"But it has not completely ended."

"It’s almost gone, there’s no need to do a full-scale bombing there..."

Here is the void, Lin's eyes are in front of a large group of meat pieces floating under the stars.

The representative of Lin is a stone with a diameter of more than 60 meters.

Lin is discussing with the group of 'meat blocks' about the world of trantrators, where the ecclesiastical creatures are freed from the influence of fear energy under the guidance of the 'ancestors' and decided to fully maintain their beliefs.

Lin also dispatched many troops to operate underground there. Although no evapoturs were found, other religious settlements were discovered.

Other cultivating creatures are completely unaffected by the energy of fear, so don't worry that they will help fear energy to infect transpiration.

Now is to continue to confirm the situation of the world, Lin believes that there is still some hiding energy in a certain position, but this can be found.

Gel creatures also think so, but they feel that it is better to slap them all than to look for them slowly, because it has enough ... firepower to blow up the entire tumbling.

However, it is not a one-time blow, but it is slowly blown up bit by bit, so in the process, Lin believes that the transpiration may react.

In the various records of the sect of the sect, the tranfers only respond to large-scale disasters, which also includes the void creatures to bomb the entire world.

Lin believes that there should be no war with the vagrants, and at the same time, many creatures and secrets that remain in the world are also extinct.

Lin still wants to know a lot of things, in addition to the vagrants, there are dreamers dreaming, is it with the transpiration?

But gel creatures don't listen to Lin's advice so easily, so you have to communicate with them often to be able to...


suddenly. A piece of meat from a gel creature sends out such a message.

Lynn also noticed the reason why it sent this information. It was only under the stars in the distance that there was a little light that was bigger than the surrounding stars.

Moreover, it is constantly increasing and brightening... Finally, it has turned into a dazzling brilliance. Flying straight to this side.

Lin’s attacking stone units, as well as the gel creatures’ units, reacted at the same time. They moved the position slightly, letting the flash pass through the troops. It didn’t hit any targets, but flew. Toward the void in the distance.

However, this is only the first one.

Looking at the direction of the flash, I saw thousands of spots appearing there, and they are zooming in as much as before. Then turned into a ray of light to fly here.

Direct attack on the troops here...

Lin directed the troops to avoid these flashes, thinking about this problem... This is the first time fear energy has been done, so their purpose may not be difficult to guess.

"They have appeared." After thousands of flashes passed through the forces of Lin and Gel, there was a large fog... under the stars in the distance.

The huge gray-black matter has been stretched for dozens of kilometers. They are like cloudy clouds, obscuring the starlight behind, making this void look even more dim.

But that is only temporary. Because they themselves produce 'starlight'.

In this thick fog, countless light spots illuminate like stars. The light that turned into destruction came to this side...

This time, it was more than twice in the past, and it was more dense. The flash fell into the army of stone and meat.

This time, obviously, it cannot be completely avoided.

Lin soon saw the brilliance of the explosion, and in the thoughts, the sound of the explosion also sounded. Lin saw a violent flash slamming on a gel battleship that was hundreds of meters long. It instantly vanished.

Similarly, there are a lot of flashes that hit Lin's troops. These dozens of meters of attacking stones can't resist this devastating power, and they then disappear in the void.

But when it is hit here. The same is true over there.

On the huge fog, the brilliance of the explosion is also flashing. The moment the gel creatures appear in the thick fog... they cast countless fine bombs on them.

These bombs have a speed that is not slower than the flash. They are sprinkled into the dense fog, and with the sound of the bang, the numerous micro-machines of the dense fog are blown into something far more shattered than the dust.

In addition, Lin's troops, light, missiles, and all kinds of things, flew into the dense fog with the attack of gel creatures.

More than half of the numerous flashes emitted by thick fog are used for interception rather than attack, but they still cannot block most attacks.

Under the fireworks of the explosion, the dense fog of machinery is slowly dissipating, and the starlight behind them is revealed again... These lights symbolize victory for Lin and gel creatures, and for micromachines.

In the case of most attacks, the battle is not destined to last too long. As the thick fog slowly dissipates, the fear energy that permeates the machine is constantly surging.

It is like the surface of the water that is constantly being hit. The more the explosion blows, the more intense it surges... Finally, it forms a tsunami of fear again.

As it was when attacking the floating rock, the tsunami flew over here, trying to roll its enemy.

It was not blocked, and the huge tsunami inundated the forces of Lin and Gel Bio, but this did not work.

These two units are like the reefs in the tides. They are not swayed by this tsunami. The attacks are still going on. A lot of explosive debris is continuously spilled from the gel battleships, which is no less than before.

Lin’s troops have slightly reduced the attack. Lin is mainly concerned with the form here...

The energy of fear has receded back, like the waves, and the micromachines to which they are attached have almost completely dissipated.

No, not yet.

When the last small group of micromachines remained, they disappeared.

It seems that they have escaped, but Lin’s feelings about them have not disappeared.

Because the fear energy that was just thrown up has not completely receded, Lin can still feel through this fear energy... Where is the micromachine connected at the other end?

Again, gel creatures feel it.


Although Lin issued this message, the gel creatures did not stop at all, they immediately pursued, and a large number of gel warships disappeared, chasing the place where the micro-mechanical escape. (To be continued.)

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