4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1099: Why is the war burning?

They... Why fight?

Fungi and the sect of the sect, there are many creatures watching their battles while the two are fighting.

Among these observers, as long as they know the two creatures... they will be puzzled by their behavior, because they do not seem to have a reason to fight.

Like plague fungi, they began to attack the ecclesiastical creatures with precautions, which has been said to be quite wonderful.

The behavior of the ecclesiastical creatures is also very strange.

Because, in the history of the sect of the sect, there has never been a record of invading other creatures. In fact, they are a group of fairly... peaceful creatures, rarely attacking other creatures, whether food or anything. Obtained by abiotics.

It’s because they are too peaceful, so they will be rebelled by the stone.

After arriving here, they immediately decided to start the war, although it seemed to be a defense against fungi, but at the beginning they destroyed the aircraft.

This seems to indicate that the ecclesiastical creatures are no longer fond of peace, and that they are not using their own weapons in battle, but the abilities of the serotoners.

Now, the sea... is still tumbling.

The huge creature known as the Plague Dragon is fighting a much smaller creature than it is.

It is better to say that it is unilateral...destruction than to say that it is a war.

One after another, the huts were smashed and scattered under the attack of the dragon. The cultivating creatures continued to dance. The water column in the sea hit the outer shell of the plague dragon, but the water column that had cut countless evidence creatures could not be in the dragon. Leave a trace on the outer casing.

In case the attack is invalid. The sect of the sect began to flee everywhere. They stopped continuing to build buildings. It sneaked into the sea.

The plague dragon did not let them go. It sneaked into the sea together with the sect of the sect, using the big mouth of snow to smash all the targets.

Moreover, at the same time, more fungal organisms have flown here, and they flew into the water together to fight the plague dragon.

The Order's creatures have not continued to retreat now, but have launched defenses in the water.

They have a considerable amount... at least 100,000 or more, in this water. They use the easiest way to combat a fungal organism and use a tentacle to tear the target.

The underwater battles started and didn't look as intense as they used to be. They didn't use any explosive weapons, they just mixed together and killed.

Surging bubbles and powder spread throughout the underwater battlefield, and both sides of the battle did not seem to notice that there were some subtle things moving in the water.

These subtle things are only ten centimeters in size, they are almost all spider-shaped, and belong to the army of...Lin.

Lin put some of her arms here not long ago, because after receiving the report from the instructor, Lin felt that the situation here is very worthy of attention. So I came to this place.

What Lin first saw was the battle between the sects of creatures and fungi. In the midst of the battle, the ecclesiastics did not use any tools or weapons they used to have. It is obvious that their battles have something to do with the vagrants. It should be that the vagrants want them to fight the fungi here.

It is a question of why vagrants have to fight fungi... Lin has not seen any record of vagrants fighting other species.

Although they will make the world evaporate... but it seems that no creature cares about this, because there is no disaster in the world of evaporation.

As long as it is a group of intelligent creatures, you should understand that they can develop rapidly without the disturbance of disasters, and they can leave the world before the world evaporates too much.

This is said in the records of the sect of the sect, so the tranfer is a symbol called ‘stable’.

Although this is the case, Lin feels that only the reason for direct evaporation will make other creatures hostile to it... In the records of the ecclesiastical creatures, almost all describe the benefits of tranfers, but obviously the evapoturizers do not There may have been no encounters with anything that is hostile to it.

Anyway, let's take a look at it now.

The tiny spider arms have reached the depths of the sea. Lin can see a huge black object. This one-kilometer object is like a stone on the seabed.

It fits well with the surrounding environment, and it does not seem to fall from the outside, and there are many religious creatures on this object.

They seem to be doing nothing here, floating in the water, not moving, not swimming to participate in the battle, but now there are more than 100,000 in the battle, and here is only a small part.

Lin also noticed that the body structure of the ecclesiastical creatures is not able to resist the water pressure here, nor do they wear armor or anything, so they may be transpirations...protecting them.

