
In the cinema hall of the imaginary people, in the movie hall where ‘white hell’ is played, there are only a few sporadic imaginary people screaming on their seats. ----

Although there are occasional interesting content in the film, most of them are pictures flying at sea, which must lead to the scene of this place.

However, the two creatures that operate the aircraft that transmitted the picture never thought about going to sleep.

They have been paying attention to this matter all the time.

Under their operation, the aircraft flew over the vast ocean, flying over one island after another, looking for the traces of the weird starfish.

Although Maya said that he would fly directly to the final destination of the starfish, they still went through a lot of places on the road.

Because of the need to investigate the local ecological environment, as they have previously discovered, most of the islands on the ocean are completely covered by fungi.

In the area covered by these fungi, almost all kinds of living things live in it, and the instructor believes that this is the performance of the fungus to create the environment.

But what the truth is, except for the fungus itself, it is estimated that no creature can know...

On all the islands that passed along the way, they found the tentacles. The starfish left its tentacles on every island. The starfish has ten tentacles, which means it is left on the ten islands.

With the exception of the first island, the other islands are all fungal islands, and these tentacles fall into the jungle of fungi. And the fungus doesn't do anything special about the antennae.

Maybe it's because these tentacles are not made up of cells, and they are quite strong. It is almost impossible to open its outer casing using a general metal tool.

After flying all the islands, the Master and Maya discovered one thing.

"It doesn't fly around randomly, but follow this route..."

The aircraft is detecting the recorded maps. The islands on the map are now lined up with each other. These islands are islands with tentacles, and the ten islands are just a circle.

"It is possible to come here."

therefore. The aircraft came into the circle. There is also an island in the circle, and it is the closest to the island that the starfish has last visited.

But now the starfish is not here, at least the aircraft is not seen now, it decided to explore the island first.

The island is also an island occupied by fungi, but it is not the same as others, because the fungus here is not a plant-like form.

Almost all of the islands are made of rock. The sturdy stones may not have plant-like fungi because they do not contain any nutrients, but they are full of creatures on this island.

They are called the ‘spray gull’ because they look like creatures called birds on pompons. They are white overall and have a wingspan of one meter.

Like birds, they gather on the edge of the island as the aircraft approaches. These ‘spray gull’ also flew in pieces, and along with their flight, the dust fell down with their swinging wings.

Whether these things are part of the fungal environment is still a mystery. The creator believes that crystalline organisms are wild species that normally live in a fungal environment.

And this kind of 'birds', they may be used as weapons for fungi, like the plague dragon and the infected virtual people.

Most of these weapons are unknown because they have not been seen during the exploration process. Now this strange group of creatures is... the first batch.

They don't attack the aircraft, they also evade around, they behave like wildlife, but the Master still thinks they are weapons and the like... mainly because they are covered with dense dust.

But this is not very important now. The aircraft flew rapidly on the island and soon explored the environment of the island.

On the island, except for the ‘spawn gull’, there are only stones and the dust that they sprinkle. The starfish does not seem to be in this place.

And if the starfish will come, it should have arrived long ago, because the aircraft has always followed behind, and will not suddenly fly to the front of the starfish.

Therefore, the Master and Maya decided to let the aircraft fly to other places to find.

But as the aircraft flew to the edge of the island, they suddenly saw something.


This thing made a loud roar, which not only stopped the aircraft, but also awakened the virtual people who fell asleep in the cinema.

I saw a huge object that quickly approached from the far side of the sea. The object is more than ten meters in diameter and looks like a starfish that has broken all the tentacles.

"It's this thing! It's rolling... Did you see it? It's rolling!"

Yes, this starfish is like a wheel, and it is constantly spinning as it moves forward.

"It's just spinning." "Rotating is rolling, the two are one, never changed in years, you have no right to separate the two." "..."

The aircraft looked at the rolling starfish and flew to the center of the island. A large number of sprinkling gulls seemed to be greatly frightened. They flew around and flew around the island, but they seemed to be unwilling to leave the island, just flew to the island. The edge fell back to the ground.

The starfish that broke the tentacles stopped at the center of the island where there was no gull. It stopped spinning and landed slowly on the ground, then slammed on the ground.

The aircraft was always watching, not swaying, but the starfish did not act rashly...accurately there was no movement at all.

This lasted for about 6,000 seconds. Looking at the starfish that had never been moved, the instructor issued a proposal: "We should do some research on it."

"It may still roll over on its own." Maya said: "Continue to make more observations and transfer the troops in the distance."

It's true that because there aren't many tools on the aircraft, it doesn't make much sense to continue researching now. There may even be some unexpected results, such as awakening to let it run.

So waiting is also a good choice. When other aircraft with more tools come, you can... try to capture it.

"What are they doing?"

Suddenly, the Master and Maya saw that the sprinkling gulls on the edge of the island suddenly flew all over, and they all rushed toward the starfish.

Looking at them, it seems to want to... attack. (To be continued.)


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