4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1074: Surging fear

Fear... is surging, spreading...

Wherever it goes, all the creatures... are running wild in horror.

This is the scene in front of Lynn.

Just a few tens of seconds ago, it was still very calm. Every group of creatures stayed in their potholes, the cubs ran between them, and the speakers described the problems they had to sacrifice.

However, the last speaker jumped up and blew himself with the pointed cone used to bring fear into the ground, which led to such a result.

Fear is like a rushing stream of water, bursting into the room from where the cone was originally located, and rushing to all the church creatures here.

The corps creatures were instantly overwhelmed by the wave of fear, but they did not fall immediately, but rushed out of the potholes and rushed to the exit of the room.

This also includes those youngsters, but the pups are not so strong. They are completely insane when they are overwhelmed by fear. Some continue to use their tentacles to scratch themselves, while others continue to rotate in place, while others are falling. I have been unable to climb out of the wall in the hole.

The adult ecclesiastical creatures ignore them, and their purpose is only for export.

However, the scenes seem to be chaotic, but they do not knock down their companions with each other, nor do they step on the mad mad cubs. In all the frightened cults, there seems to be a wonderful ‘order’ that controls them.

So they can leave here without causing any harm to the class.

Even so, they are still very flustered. The only calm thing here is... Lin’s cub spies.

In fear. The cub spy ignores this effect. But it can't be completely ignored...because there are two little guardians in the pussy's body.

They seem to have an opinion on this fear again: "What are you doing! Why are you here? Right! Why are you staying in this unguarded place? Is it not familiar with you? Do not understand Slowly go to the place where you can guard!"

"Are you beginning to hate this place again?" Lynn's spy cub went to the place where the fear energy came out. At the same time, I also asked the small nucleators: "Is not going to turn this place into a place to guard?"

"What? You dare to say this! We want to go home now!"

“Where is your home?” Lin looked at the top of the room when she asked them. The original cone was now in a cave with a diameter of more than one meter. The energy of fear emerged from the cave.

The strange thing is... Since fear energy has the ability to spread easily here, it has to use the group creature to help it be introduced into the transpiration?

Or the introduction of transpiration is not the purpose of fear energy, the purpose is only to drive the religious community obedience? No matter what is very strange.

"Our home is in... that place, you know! Yes, at home, there are so many things that can be guarded. Everything is perfect, even perfect, no need to guard. What? That is not Can't you guard it? What! It's something that can be guarded!"

As they argued, the spy cubs flew slowly and flew into the cave where the fear energy came out.

In this cave, Lin can see that the wall is covered with dense micro-machines, because it is full of fear energy, so it can't tell if the fear energy controls them.

However, these micro-machines seem to be all in the standby state, motionless.

"Why are you moving to this place! Go back soon! Go back and know? So simple, can't you understand?"

The two little nucleus were even more nervous, so Lin moved further deeper. After flying about ten meters away, the spy reached a...very strange place.

this place. It seems to be the same room as the one below, the same size, the same shallow pit, but there is no group creature.

There are only a few bodies of the sect of the sect.

This place is also full of fear energy, fear energy is filled with fear, but they are mainly gathered on the bodies of these sects.

The Order's biology seems to be the main carrier.

Lynn’s spy slowly drifted to a religious body, and the spy landed on it, preparing to test it...

But it suddenly moved.

The tentacles of this 'corpse' slammed, and the spy who fell on the tentacle flew out. When the spy flew in the air and stopped his body, the 'corpse' jumped on the ground and jumped to the side. Come over.

At the same time, it stretched out all the tentacles, trying to block the escape route of the spies up and down and left and right.

But only the rear, it can not be blocked.

So the spy quickly stepped back and said to the little nucleus in the body: "Go and turn it into something that can be guarded."

"What? No!"

Two screaming nuisance hunters took the fluff from the spy's head and tied it to the corpse in front.

The stabbed body paused, but it still waved tentacles to try to catch the spy.

The spy speeded up and flew back at twice the speed faster than before, and the force that the body jumped was almost exhausted, so it fell to the ground.

And on the ground, it jumped again...

It is obvious that unlike the ecclesiastical creatures that were previously controlled by fear energy, that kind of fear energy is easily removed by...

And this, the small nucleus has gone in for a full ten seconds, it actually can jump and jump.

It now jumps up again and throws its tentacles at the spy. When the spy escapes its tentacles, it also discovers...

In this room, all the corpses that had fallen to the ground actually moved.

Each of them has quite... intense fear energy, and Lin thinks...

These ecclesiastical creatures should not only be as simple as being controlled, but the fear energy treats them as... the core, the surrounding fear energy, is spread by them.

In this case, destroying them, it should remove the fear energy around.

However, now the spy cubs may be difficult to protect themselves. Many 'corpses' leaped in succession. In the constant attack, one of them successfully caught the spy cub... because the body gap is too large, the spy The baby has no way to resist.

Since you can't protect yourself, you can only blew yourself. (To be continued.)

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