4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1073: Really want this?

"We have to give it to... Do you really want to do this? This is a must..."

This is a vast, dark space.

On the ground here, there are one round pits one after another, and in each shallow pit, there is a creature called the Order.

Hundreds of sects of the sect are gathered here, and among the sects of the corps standing in the pit, there are many of their cubs running around.

These pups range in size from tens of centimeters to one meter, and they are free to move here, without having to enter the pit like an adult.

Among these cubs, there is an individual called ... spy.

It is now mixed with all the cubs and doing the same thing as them, that is... learning.

Lin came to this place soon and learned that this place is called the strange name of the head, and there are also hundreds of sects.

They gathered here seem to be holding some strange rituals. After Lin had some understanding, they found that they were holding rituals about transpiration.

They must introduce the fear energy... into the transpiration.

They have hesitated that this action has been going on for a long time, and now even if they are gathered in the place where the ritual is to be performed, they are still hesitating here.

Lin hasn't figured out how they performed the ceremony, so it's being investigated now, and now it's easy to investigate, because the pup is a very good...

None of the cubs of the ecclesiastical community teaches them specially. They all learn by themselves, and their learning process is to run around in adult individuals. And observe adult behavior and then understand and learn on your own.

Adult individuals also do not limit these pups to anywhere... except for dangerous places.

They can move around. Even in these places that seem important. So now the spy is running towards the center of this place.

All the adult cults here stay in a circular pothole, because they are half-body in the shallow pit, so they look like a tentacle group lying on the pit.

This kind of behavior seems to have no special effect, that is, some... symbolic action.

It can be seen that the ecclesiastical creatures are constantly communicating, they continue to touch the companions next to them, and the content of their conversations is almost all...

Hesitant content.

They are hesitant to do this, for which all the sects of the sect are discussed here. But no results.

Lynn’s spies walked toward the center of the room as they watched their discussion.

The center of the room has the most prominent...the view, in the center, you can see that there is something on the roof.

This thing looks like a pointed cone of stone, it has a length of more than six meters, its tip is aligned directly below the ground, but nothing on the ground.

Lynn's spy cub slowly walked under the tip of the cone, from which she could feel the cone full of fear energy.

From the chats of the surrounding group creatures, you can also know that this tip is... an object used to infuse fear energy, but there is no transpiration here.

Thinking about it. Lin asked the spy to run to a nearby adult altar in the pit and touched it and asked him: "Where is the transpiration?"

The ecclesiastical creature does not call the transpiration as a transpiration. They have a special... vocabulary to describe the transpiration, which contains a variety of praises.

However, Lin will translate it into a transpiration.

"It's just below us." The ecclesiass sprinkled some debris in front of the spy and responded to the spy.

Lin looked at the debris and continued to ask: "If you do this, will it not object?"

"We live because of it, don't ask, we must observe more, we must understand ourselves." The group's creatures have dropped some new pieces, which means this.

Then, Lin pokes it again, and it doesn't react.

It seems that Lynn is not enough to understand this creature. They are indeed weird. Before reading some of their history, Lin found that the youngsters were learning everywhere, but they did not have too many inquiries and exchanges.

They are all their own imaginations and thoughts, and then grow up to join the adult group, but there is no discomfort.

This creature is very interesting, but Lynn doesn't have much spare time to continue to play the spy to experience their lives, and now feels the need to solve the current problem.

If they really want to use the energy of fear to infect the transpiration, Lynn now thinks it is necessary to stop it.

Regardless of what the tranfer is or what creature, it must have a strong ability, and letting fear energy acquire this ability is equivalent to having a powerful weapon.

The question is, why is fear energy not directly infected, but is it necessary for these groups to come?

Lynn's spy looked at the top of the fear-filled tip on the ground, and the tip of the cone was covered with dense micromachines.

Although the cones are full of fear energy, these micro-mechanics are still not controlled by the fear energy, because the distance is very close, it can be detected that they have no fear energy, and it is still the kind of machine that sets the program.

This is wonderful, why does fear energy not directly control these machines?

"Now, there is not much time left!"

When Lin was studying here, she suddenly received a message...

This information, all the corps creatures present should also be received, this is a broadcast-like message, and its issuer is an adult sect.

It is different from other cults in that it is not in the shallow pit, but step by step to the center of the room where the spy is located.

It seems to be...prestigious, and other church groups have stopped discussing each other after receiving the information.

It went to a position where the spy was stopped. It stopped talking about the spy. Instead, it opened most of its tentacles and sent a signal to the group’s creatures throughout the place: "We must start acting, if If we don't act during this time, then our population will be completely destroyed."

Lynn's spy cubs also have the same 'receiver' as the group's creatures, so they can receive the signal.

"It has been going through too long, we have to start the action, who else has questions?"

Although all the cultivating creatures have been chatting from the past to the present, they are now without any doubt.

No such dissidents were found. The sect of the ‘report’ said: “So, we are now...”

It didn't finish, and its action stopped, mainly because the spy poked it.

"Why do you have to do this? Is there any other solution?" Lynn asked the spy to raise this question.

"It sent out such a question..." The ecclesiastical creature suddenly seemed to be frightened. The message it sent contained... very excited emotions: "It actually sent such a question!"

Said, it stretched out a tentacle, grabbed Lynn's spy cub and lifted it high into the air.

"Do you believe it? It actually sent a question to me, it said..."

It sent the questions that just Lin had said to it to the audience.

Suddenly, the whole group of the ecclesiastical creatures... all but the young ones became quite... surprised.

They began to talk to each other fiercely, and they all talked about the same thing, why Lin’s spy cubs made such questions.

Lynn felt wonderful. They actually had this reaction. Lin knew that their pups rarely asked questions, but it should not happen.

What's even more amazing is that they are only discussing why the cubs will be like this, and there is no doubt that this cub is...spy.

"Our population has become abnormal." The ecclesiastical creature suddenly put the spy back on the ground and then broadcast again: "So you must act one step earlier!"

"For our future and our spirit, we must sacrifice our faith!"

After that, the tentacles of the whole body trembled, and at the same time, it turned three times on the ground.

All the cultivating creatures present at the scene saw three turns in their pits.

Their actions seemed to provoke something... the organ, the pointed cone-shaped object in the center of the room began to move slowly down, and it was about to sting on the ground.

It seems that they are going to start the ceremony.

Although I haven't figured out a lot of questions, Lin believes that when this pointed object touches the ground, it is likely to pass the fear energy inside into the ground.

If the tranurizer is really underground, it will obviously be affected, so it must be... what to do.

'boom! ! ! ’

The sound of the explosion suddenly sounded, and this is not what Linde did.

Because Lynn’s cub spies flew out because of the impact of the explosion, when the spy stabilized his body, he saw the pointed object blast.

Its crumbs spilled over the ground, and all the church creatures around it looked at the scene with astonishment.

Their surprise emotions have a very obvious 'expression' that some of the tentacles on the body will involuntarily twitch.

What caused this explosion was not something else, but the creature that just spoke.

Lin saw that it had just rushed up and slammed into the cone.

Because the corps has a self-explosive function in the living body, and it just started this self-explosive function, and smashed itself and the sharp cone.

However, there was a tentacle left, and the tentacle twisted on the ground and continued to send a signal to the surroundings.

"Sacrifice of faith... That's your business... I won't... do it." (To be continued.)

Ps: Thanks ~Andro Warno~ for the reward~

Thank you ~ Youth Palace ~ Yunxiao ~ special cut the beasts ~ monthly ticket ~

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