4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1093: Fungal attack


As the explosion sounded, countless dust particles also scatter.

The thing called the sprinkling gull, which is flying in succession, then slams into the target of the island center and the starfish with all the tentacles broken.

‘嘭...嘭...嘭! Under continuous impact, countless dust particles have been covered with this broken starfish, but it is not moving. After all, it is not a cell creature, it does not have any nutrients that can be absorbed by the fungus.

Under the attack of the fungus, the starfish began to do its own thing... that is, it began to dig on the ground.

At the cross section of its tentacles, there are some fairly sharp structures that use these structures to easily dig through the rocky islands and dig deep into the depths.

The small aircraft has been watching the movement of the starfish. The insider and the Maya are very strange about the movement of this thing.

But it's not just the starfish itself, it's all about the starfish.

It is those tentacles.

The ten tentacles left by the islands that the starfish passed along, now they all began to do the same moves to the ground.

No matter where they are, they move their bodies, roll to the ground of the island, and then burrow into the ground like a worm.

What are the reasons for these things to do this kind of action... They feel that they need to be carefully studied, their 'assistant soldiers' are on the road, it is a group of aircraft equipped with more tools, as long as these aircraft arrive can be carefully Research on starfish...

but. Obviously another creature started the starfish earlier than the Master and Maya.

That is... fungus.

The sprinkling gulls here almost all hit the starfish. And their bodies are all turned into powder...this has no effect on this starfish. But the fungus doesn't seem to be giving up like this.

Because the aircraft saw it, there were more things flying in the distance.

Looking at the sea level, you can see a huge ellipsoidal object flying rapidly here. It flew over the island and ran directly into the direction of the starfish.

‘Hey! ’

The explosion was not very intense, but it stirred up the fog and obscured the view of the aircraft.

When the thick fog slowly dissipated, you can see that the huge starfish is now wrapped around a large number of threads. These wires also extend around and stick to the ground.

This seems to make the starfish **** and there is no way to continue digging, it is constantly struggling in place, but the silk seems to be quite resilient.

It currently has no way to break free...

"It turned out that the attack of the gull was just not meaningful."

The instructor came to the conclusion that the sprinkling gull hit a lot of dust on the starfish, and the elliptical objects that just flew over gave these dust nutrients, allowing them to grow suddenly, forming a tough hyphae to trap the target. .

at the same time. The aircraft once again found anomalies in the direction of the ocean, and huge bubbles appeared in the sea at the edge of the island. It's like what is underwater.

As the bubbles became more and more, the sea surface exploded in a bang, and a behemoth rushed out of the water.

"This is the thing..."

Both the Master and the Maya know this monster. It is the creature called the 'Pig of the Plague.' They thought that the fungus might have reconstructed the creature, and then placed it where it was, always hiding in the water. in.

It has nothing to change from the previous appearance. It looks like the flying dragon on the pompom, but it has no ability to fly. It is snow-white everywhere in the whole body, reflecting the dazzling brilliance in the rare sunshine of the world.

Its size and abilities have always been considered to be the most powerful creatures ever made by fungi, and now this most powerful creature has appeared on this island.

Its purpose... seems to be obvious too.

The forefoot of the Plague Dragon stepped on the island, and its body also came up. When it walked on the island, the weight would make the whole island tremble slightly.

It went to the center of the island and looked down at the starfish that was entangled in a lot of hyphae, and then opened his mouth and bit the starfish.

‘Kala’ Then, the sound of the burst rang, and the starfish’s originally strong outer shell cracked under the bite force of the plague dragon.

But it was just a crack... It didn't explode immediately, but it was still stuck in the mouth of the dragon, even if it had been more than ten seconds.

‘咔...’ The rift slowly spread on the starfish, and the plague dragon seemed to strengthen its power. If the starfish did not make any resistance, it could only wait for the result of being bitten.

Looking at this scene, the Master and Maya are very confused, why do fungi want to destroy this starfish? They can now say that they are quite 'lost' to the imaginary people who used to be enemies, and they don't care about them at all.

