The tsunami... appeared.

Just like the water column before, they suddenly surged, how did they appear? Is it related to the sect? But they just do some action there and don't seem to be operating anything.

Therefore, the previous water column and the current tsunami appear as a mystery, but this does not hinder them... with powerful power.

The rising tsunami hit the surrounding fungi, because the fungal creatures came from all directions, so the tsunami also flooded in all directions.

These tsunami volumes are like the ones caused by the huge object falling into the sea, but the time it caused... a little late.

And its power is not exactly as powerful as a one-kilometer object, but it is enough to take away all the fungi that rush into the sea.

Also included are those in the air.

In the face of the sudden waves of the sea, the fungal creatures seemed completely unprepared. They were instantly hit by the waves, all involved in the raging sea, followed by countless dust and previous kills by the water column. The fungal debris tumbling together.

However, the ecclesiastical creatures were not included.

Those under the sea, the first group of creatures that should be taken away by the waves were not mixed in the tsunami. They threw this terrible disaster alone to the fungi.

The aircraft in the air did not see these ecclesiastical creatures. They seemed to be hiding somewhere. It seemed that all disappeared without a trace.

Until the tsunami went away, the seas of the aggression returned to calm again, and the group creatures reappeared on the sea.

Because of the tsunami relationship. The sky is now sterile. Only flying high enough aircraft remain in the air. The ecclesiastical creatures didn't know whether they didn't notice the aircraft or didn't care about it. They didn't attack the aircraft like underwater, but started their work on the water.

Their work initially looks strange, but also swings the tentacles on the water, but as long as they swing a little differently, the meaning of the representative is completely different, just like some creatures draw more and less pictures. There is a very different meaning at one point.

Their current dance has nothing to do with the attack, but the Master does not know what it means. Because it has not fully understood the language of the Order.

As for Maya... it didn't want to learn at all.

The surface of the water is now very clean. Because of the tsunami, the dust that has been covered on the surface of the water and the wreckage of various fungal organisms have all been taken away. There is nothing else except the group.

However, under the dance of the ecclesiastical creatures, other objects appeared soon on the surface of the water.

These objects look like gray stones. They are different in shape and size, usually a few meters in size. Although they look like stones, they seem to float from the bottom of the water. It also floated on the surface of the sea.

Then, the ecclesiastical creatures began to piece together these things together. They use things that don't know where to take them out, and rope-like things tie the floating stones together.

When they were tied enough, they climbed onto the stone and continued to collect and bundle the surrounding stones. Soon, they tied a small sarcophagus on the sea.

"What are they doing..."

Looking at the bizarre behavior of the Order, the Master has already felt quite confused. These creatures seem to be building buildings here. They only see that they continue to build more things on the 'Ishigaki' and make Shijie become a Floating small stone houses.

However, the movement of this leisurely building of the Order's creatures did not last long.

Because... the fungus is moving again.

The aircraft noticed that huge, ellipsoidal objects appeared at sea level in the distance, and these objects flew from all directions in the distance, as if they were... shells.

'boom! And they also caused the effect of a similar projectile. The first ellipsoid object hit the stone house of the ecclesiastical creature, and the stone house suddenly shattered in the roar.

The ecclesiastical creatures inside were also bombed out under the explosion, and finally landed on the surface of the sea. They did not sink into the sea immediately, so the aircraft could see that the body surface of these sects began to rot.

Obviously, ellipsoidal shells also have a corrosive effect.

Why do fungi know what kind of material can be corroded by such a distant creature, and can it be made?

For the explanation of this reason, the creator thinks of the creator, because the fungus belongs to the creator of the creator, and the creator is the creature that wanders in the void.

In any case, the fungus must have known the ecclesiastical creatures for a long time, so it will start to guard so early... But this is the assumption of the priest, what is the situation... the distance is still far away, now it I want to know more about the two...what is it for?

'boom! boom! boom! ’

Under successive explosions, the stone houses were destroyed one by one. They were almost all smashed by the bombing, and the religious creatures inside did not escape the corrosion.

The stone house does not seem to be strong, which may be why it can float on the surface of the sea?

Although not strong, the Order's creatures insisted on making this kind of thing. Even though more fungal shells flew, they continued to work hard to build stone houses without stopping.

However, there was originally a group of ecclesiastical creatures who did not participate in the construction of the stone house. They looked at the shells in the air and danced again... the water column attack dance.

The sharp water column cut the bombs of the sky, and when the dust was scattered, the group creatures were once again hit hard.

Except for the ecclesiastical creatures in the stone house, the ecclesiastical organisms outside are sprinkled on the surface of the body, and the corrosion begins to dissolve their bodies quickly.

However, more and more members of the Order have emerged from the sea and continue to use water columns for interception.

Why do they insist on making those fragile stone houses? Is that something special?

It should be like that, those cultivating creatures are constantly desperately trying to prevent the shells from hitting the stone house, and it is not necessary to be corroded for this...

‘Hey! ‘And it’s a violent water column.

But this is not the water column of the sect of the sect, but from the sea level in the distance. It is more than the tiny water column. This water column instantly smashes several stone houses and will teach the creatures inside. It also dissolves and dissipates, which allows thousands of sects on the aggression to immediately notice the direction of the huge water column.

They found that the emitter of the water column is also a giant, and this huge creature is rapidly approaching this place...

That is... the dragon of plague. (To be continued.)

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