4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1081: Complete condition

In other words...

The plan for fear energy is on the way to failure.

No matter what method they use, it is to control the mutation of the ecclesiastical creatures, or to use the ecclesiastical organism as a carrier of fear energy, or in a strange way, to be attacked when approaching the transpiration.

The only one who can get close to the transpiration is the most common, normal-minded group of creatures.

This seems quite interesting... because of the fear of energy, no matter what method is used, there is no way to approach the transpiration.

In other words, they have no way to approach without damaging the tranfers, so they can only find ways to get the corps to help them.

Of course, the ecclesiastical creatures are not willing to help with fear energy, which is obvious... so fear energy needs to think of ways to let them obey.

Fear energy does not choose the way of peace, but chooses ... threatening ways to persecute the sect.

Instead of killing the sect of the sect, they use a variety of methods to slowly infect the sect, such as slowly infecting the sect of the sect, and occasionally killing them with micromachines.

Fear Energy uses a number of methods to completely remove the armed and counterattack capabilities of the Order creatures, making them irresistible and can only spend the night and night in fear.

Although there is no staying up late...

Fear Energy has also established a number of factories for the production of variant individuals, which were created as ordinary soldiers to protect the area.

Because the ecclesiastical creatures are relieved of their counterattacks by fear energy, making them vulnerable to aggression, these mutated individuals are fear energy created to 'protect' the ecclesiastical creatures.

However, because they are all transformed from the ordinary religious group, the object of the transformation is completely random, there is no standard, as long as it is regarded as the object of transformation. The ecclesiastical creature will be caught in a room to 'solidify' and wait for the fear energy to transform it. After the transformation, it will go outside to serve as a force.

They deal mainly with some of the wildlife in this underground... It seems that there are a lot of wildlife here, and they occasionally approach this place.

Fear energy uses various methods to slowly make the ecclesiastical creatures feel more and more... fear. This is also the first time that fear energy uses a method other than direct contact to let other creatures fear.

The original ecclesiastical creatures seemed to have a firm determination that they would not betray the tranfers, but they began to shake up under the constant harassment of fear energy.

Many of the sects of the sects are worried about their future... and among them they have begun to produce a lot of ideas. Under the fear of infestation, their cubs have produced a lot of weird behaviors that would not have existed.

Just like Lin's spy, asking questions, it is weird in the weird, which makes the group creatures very panic. They are worried that their population will become completely abnormal in the future.

Although the energy of fear has produced many variant individuals, the degree of concern of the group organisms to the mutant individuals is far from the depth of the anesthesia.

After all, if the pups are also abnormal, it means that they have changed from the 'fundamental'.

Many sects believe that fear energy will slowly destroy them, and the energy of fear is also 'represented' with them, and they will leave as soon as they become infected with the transpiration.

The energy of fear is not directly communicated with the sect of the sect, but uses many 'signs' to indicate their motives, so this makes the sects think that this is their own guess, which is better than direct communication.

If you communicate directly, the ecclesiastical creatures may suspect that fear energy deceives them. But this will not...

Therefore, for the future of the population, many sects believe that the energy of fear should be brought to the tranfer. After all, the reason they most follow the transpiration is for their own population.

However, some religious groups believe that this should not be done.

It seems that in the long-term worship, they have a special ‘feeling’ for the vagrants, who are willing to commit suicide for the vagrant.

Just like the ecclesiastical creature that Lynn saw before, it has an idea to stop the energy of fear even if suicide.

There is also a group of ecclesiastical creatures who do not agree to direct the energy of fear to the vagrants. It is not their true cultivator, but because they are worried about the situation.

For example, if the fear energy is infected with the transpiration, are they really okay? And they think there should be other ways to solve them, they think if fear energy needs them. Then they will not be extinct so quickly, they should be able to figure out a solution.

Because of all kinds of different ideas. The ecclesiastical creatures are in confusion, and the energy of fear can only continue to force them. Let the ecclesiastical think that it is best to abandon the transpiration and let other ideas disappear.