That's because the virtual people have nothing to threaten them, and why do you think of a starfish that is new to you as a threatening thing to destroy?

Maybe it's just because this thing has never been seen, so it feels unsafe? Or the fungus knows something about this starfish.

"Hey! That one can't roll over there!"

Therefore, Maya decided to ask, its voice rang from the small aircraft.

To be precise, it is not its voice, but a roaring bug. Maya prefers to use the robbers to replace the shouts on most occasions.

"Why are you killing it? What does it have to do with you?" The voice of the virtual language is continually sounded in the small aircraft. Maya and the priest think that the fungus can understand the language, but...it will not It will be hard to say if you will respond.

Sure enough... the other party did not respond.

The dragon of the plague has been keeping a position of biting the starfish. The starfish is constantly struggling in its mouth, and the broken tentacles of the body are constantly moving, but it has no effect.

And it did not take other attacks. As the cracks increased, the starfish could not support it. Finally, the whole ‘啪’ was bitten into countless pieces.

It popped up like a glass... the pieces didn't stay in place but splashed everywhere. It can be seen that most of the soft white matter inside the shell of the white starfish is soft and liquid, but very few.

The plague dragon did not let go of these pieces, it moved again, biting with its mouth, or using a foot, it quickly turned the scattered pieces around into smaller pieces.

The aircraft also acted at this time. It drove to the highest speed and rushed directly to the center of the island, and immediately picked up a piece of debris that could be carried in the distance before the plague dragon.

The plague dragon has been ignoring this aircraft...it was so before it hit the pieces of the starfish, and after it grabbed the pieces, the faucet that was still staring at the ground suddenly lifted, biting the aircraft directly in the air. The past.

'Boom! Only half a meter away from the teeth that smashed itself, the aircraft looked at the dragon behind it and continued to fly quickly into the distance.


Seeing the other side flying to the high position, the sound of the plague dragon's mouth rang, and at the moment when its snow basin opened again, a violent water column suddenly rushed out.

The water column hit the aircraft in the air. Although the aircraft survived in the rain of bullets, it was not supported for a second at the moment of the attack.

In the midst of the impact, its mechanical structure has completely fallen apart, and then it floats down from the air like raindrops with the surrounding water.

"Ah! It’s clear when it’s wonderful!" The live broadcast in the cinema disappeared at the same time, causing the screams of the virtual people inside.

For the Master and Maya, this excitement is not over yet.

They can still observe the situation on the spot through other aircraft.

After the plague dragon saw the target on the island, it continued to turn its view to the ground of the starfish pieces on the ground... Stretching their feet and mouth to smash them.

However, its action did not last long, and it had to look up again.

I saw a lot of aircraft around the island.

These aircraft all look exactly the same as before. They are one meter long and have an 'eye' on their head, flying with a propeller on their side.

The only difference between them and the previous one is that they don't have live streaming.

Of course, this is not important.

They flew over the island and saw any pieces that were loaded with weights and immediately grabbed them and flew far away, and the plague dragons were a bit embarrassed this time because there were too many targets.

The Master thinks so, as long as he uses a lot of aircraft to grab the debris, it can't shoot down every aircraft.

But the dragon of the plague did not hesitate, it immediately began the first step, that is, standing still.

Then... it opened a crack in the back.

Then, a lot of ... sprinkled gulls fly out of the crack.

These sprinkling gulls flapped their wings and chased the planes that fled everywhere, and their speed was not slow... Some aircraft had been caught up, and at the moment of catching up, the gull gull hit the aircraft, then Stick to the aircraft.

A large number of hyphae extend from the sprinkling gull to the aircraft, they wrap around the propeller, drill into any gap that can be drilled, and finally the aircraft crashes.

This seems to be a very powerful way of chasing, and most of the aircraft of the Master and Maya fall to the ground or the sea.

But there are still some escaped from this place... These aircraft have special engines, so they are faster, so they can finally study the starfish. (To be continued.)

Ps: Thanks ~ 588~

Thanks ~ Sakura Snow 喵 ~ really no choice ah ~ monthly ticket ~

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