The transpirations haven’t been able to discipline the creatures until now, and now they have done so many things to them, which is also very weird.

But what Lin is most concerned about is how did it come here?

The world of fungi that once belonged to the imaginary people is far away from the land of dreamers. Even if the maximum distance is transmitted, it must be transmitted many times before it can be reached, but the transpiration can arrive here in a flash, and also bring The religious group came.

Therefore, Lynn feels... The tranfer has some kind of strong technical ability.

It may be stronger than the 'born' organ of the bus-like creature, and it also has some ability to control gravity.

What exactly are they?

Now Lin’s arms have touched the shell of this kind of thing.

The outer casing seems to be almost nothing special, although it is pure black, but the composition is the common material composition of the ground of the Dreamer.

Is there anything special inside?

This shell is very hard, and these units are not easy to open, but in addition to these miniature arms, Lynn has let a relatively large unit come here.

It is... the pioneer.

At this time, the Blazers are moving more than 70 meters in length and slowly swimming on the seabed. In fact, this pioneer is originally in this world, but has been hiding in the sea.

Now, Lynn has started it and let it swim to this position... currently it is only a few hundred meters away from the black vagrant.

From the perspective of the Blazers, you can also see huge black objects, as well as a large number of sects on the top... It is clear that these sects have also noticed the Blazers.

They immediately started their actions and swam in the direction of the Blazers. They began to wave their tentacles as they swam.

They mean to ‘block it’. Every pioneer has the same meaning. They seem to be able to launch some kind of wonderful...attack through this?


At this time, Lynn heard a roar.

Just like the earthquake in the sea, the seabed in this area began to tremble... but Lin’s pioneer did not stop and continued to approach the target.

One hundred meters... sixty meters... thirty meters...

The black objects in front of the Blazers were getting closer and closer, and the moment the seam reached the distance of ten meters, the seabed suddenly jerked.

The seabed around the black object suddenly rose, and the rising seabed formed a wall around it, blocking the pioneer who continued to move forward.

The Blazers slammed into the raised wall, but the Blazers didn't stop, its body slammed, the stone wall shattered, the Blazers continued to move forward, and the rotating body slammed into it. On a black object.

It does have a seemingly powerful ability... but Lynn feels that this ability seems to have many limitations, at least not on the Blazers.

Under the rapid rotation, the shell of the black object cracked, and the surrounding group creatures appeared quite flustered. Some of them rushed directly to the Blazers, hit the Blazers' body, but were immediately flew out.

They seem to have no way to do it? Lynn also wants to see if they can control the Blazers by controlling the surrounding objects.

More and more cracks, the Blazers slightly plunged the head into the shell of the black object, and Lin noticed that the black object had inside... The second shell was much stronger than the first layer and was composed of a large amount of mixture.

Under the Blazers' drill, it has almost no damage, and Lynn feels that the solidity of this object has reached a considerable level of strength.

Therefore, the Blazers stopped turning and quickly retreated, and then accelerated to rush forward.

'boom! ’

Under the impact, there was a little crack on the second layer of the shell. Although it was very strong, it could be opened in the usual way. Then Lin let the Blazers start to rotate at the crack and try to put It's got drilled.

"Stop this behavior! We know you, we know you. Don't do this."

At this time, Lynn also found that the surrounding religious groups no longer ran into vain, but communicated with Lin there...

They seem to express the understanding of Lin, trying to ask the Blazers to stop this behavior.

For this, Lin is also very curious... So Lynn stopped and responded to this group of creatures.

The way to respond is to send the signal directly, because Lynn knows what signals they can receive and asks them: "Can you tell me... all these questions?"

"No problem. If you are willing to stop. We can let you know a lot of things."

The believers have said so, they seem to have become very peace-loving creatures at this moment...

Therefore, Lin also intends to communicate with them well. (To be continued.)

Ps: Thanks ~ Guanshu Zhixing ~ Feng Yunli ~ Qianli wine town ~ Sakura Xueyu ~ monthly ticket ~

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