of the dreams usually stay in the column, and now they are all transferred into the nearby buildings. And the stone... I don't know this.

Because they are still ignorant of dreams, and the information left by the Order does not describe the specific circumstances of these dream carriers.

The stone thought that destroying the column would kill the descendants of the dream, and after they finished, they thought that there was no problem.

Next. The Rock began to build their own city on the city of the Order, and they learned all the techniques of the Order, and they used these techniques to arm themselves.

At the same time, the Rock is also rapidly growing its number and digging everywhere. Expand the size of the territory while collecting resources.

Later, the rock excavated to a place where they found a lot of skeleton machinery.

This is where the factory is called, and the stone researched the factory and started the skeleton machine... these things are known to Lin.

Just don't know that there is still such an experience before the mystery.

This experience was concealed by the mystery. When they recorded history, they did not want to record the history of the enslavement they had been taught, so they changed this history.

Changed to what Lin saw in the 'teaching area', they said that their technology was completely learned from the factory. There is no mention of anything in the Order.

Although the stone tried to forget the Order, the Order's creatures were not completely eliminated.

The ecclesiastical creatures were originally a large group of people, scattered around the world to live, but the group of cultivating creatures here were destroyed by the stone.

The Miss Rock does not know that there are more church creatures elsewhere, which seems to be because there is no connection between the groups of each group of creatures.

They didn't find any information about other cultivating creatures here, so they didn't know.

Moreover, the ecclesiass of other places do not know this situation, so they will not come to attack the rock, and the rock will develop safely here.

Later, they abandoned their bodies. Switched to skeleton mechanics, it became the kind of thing that Lin called the skeleton gnome.

And the stone has become more and more pursuit of entertainment and enjoyment, they have established a 'virtual space', and the entire population has lived in. And live in it.

They have lived a very peaceful life all the time, nothing special happened until the rocks went to the surface and brought the micro-mechanics back.

Their move... was noticed by the descendants of the dream.

Dreaming of the offspring... It’s weird, they can’t command the skeleton machines made by the dreamers, but they feel it. Those micromachines.

When the micro-mechanics were brought back by the rocks, they found out... This surprised them, and the descendants of the dreams knew that these micro-mechanics were the forces of fear energy.

But on these machines, there is no fear energy, but more importantly, they can command these machines.

Thus, the dreaming offspring began to wait for an opportunity.

The Rocks brought back more and more micro-machines and began to use them extensively. When the number of micro-machines was almost the same... they started their own plans.

Control these micro-machines and launch their own revenge plan to the stone.

It’s the same as what Lin sees now... The micro-machines controlled by the descendants of the dream have already taken up almost the entire city of the rock, but they have not completely killed the stone.


History... It’s over here.

Lin's pompoms are floating on the vast plain of dreams. There are two small guardians around the pompoms. Lin also gave them a little bit of history to see if they reacted.

Their response to history is mainly to evaluate whether the various things happening inside can be guarded. As for the source of their birth, they are not interested at all.

However, it can be said that the birth of this group of protectors was mainly from the Dreamer, the ‘failure’ transformed from the original protector.

The small nucleus may be a kind of ‘mutant species’ produced by the creators to absorb the core of dreams. In general, the small ones are bigger than the big ones.

History is over here, and Lynn feels a bit strange. It seems that the whole history seems to be fine, but there is no mention of anything about...the worm.

Why is there a dreamer going to the raging worm, giving the worm a dream core, and letting the group of worms become gods?

There is no explanation for this incident, but it shows what the evaporating world has experienced. The fear energy seems to have left during the period after the ecclesiastical group, the dreaming creatures and other creatures have entered the underground.

The reason for leaving is unknown, and there are still many micro-machines left. These micro-mechanics also participate in the process of 'evaporating' the world.

But just set up a program to let them do this, so the stone can take these machines back to the ground to set up a new program.

And they can be controlled by the dreaming offspring.

This made Lin think of a possibility.

"Ah! The things that can't be guarded come over! What do you want to do? Can't guard things? Don't you want to fight against us? We will crush you into something that can be guarded! No, we won't make you a guardian." !"

Under the screams of the two small guardians, Lin found that a thick fog drifted slowly in the distance.

This group of dense fog... is a dream to eat offspring.

"You know everything." The descendants of the dream food said to Lin: "Now, leave here."

"This is not everything." Lynn mentioned something about the worm on this dreaming descendant and asked them why this was not recorded.

"There is no information." The descendants of the dream food answered this question: "There is nothing in the matter you describe. I don't think this is our history. Now, leave here."

"Do you dare let us go? Do you think we will listen to your instructions? We absolutely do not follow any instructions that cannot be guarded!"

Lynn found that this dreaming offspring seemed to be more "cheerful" than before, and at least the answer was no longer just that, so Lynn decided to ask more questions before the two little nucleators were angry to attack.

Lin continued to ask: "Why are you willing to share your history with strange creatures?"

"Because...the same kind." Dream food descendants said: "Detected similar signals."

"The same kind?" Lin looked at the two small guardians next to him: "Do you mean them?"

"How can we be its kind! You are filthy us!" A small nucleus screamed.

"No... it's you." The descendants of the dream food said to Lin's pompom: "From you... can detect...like signals."

"Our history will only be shared by two kinds of creatures."

"One kind, we recognize things, we will tell them history in a simple way... the other is the same kind, all the same kind can be counted." Dream food descendants said: "This is from the beginning At the beginning, there are... regulations."

"Can you... explain this in detail?"

This time, Lynn’s question was detailed, not a simple answer.

This is a very interesting part of the story, and the descendants of the dream show that their 'kind' does not mean only themselves, but all related creatures.

Including the dreams of the offspring, there are dreamers dreaming, dreamers, and... some distant creatures are counted.

The distant place is where the dreamers first lived, and from there they came to this void, and they started a series of things here.

There is a rule in Dreamweaver that the history of the record can only be seen by similar and recognized creatures. This class includes creatures from some distant places.

The dream food descendants have just detected it, and it thinks that Lin is also a creature from a distant place. (~^~)

Ps: Thank you ~ North Lchen 丶 ~ rewards ~

Thanks ~ half bottle dissatisfied ~ real people ~ zai private n ~ Sakura snow 喵 ~ monthly ticket ~

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