4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1076: Can you guard it?

"This is a story that cannot be guarded..."

"In this story... a group of things that can be guarded can't be guarded, it's too horrible! Do you imagine a story that is even more terrifying than this?"

"Hey! Hurry up and respond! Otherwise it will look very unguardable!"

"..." Lin did not respond.

Now, a fluff is slowly flying. This place is a passage. This hill is full of such passages, and there is nothing strange.

The fluff was previously flying out of a room, and what happened in that room almost destroyed all the fluff of Lin.

That's a lot of micromachines... they completely break down the entire fear carrier, whether it's the outer skin or the internal organs.

Although Lin rewrote a lot of micro-machines to fight back, it only delayed for a while. Lin felt that the biggest reason for the failure was that... Lin could not rewrite the unrewritten micro-machines with rewritten micro-machines.

Because they can't do that kind of thing, they can only be used to attack. To have this kind of function must be almost completely rebuilt, but there is not so much time.

Of course, too many enemies are also one of the reasons, so Lin finally can only escape.

Almost all of the fluff was left there and was broken down by the micro-machines, but their death allowed Lin's last fluff to escape with the two small guards.

In fact, there are two fluffs alive, and one is the one that has been observed in the room, and now it is still in the room for observation.

The situation in the room is nothing special, that is, the micro-mechanicals are broken up after being broken down.

The fear energy behavior here is quite weird, and Lin needs to conduct more investigations...

And this with the fluff of two small nucleus, Lin intends to let it merge with some ... reinforcements, because it is too easy to die.

but. During the flight, the two small guardians seemed to tell the story.

"You really don't want to listen? This is a very guardian story. No, I don't think this story can be guarded. You dare to question me? I think you may be right. But you should be anyway. Know it. That's right."

They said in turn, Lynn felt that they seemed to be much more interesting.

Maybe it was because of a lot of things, so Lynn said to them: "If that's the case, let's talk about this story."

"Very good, since you want to know so. Then we have to respond to you. This is a very guardian story. You have to seriously understand. Sense of the guardian, so you will become very Can guard."

"..." As they spoke, the fluff slowly reversed the direction of flight.

It flew down the wall next to it, at a height of about ten centimeters on the wall, there was a small hole, and the hole had a lot of... fluff.

These fluffs are coming in one by one. They are what Lin calls the reinforcements, when Lin was fighting in the fear carrier. Sent from the outside.

Now Lin has been able to send a large number of invisible troops to come here, but currently it is limited to the subtle objects of fluff.

But the subtleties don't matter, you can make them make big objects here. Lin now intends to make this group of fluffs a bigger spy, which is bigger than the previous ten centimeters...about half a meter, which is better. Activities, but also able to assemble more weapons.

If you have weapons, many things will be much easier...

Lin also let the fluff with the little nucleus mixed with the fluff. Let them be the brains of new spies, so that you can continue to use these two small nucleators who suddenly become story-tellers as weapons.

"That's it. The creature that can be guarded meets something that can't be guarded, and then it says something that can't be guarded: Hey, why can't you guard it? Then the thing that can't be guarded doesn't say anything, it just rushes up. It is impossible to guard the creature that can be guarded! This is too much to guard, and you must admit it."

When Lynn made a new spy. They are constantly listening to them telling stories, and Lynne must admit this... Lin doesn't know what they are talking about.

"Yes, I also have this feeling, this is really impossible to guard..." and another small nucleus said with a very understanding look.

"What the story are you talking about?" Lin asked.

"The story that can be guarded! The story that can't be guarded!" the two little guardians replied together.

“Where did you know this story?” Lin continued.

"Of course it is from a place that is becoming more and more guardable! No, that place did not become able to guard at the end. But when we made it there, we found this information there."

"Yes, so we have to describe this information in the most guardian way."

...that is, when they clear the fear energy in the fear carrier brain, they get a piece of information and want to describe this information as a story.

"So, you can show me this information directly." Lin said: "It's that simple."

"Simple? You dare to say words that can't be guarded! We have so hard to come up with such a descriptive way of thinking... You actually want to ignore our description!"

They really showed a very angry look, and Lin thought about it a bit and entered the dream space.

In the dream space, Lynn can see that these two small guardians are bigger than ever.

They seem to keep the energy down.

The little nucleus clears the energy of fear, not exactly clearing it, but transforms the energy of fear into another... harmless energy.

They usually leave the converted energy in place, but now they seem to carry a little energy from the transformation.

In this energy, there should be the real content of the story they want to talk about, and Lin believes that it should be able to understand directly by touching them.

Thinking, Lin flew to the two small guardians.

"What are you going to do? Do you want to be unable to guard? Don't come over! No!"

In their ‘scream’, Lynn discovered their very guardian story content, which seems to be what Lynn wants to know.

That is the carrier of fear energy, or some memory of the group's biology... (to be continued.)

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