This doesn't seem to be that easy, because Lynn has found that many of the sects have different ideas... and Lynn feels that the biggest problem is the transpiration.

The transpiration seems to be a wonderful thing. It can be clearly distinguished... The fear energy will be destroyed when it approaches itself, and the cultivating creature will not be destroyed if it approaches it with fear energy.

The transpiration is very clear that this group of creatures is determined to do so by their own will, or what is controlled, it seems that any disguise is useless, otherwise the fear energy will not be so hard.

The transpirations completely ignore the life and death of the biological group that it recognizes, as if they had nothing to do with it.

Lin still can't guess what it thinks.

Now the situation is like this... If, according to the original, the energy of fear has made more and more members of the sect of the group intend to betray the vagrants, but now because Lin came here...

Therefore, the situation that originally turned to the fear energy has changed. Under the influence of Lin, the fear energy will fail again. As long as Lin helps the sect of the corps and expels the energy of fear, then the sect of the sect is definitely not What may be done to betray the tranfers.

They seem to be angry about this, so the last time they told Lin about a bunch of things they would not fail.

What Lin knows from the carrier brain is not only the situation of the religious group, but also the plan of fear energy.

The energy of fear is close to the sect of the sect. It seems that it is not just for the transpiration. There is also a purpose...the carrier of fear.

As Linde knows, fear energy can use transpiration as a carrier, which is a very rare situation.

Fear energy usually uses non-biological things as carriers, such as micro-machines, but they find that the group creatures are creatures that are naturally "fit" with them.

Fear energy seems to be able to gain energy through some structure in the brains of the sect, which fears that energy is usually consumed by consuming other dream energy.

They now find that they can extract energy from the brains of real life like some dream creatures that live with real life.

Therefore, even if there is no transpiration, the fear energy will take the group creatures as the target. They will make each group of creatures into a carrier of fear. If they continue to develop, they may become more representative than micro-machines. 'Fear energy race.

Fear energy is also currently using these carriers to hide in the community, making events everywhere...

However, they are not many in number, because most of these carriers are individuals who have lived for a long time in the sect, and the corps creatures generally do not have 'natural death', but they will be for other reasons. Death is usually due to environmental factors.

The environment here is something that is very deadly to the ecclesiastical creatures, so the sect of the sect is generally alive... three hundred years of pompoms.

But occasionally some individuals will 'immunize' these things, so they will live for a long time. These individuals are the target of fear energy, because the fear energy also finds that only such very old individuals can achieve symbiosis with them.

Fear energy is also conducting research, and they intend to give young individuals the ability to symbiotic with them.

However, these carriers have all been recently killed by Lin...

This blow to fear energy should be great. When symbiotic with the ecclesiastical society, fear energy's own ‘thinking’ will also be introduced into the brains of the sects, so Lynn can get the idea of ​​fear energy from here.

However, this information is only now, and Lin does not know what the fear energy will be going to do next, but Lynn can feel that they have a plan.

This plan will be activated when everything crashes. It may be a final trick, no matter how much...

So Lin is fully aware of the specific situation here, so Lin's next thing to do is very simple.

Lin wants to let some troops go to the position of the transpiration, whether or not they will be attacked, Lin will have to go and see, even if it is how to attack it is not bad.

Then, solve the fear energy here, so that they can no longer touch this place, they will no longer be able to get the vagrant weapon.

Finally... It seems that there is no special plan for the next step, so let's take the first step.

That is to look at this wood-like thing.

Before Lin’s spy cub got a piece of wood in the room where the corpse was parked, it was full of dream energy and there was a dream creature inside.

From the carrier brain, Lynn also gained knowledge about many of the sects of the sect, including the ‘customs’ of the ecclesiastical creatures. This thing is not a special object, but a tool for communicating with the corpse. (To be continued.)

Ps: Thanks ~ North l Chen 丶 ~ rewards ~ Thanks ~ go2go~ Sakura Snow 喵 ~ Book 丿 俺 ~ 俺 really not a hero ~ lock Luo Meng ~ monthly ticket ~

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