4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1085: Random place

When huge pieces of meat cover the sky...

When the rain of the bombs falls down...

When the whole world trembles...

It will become very angry and try to make everything evaporate and dissipate.

...this is their idea, but it is counterproductive...

Lin is looking at the void that appears in front of her eyes.

There is a view that Linde has never seen before, and the reason for coming here is quite simple.

After the micro-mechanics and Lin and the gel creatures engaged in a battle, they fled to the distance, and the direction in which they fled was the world of the group.

Their goal is also obvious, that is, to attract the gel creature to that place, attack the world, and trigger the battle between the tranfer and the gel creature.

Then the fear energy may take the opportunity to control the transpiration, because during the battle, the transpiration may not be able to take into account the fear energy.

And they know the character of gel creatures. In general, gel creatures don't have too many problems with thinking traps. They are used to attack directly.

If the fear energy is to attract gel creatures is still very simple, as long as the gel creatures know the direction of the escape, they will immediately chase them.

However, Lin thought of the possibility of these things when she was playing, so she did some prevention in advance.

Attacking Stone, Lin's arms are usually equipped with a lot of weapons, but not all weapons are harmful, and some weapons have a special effect.

When Lin attacked, she fired a weapon that could be called ... jamming bombs.

Lin has been researching transmissions all the time. Now I understand a lot of things related to delivery. So this weapon was made.

This kind of weapon simply means that it can interfere with the transmitted energy around the explosion, so that the energy transmitted in this area... is abnormal.

This will also cause the micromachines to be transported to unexpected locations, which will be transferred to some other location.

As for where it will go, Lynn is not very clear, because it is equivalent to making the original fixed transmission into a 'random transmission'.

"There is an exception..."

This will also lead to some other effects. The gel organism transmits some troops in the past immediately after the micro-mechanical transmission, but the effect of interference transmission is still there. The gel creature noticed that its troops were also sent to strange places, and they stopped transmitting when they found interference.

Interference bombs will cause the transmissions in this area to become "random", so the transmitted troops will not be transmitted to the first transmitted unit position, but to another random area.

"The anomaly is over."

Lin is waiting for the end of the interference before continuing to transmit. Now it is in front of the eyes of the micro-mechanical.

This place... seems to be quite special.

When Lin’s attacking stone came here, she saw it at first sight. It is a lot of floating things.

These floats are like huge ice cubes, all of which are about a few kilometers in diameter. There are hundreds of such objects floating here.

This makes Lin feel like she has returned to the floating rock, but the things floating are somewhat different.

"They fled here..."

Next to the attacking stone forces, the meat pieces of the gel creature also appeared.

They are now transferred to this location, after coming to this location. The gel creature is going to attack immediately. The huge meat warship swayed and intended to spill its debris explosives.

However, its actions did not continue, because Lin and it have already discovered... there is no fear energy here.

It seems that the fear energy is not here, are they running away?

Lin believes that she has not escaped because it will be transmitted during the period of the disturbance bomb. It will be in the course of a period of several thousand seconds and cannot be transmitted again.

After being transmitted, the disturbed things will not be perceived by the transmitting organs during this period. Lin is still not sure what the fear energy is transmitted with, but it should be similar to the stellar bus. They want to transmit the first thing they perceive the position of the unit.

And they can't now sense the position of this group of troops, so they can't transmit these troops.

Lin made this special jamming bomb after testing it many times, but Lin also plans to continue to upgrade so that it can directly make the other party unable to transmit.

This makes it easy to capture everything that is going to be transmitted, and now they can at least escape to random places and then hide like this.

As long as they have been a few thousand seconds, they will be able to escape...accurately, it should be three thousand seconds, and Lin feels that during this period, a group of hundreds of kilometers of huge 'ice cubes' will be found. Micromachinery is not that easy.

But this group of micro-machines is just a group of remnants, and there is no need to find them in a hurry, unless...

