4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1083: End of fear

"You have to fight against fear, you can't turn your back on your faith..."

This is a 'broadcast'.

Within the entire hill of the Order's creatures, this broadcast is constantly being played back, and all the creatures here are attracted.

The content of the broadcast is very simple, that is, propaganda... let the cultivating creatures not betray their beliefs.

These words have been hesitated in countless times in the thinking of all the religious creatures, so they will not be easily changed by a broadcast.

However, this broadcast now attracts the attention of all the sects of the sect, which is because the sect of the sect is mainly concerned with the content of the broadcast, not the speaker in the broadcast.

This speaker, it is actually a legendary character.

To be precise, it is a very old ancestor, and it is called the ‘the most intelligent’ group of the past.

It has an irreplaceable position in the minds of all the sects of the sect, and it is said that it has led the entire population to avoid countless ... disasters.

Moreover, it is also the leader of the sect of the sect.

And this legendary character, its body was also placed here, there have been many ecclesiastical creatures trying to use dream creatures to read its wisdom and memory, but they all failed.

Mainly because the brain damage of this ancestor is more serious, and they have no way to repair it.

The longer the ecclesiastical creatures live, the changes in their brain structure, which will produce structures that are not available at a young age, and which will make the sect of the corps become more intelligent.

The change will continue. It is not clear how long it will last. But it is said that as long as it is alive... change will not stop.

Therefore, the longer the living group, the creatures will be more wise than the young ones. According to their legend, if they live old enough, they will understand... all the secrets in the void.

However, it seems that no group of creatures can live to this point...

All in all, some very old religious groups have many structures in their brains that they have never seen before, so it is difficult to repair them if they are damaged.

but. Now... the miracle happened.

This legendary ancestor was broadcast here, and the information of each sect of the sect was unique. Almost all the sects of the sect received the information of the ancestors when they were learning various things... that is Because the Order Bio has retained a lot of its previous 'speech' to learn for the young.

Therefore, they are very convinced that this broadcast must be broadcasted by the use of dream creatures to extract the wisdom and memory of that ancestor.

The broadcast information carried out by this dream creature is exactly the same as the information sent by itself, so all the church creatures are immediately attracted to attention.

Lynn found that using this method is much more effective than direct communication with the sect.

The content of the discourse in this broadcast is not the key. The key is the great identity of the broadcaster. This alone will allow all the sects to directly obey.

"We know... there are leaders who have led us! We must never abandon our faith!"

When Lin made such a broadcast, the group of creatures in the hills were very excited. Their hesitation is now over.

According to this great ancestor, these sects will not abandon their beliefs.

This seems interesting because they believe in this ancestor more than the transpires...

However, Lynn did not deceive them here, and indeed used their ancestors to talk to them.

Although the dream creatures of the cultivating community have no way to extract the memory of the ancestors, another kind of dream creature can be extracted.

That is the little guardian.

The small nucleus seems to be able to easily resolve the information in the brain of the ancestor. When Lin injected the dream energy of the small nucleus into the minds of the ancestors. They mean that there are many stories in the ancestors' minds.

This move is mainly because the small nucleus said that the ancestor is a fairly guardable thing, and constantly asked Lin to go inside to see, so Lin put it in.

Then, Lin knows some things in the ancestors' brains, but I don't know much. After all, there is some damage inside, but I can still know what the ancestor's 'signal wave' is like, simply saying it is 'accent' The same thing.

At the same time, I also know that if this ancestor is still alive, he will certainly support the transpiration without succumbing to fear energy.

just now. Within the central hall, Lynn's spy is watching all the corps creatures present in action, and they begin to quickly destroy many of the things they had prepared for fear energy.

For example, those pointed cones used to transmit fear energy, although the last one was blown up, there are still many spares.

There is also a shark-shaped creature. In fact, Lin did not find too much information about this creature. It seems to be a wildlife that fears energy infection. The fear energy is hardly mentioned in the plan. Maybe... these creatures are not very useful.

But the ecclesiastical creatures are now attacking these creatures, and at the same time, they are beginning to try to destroy the rooms of the same kind that are to be mutated.

Although I was only trying to try it out, Lin now finds that the words of the ancestor are really very effective. It instantly unites all the originally hesitant sects, and even does not even have any doubts.

And fear energy...maybe there is no way or no thought? Lin didn't think it was impossible. They never tried to pretend to be these ancestors to deceive the ecclesiastical creatures?

If it is successfully installed, it will be much simpler.

But now, there is no way to fear energy. If the fear carrier is still there, they can use these carriers to release a lot of fear energy to scare off or expel the group creatures and prevent them from destroying those things.

But the fear carrier has been destroyed by Lin, they can now be used... only micromachines are left.

Indeed, micromachines seem to be trying to recover all of this. Lin found a group of micromachines moving through the passage.

These micro-mechanics will immediately attack any of the group creatures they encounter. Lin now sees that several of the group's creatures are wrapped in a large number of micro-machines, and the whole body is also broken down bit by bit.

Lynn decided... help them.

‘Hey! ’

A small ball flew into the micro-mechanical group filled with dense fog, and it exploded in a moment, releasing a thicker... mist.

The fog of this sphere also contains a lot of micro-mechanics, which are all micro-machines that have been transformed by Lin. According to their procedures, they will eliminate all kinds of non-Lin transformation.

The micro-wars were struck in the channel, numerous cells, and even smaller than the cells, the machine was constantly trying to tear each other.

Although the group of creatures that have been broken down by the majority of the body have not been saved, the micro-machines here are no longer able to attack other groups of creatures. They are destined to fight with Lin’s troops here... .

Lynn has created a lot of such micro-mechanical units, which are all packed in a small ball and sent to the rooms in the hill.

As soon as they encounter any micro-mechanical forces, they will immediately explode, then release the troops and their war.

After the micro-machines were stopped by Linde's transformational forces, the sects of the corps were able to quickly destroy all the related energy of fear.

This action is quickly over. When the ecclesiastical creatures unite, they are very efficient in their work. In the process, they will inevitably have to deal with many battles, because there are many wandering variants in addition to micromachines in the hill. .

And when they kill these variants, they show a very strong ‘sacrificial spirit’, and some of the sects are even willing to die in exchange for the opportunity of their peers.

Lin feels that they are here like a division of labor, completely without the hesitation of the previous hesitation.

When the fear-related things within the hill are completely resolved, the next goal is...those things outside.

There are also a large number of variants and micro-machines surrounded by hills. They are too numerous and have weapons, so that the sects of the group are not good at attacking.

When Lin was trying to do something, the action of fear energy made Lin have such an accident. These mutant troops and machinery did not break into the hills, but all... escaped.

The cave where the hill is located has many hidden passages that are scattered throughout the passages and quickly disappear.

Therefore, Lynn also let some mini-arms follow them to see where they are going to escape... They obviously have any plans.

Lynn decided to destroy them completely.

After a while, Lin found that these things were quite strange. The micro-machines were difficult to track when they were underground, but those variants were all concentrated in a nearby cave, and then they were still there. With.

After watching them for a while, Lin found that they still didn't move, so Lynn decided to solve them first.

Just as Lin has built a lot of troops here, because there is a lack of cell biology that can be used as a nutrient, so most of the manufacturing is mechanical.

In fact, it is no different from the normal troops. They quickly solved the variants hiding here. Lin then let them spread to the surrounding land and join the ranks of the evapot.

Now, the energy of fear can no longer be infected by the sect of the sect. It seems that... everything is solved? (To be continued.)

Ps: Thanks for the ~op丶l~ reward~

Thank you ~o Shangguan Phoenix o~ monthly ticket~

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