It seems to be in this position...

Among the dark passages, a ... new spy cub is slowly moving.

This spy cub is up to half a meter, and its structure is much newer than the previous one. Using the tentacles on the body, it can observe all the surrounding directions.

It now sees such a noteworthy thing on the wall next to it... cracks on the wall.

It looks exactly the same as the other cracks, nothing special, but... when Lin’s spy cub reaches out and touches the crack,

It suddenly made a rumbling sound.

Lynn found that there are a lot of institutions in this place, and these things are mainly found in the 'story' obtained by the small nucleus.

There are some memories in it, the memory is more fragmented, but still know a lot of information, including this hidden channel.

In the thunder, I saw the middle of the road slowly open, and there was a hole with a diameter of more than two meters. The spy looked down at the hole and could see a room...

Within the room, you can see a large group of sects, they stand neatly, all motionless, and look like a group of statues.

This pile of ‘the statue’ rooms, Lin has seen before, they are actually living a group of creatures, but now they are in a state of inability to move.

This immobile state is because they are in a state before being converted.

The transformation process is mainly... let the fear energy control them, the fear energy will first spread to their brains, and then an instruction is given to the whole body, so that the body of these sects expands and grows into the height five guarded by the outside. The type of Mido.

This kind of species is completely controlled by fear energy. They are no longer intellectual and can be regarded as a kind of soldier.

This kind of soldier and Lin’s fear carrier were not the same. They were only controlled, not as a carrier of fear energy, and there seemed to be many problems.

For example, they are too... stupid. Only monotonous actions, fear energy does not direct them directly, so they only fix patterns of action.

Why do you need such a force that seems to be useless? This seems to be because ... fear energy can't do too much action here.

Because of the memory gained from the little nucleus, Lin knows that the fear energy here is more than anything to do... wincing.

They cannot directly control micromachines. Only machines with programmed procedures can be used, and they can't directly control a large number of corps creatures. Currently they can only make such variants.

Only the fear carrier that Lynn saw before is completely controlled by the fear energy, but they are not many. According to the data in the memory, only a small number of sects can be selected as a carrier of fear.

The action of fear energy here seems to be limited everywhere, and they must rely on the faction creatures to help them.

Why is this?

The details are not very clear, because the small guardians are not very complete, but the general situation is still known.

This is mainly related to the transpiration.

The overall situation is simply that fear energy tries to control the transpiration, but they find that the usual methods cannot control this kind of powerful ability.

However, the transpires also have their own ‘weak points’, and that is the group of sects.

The Faculty creatures seem to have some sort of 'privilege' and they are qualified to approach the transpiration. And do something for the transpiration, and the transpiration will not attack them.

If the fear energy wants to infect the transpiration, you must first control the ecclesiastical creatures, but it seems that you cannot directly control it... you must let the ecclesiastical creatures obey it.

Although the details are not clear, the general situation is like this.

Now the fear energy is mainly the ones that I saw before Lin... On the carrier of fear, there is a special group of cultivating creatures that become the carrier of fear energy.

The carrier is different from those that are mutated by fear, and they can be said to be completely occupied by fear energy...

Fear energy does not use anything else as a carrier here. It seems that it is only based on the body of a few religious groups. If these carriers are destroyed, then Lin feels that... it should be able to eliminate the fear energy here.

and so. Let them be targeted now.

But Lin still doesn't know where to go. Before those carriers run out, where will they go? Maybe it is that place.

Thinking, Lin let the spy continue to move...

The spy did not enter the hole in front of the ‘the statue’. There is nothing special inside... Now Lynn intends to let the spy go to the center of the hill.

The central part is the meaning of a very important place, not that the place is at the center, in fact it is at the edge of the comparison.

The overall environment in this hill is like this, with a variety of passages connecting different rooms, almost everything seems to be made of rock.

The ecclesiastical creatures here do not use things like metal, which seems to be ‘primitive’. But in fact they have a lot of technology...

This room seems quite interesting.

The spy found a room on the right side of the passage. Looking inside the room, you could see a strange... stone inside.

Most of these stones are more than a meter high. They are like wooden stakes, and there are many adult cultivating creatures beside the stone.

They are slowly sliding on the stone using the tentacle, which looks like they are painting, in fact they are actually painting.

Lynn’s spy went in. There wasn’t any group creature to talk to Lin, they continued to paint here, and Lin climbed onto a painted stone and looked at it.

The traces on the stone are some recorded... can be regarded as historical things, and the stone that Lin sees, the previous incident is recorded.

The speaker blew himself up with the sharp cones used to infuse the fear energy, and then caused fear energy to flow into the room, and all the church groups in the room fled.

The impact of that incident seemed to be quite large, and the main effect was to make the group's creatures more hesitant.

Are they succumbing to fear energy or obeying their own beliefs? It is quite strange that the vagrants of their faith do not seem to have the plan to save them.

Lynn came here not to look at these history, and these historical records are very fragmentary, most of them are written in a certain room.

Without an accurate record of the place and date, it is simply a mess.

The reason for coming here... Lin is looking for a carrier of fear here.

When I first came to the entrance of the room, the little nucleus found it.

They indicate that there is something in this room that cannot be guarded, and what they say is this.

The spy cub walked into the depths of the room, and in a corner position, Lynn saw the fear carrier.

It is carving a stone underneath with tentacles, and there are two sects of creatures standing next to it, and they seem to be unaware.

The hidden ability of these fear carriers seems to be quite powerful. They can make the fear energy like a thick mist around the body, and can also 'concentrate' the fear energy into the body, without any leaks, even around it. Both groups are not aware of the creatures.

However, the small protector can still find it far away.

Lynn's spy cub is still ten meters away from it, looking at it in this position, it seems to continue to play with stones there without notice.

Lin’s spy cubs... did not continue to take a step closer, but left some micro-arms on the ground and then turned and left.

The spy cub does not need to fight it, just need to determine its location, then the spy cub will leave the room and continue to move to other places.

The spy cubs did not stop in any room on the road and went directly to the central area of ​​the place.

There is no religious group in the central area here, here is a room about 10 meters in diameter, which is quite small compared to other rooms.

But here is a more conspicuous thing, that is something that can be called ... monitoring equipment.

It can observe the situation in all the rooms in the whole hill. It seems that this thing is also like a stone.

It is a cylindrical stone, which is actually the kind of cylinder made by the Dreamer's dream food, but there is no living guardian or anything else, even no dream energy.

However, its interior has been transformed into a surveillance system that responds to all areas of the hill as long as the spy cub puts the tentacles on the surface of the cylinder...

Through this kind of monitoring, you can know where all the fear carriers are hiding.

Their behavior seems to be very interesting, before they released a lot of energy to scare away all the church creatures in a room, but now they are hiding one by one.

Lynn noticed that these fear carriers were all in a state of disguise, each of them hiding in a large number of ... ordinary parish creatures, none of which was exceptional.

After confirming their position, Lynn allowed the spy cubs to create a large number of micro-arms, which quickly spread out, flew to the location of each fear carrier in the hill, and kept track of them for observation.

Because this surveillance system is not monitored in some places, it is necessary to track and observe the micro-arms to ensure that nothing is lost.

Next... is to solve these fear carriers, and with this part, Lin is ready.

These preparations were carried out outside the hill. (~^~)

Ps: Thank you ~o Shangguan Phoenix o~ 10000!

Thanks ~00121ling~天界云端~赤心心霸~o Shangguan Phoenix o~Listen to the snow~~

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