4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1082: communicate with

"Hey! The great ancestor spirit, I ask you to show up and guide our future..."

Here is a world of pompoms, a creature covered with green scales shouting in front of a stone that was inserted into the ground.

It may not have thought that in the night sky above it, on the other side of the stars, there is also a group of creatures doing things like...and it.

That is the culture of the Order.

Lynn’s spy cub is still in the room where the body is placed, and a tentacle grabs something like a wooden block. This thing is one of the more commonly used techniques of the Order’s creatures. It’s actually a dream. Energy technology.

When the ‘wood block’ is placed on the head of those intact bodies, the dream energy inside will slowly invade the body of the body.

After three or so puffs around the night, you can take the piece of wood away, and then borrow some equipment to talk to the creatures in the block.

This is a dream creature, and it will have the memory of the brain of the corpse, as well as intelligence, etc., and then the sect will talk to it, and occasionally the sect will use this method to give some of them' Ancestors' questions.

Especially those that are very intelligent in life, the bodies after they die will be preserved intact, and then when critical, the group will use this when they encounter problems that cannot be solved. Method to ask 'ancestry'.

However, it is not a direct inquiry. The object of their communication is only a dream creature that extracts the memory and wisdom of the body of the body.

This effect will not be maintained all the time. After a while, this dream creature will not have these memories and wisdom. And a corpse cannot be repeated multiple times. But because there are many bodies that can be asked. Therefore, the sect of the sect is still raising many of these dream creatures.

As for the dream creatures from which they came from, they don’t know... It seems to have been raised since long ago.

Lin believes that after encountering the energy of fear, the group biology should have used this method to ask many times, and it is useless, but there are still some unsuccessful group creatures who want to ask for a look.

When Lynn’s spy cubs were here, some of the troops outside had already begun to act. These troops were a group of pompoms... a combination of drills.

Lin calls it a velvet drill, and its appearance looks like a bit that is more than ten meters long and has a pile of fluff.

It is now moving underground at a very fast pace. From the brain information of the carrier, Lin knows where the tranfer is located, and indeed it is below the hill where the group is living.

However, it is not in the area close to the hill, it can be reached more than 100 meters down. During this period, the group has installed a lot of 'catheters' below.

These catheters are used to direct the fear energy to the position of the transpiration, but they have not been installed all the time. After the catheter is installed, there will always be some very... devout church creatures to destroy the catheter. Then install it again. Then ruined...

This process has been repeated many times, although the fear energy has arranged some micro-mechanics to kill the ecclesiastical creatures that destroyed the catheter. But after all, they are only fixed programs, they can still be avoided, and some of the group creatures are mixed in the team that installs the catheter, and the catheter is blown up at the last moment of installation, so that the fear energy can't be prevented.

Until now, these catheters were almost installed, so Lin could see the recent introduction of fear energy, and the ceremony was destroyed.

Now, these ducts have become Lin's guiding tools. After installation, the group will bury the routes they have dug, so they have to dig them down here.

Lin's velvet drill moved down the pipe. It looked like a fluff, but the excavation was quite fast. Soon, Lin reached the bottom of the catheter.

But here... nothing.

What Lin found at the bottom of the duct is basically the same as the surrounding underground environment. Most of the underground here is like dirt, gravel, sand and other things. It is rarely sturdy. Object, very... loose.

The wonderful power of the transpirations keeps them stable. If there is no transpiration, there may be a large earthquake in the underground environment.

However, Lin did not see the transpiration here. According to the information of the carrier brain, the transpiration should be in this position, so the catheter only extends here.

And Lin felt that the velvet drill would be attacked when it was close to the position, but now there is nothing in the end.

Could it be that it...has left again? Is it like the situation that Lynn saw before on the rock? But this time there was not even a suspicious stone left.

The fear energy and the ecclesiastical creatures don't seem to know this kind of thing, but Lynn thinks that at least they buried the catheter and knew that the tranfers were here, but they didn't come down again, and they didn't find the transpiration... they ran away. .

But Lin thinks that the transpiration is definitely still in this world, otherwise the world will not be stable...

Well, it is now a complete search for the underground of the world. Lin decided to let more troops go to the rest of the world to find it.

In the hills of the Order, Lin’s spy cubs are also planning to use something.

This thing is something that the sect of the sect is used to confirm the position of the transpiration. The information found in the information of the singer's carrier brain, but they seem to have not been used after moving into the ground.

Most of the time, they all tell their vagrants the position through the 'heads'.

The leader is a group of creatures with special abilities. They seem to know everything, and they have the ability to have similar ‘predictions, so they have greater rights.

However, there are many leaders, so they are hesitant and do not know how to deal with fear energy...

Because they need the authority of the leader to start those devices, Lin plans to talk to them.

In addition, Lynn also wants to communicate with a creature.

"We have been waiting for too long, I have to destroy them... there is no trace left."

... gel creatures, they are not the first time to say this to Lin.

Lynn thinks that they are almost... can't help it, they will soon dispatch troops to attack the world of this vagrant.

In that case, it may lead to some unpredictable situations. (To be continued.)

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