'boom! ’

When Lin was thinking about it, there was a fierce explosion on a piece of 'ice' ten kilometers away from here. On the occasion of the crumbs, Lin saw a dazzling brilliance at the explosion point.

That is... micromachinery?

The radiance of the moment flew in from here, and Lin saw the troops spread out around and escaped the light.

At this time, Lynn also noticed that there were countless cracks on the huge, ice-like object... as if something was crushing it, these cracks were getting more and more, and in the crack Among them, there is a huge amount of ... dense fog.

Micromachines seem to have been hiding in this 'ice' before, and they are not planning to hide now, but they have come out on a large scale.

And it seems that it is more than that.

At the same time, Lin saw a similar phenomenon in a few pieces of ice nearby. There were numerous cracks in their bodies, and the micro-machines poured out like thick fog.

These micro-machines spread around them, and they also covered a large starry sky, just like when it was attacked...

The gel creature barely hesitated, its troops threw out countless explosives to the group, and the machines moved, and a lot of flashes flashed on their surfaces, instantly turning them from dark clouds to beautiful... Nebula.

Lin’s troops also participated in the battle. There are a thousand pieces of attacking stones here. Although not many, they can cope with this battle.

Numerous explosions burst into the air, but this time it was silent, because Lin did not turn on the sound.

Lin is thinking about something... so many micro-machines, was it hiding here before? Still fear energy found that a small micro-mechanical transmission to a strange place, so immediately sent a large number of reinforcements to this position.

If so, why do they need reinforcements? The significance of reinforcements is not great.

Therefore, the possibility of the first one is relatively large. There are many micro-mechanical units here. The random transmission of the disturbances allowed the escaped troops to come to this place. Here, it was the base of fear energy.

Therefore, Lynn sent more attacking stones to this position, and Lynn decided to investigate the huge ice-like objects.

Now, the situation on both sides is at a relatively balanced stage.

A total of five ice cubes showed cracks on the surface, and they released a steady stream of micro-mechanics to join the battle.

These micromachines make up a huge fog, but their offensive is even more...preserving a lot.

Most of the flashes they emit are used to intercept and resolve attacks, and are rarely used for direct attacks, which makes this group of micro-machines not destroyed as quickly as before.

The gel creature now has thousands of large warships of up to 500 meters, and ... more than 100,000 tens of meters long small warships. Their forces are quite terrible, but they also have Lin’s troops attack. For the time being... I can't get in.

This makes micromachines seem more suspicious, and they are protecting what is here to use this style of play.

Gel creatures have also noticed this, and it has begun to send more troops here, especially the huge gel battleships.

The increasing number of these troops also means that the defense of micro-machines is getting harder and harder.

There is also a way to deal with it...

Lin felt it... fear is coming.

Like a wave, fear has always been the case... The fear has already set off a huge wave, and they intend to drown the entire army here.

This fear is used to stop the transmission.

Fear energy also has its own way of stopping transmission. It has been used in floating rock fields before, so that the fear spreads the whole area, so that the transmitting organs can not feel anything here.

"They are coming."

Therefore, Lin and the gel creature sent a little bit of relevant information.

"I noticed."

When the gel creature responded, there were dozens of huge pieces of meat that stood in front of the fearful waves.

They are like shields, and their role is indeed a shield.

When the waves of fear came in, it hit the shields, and the fear was divided into two. It was like being cut from the middle, the fear wave turned into water and spread to the surroundings, but I can't cross these shields.

After a moment, the micro-machine will aim thousands of shining lights at the shield, destroying the shield and letting the fear continue to flow. This is what they want to do now.

And when these rays come out, there are so many things in front of them. These things may be missiles, they may be explosive debris, or stones or something, they lead to no light energy. Arrive at the position of the shield.

Until the fear retreated, the micromachines failed to blast the shield.

At this time... some of Lin’s troops arrived at the place where they arrived.

They wandered to the back of the battlefield during the fierce battle.

Lynn decided to use them to find the answer to the micromachine. (To be continued.)

Ps: Thanks ~o Shangguan Phoenix o~ 1500!

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