4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1100: Communication action

"That is..."

"It is calling us. It is talking to us. Once it is done, it cannot stop."

Here in the deep sea, on a huge black object, Lin's pioneers are communicating with a group of sects.

They told Lin a lot of things, they said that they felt the voice of the 'vatar'.

Initially only the leader felt it and told them, but now they all feel the information given to them by the vagrants.

Therefore, all the sects of the sects began to act according to the will of the vagrants, for example, gathered in the land of the Dreamer, gathered under the peak, and then climbed to the peak to wait for being sent away.

These are all told by the vagrants, and after coming here, the transpires also told them a sentence "Everything here is an enemy and must destroy them."

Therefore, they strictly follow this instruction to start the action.

Lin believes that the tranpers seem to have controlled them in some way, because the group creatures did not completely follow the transpirations before, they also thought about betraying the tranfers, but now they have no doubt about the transpiration.

Therefore, they started a war with fungal creatures... The whole process of warfare was also taught by the evaluators.

The tranpers tell them that they can use special attacks by saying something... that is, making certain gestures that look like dance.

For example, use a subtle water column to cut fungal organisms, or raise a tsunami, as before. At the time of the tsunami. They also get a protection that prevents them from being swept away by the tsunami.

In addition, there are some other tasks. The tranfer seems to have sent many wonderful things in addition to the faction creatures, such as things that look like stones and can float at sea.

A non-combat task for tranfers to teach the creatures is to have them assemble the stones into shapes. The objects that looked like stone slabs and small stone houses were preliminary, and the final assembled shape would look like a Very big...disc.

The coverage is exactly one kilometer in size. Corresponding to the black objects on the sea floor, it seems that there is a special effect in making this thing, but the group creatures still don't know.

The biggest trouble they face now is fungal organisms, because there is a problem here, that is, the words of the tranfers occasionally they will not receive them, and in the case that they are not received... the group creatures cannot launch an attack.

It should be said that it is impossible to launch the kind of 'special attack', such as the use of water column or something, but they also have the task of protecting the transpires, so they can only rush themselves. Fight with fungal biology.

Just now, when they met the Blazers, they received the voice of the tranfer, the vagrants let them do some movements, and raised the seabed as a wall to block the pioneers.

After the pioneers drilled the walls of the seabed, they lost the Blazers' voice. I don't know how to be good. There is such a group of creatures that the pioneers are not creatures of this world, so they intend to communicate with the pioneers.

This group of creatures is... a leader.

"I used to see you there, it made me see, so I know you."

It’s so talking to Lin... Simply put, it’s the spy that was discovered when I was underground, and it’s also said that it was discovered by the vagrants.

It noticed that the spy had some of the same places as the Blazers, so it believed that the Blazers had a relationship with the spies and held a test mentality. It allowed the group of creatures to communicate with the pioneers, but did not expect to be really successful.

This seems quite wonderful. When Lin asked him where the Blazers and the spies were the same, it said that the transcripts made it feel... some of the dreamer's body...dream energy.

"That is something that makes me uneasy."

What it says is... a small guardian.

It is true that this pioneer has also brought a small nucleus to the fungus world. Lin has allowed some arms to carry small nucleators and let them put the small nucleus in the pioneers, because Lynn feels useful. But the main purpose is... want to use them to... interrogate the brain.

There are a few remaining brain spirits here, so you can take small guardians to do this kind of thing, although I don't think there will be any special effects.

But Lin still brought the little nucleus, because Lynn now has a lot of small nucleators, and Lin plans to take them to many places to carry out... all sorts of things.

The reason why the ecclesiastical society can find the small nucleus is because of the transpiration, and how did the transpirations find the small nucleus?

Although it does not rule out that the tranfers have their own methods, Lin feels that this may be related to the Dreamer's dreams. After all, it is now likely to be mixed with the transpiration.

"So, can I continue to research it?"

Although I know a lot of things, Lin also found that these group creatures are completely unclear about the tranfers themselves. Simply put, they are like a bunch of tools... they don’t know anything about their own operators. .

"No! We told you not to approach it! Leave it far away, you don't belong to this world, so you... don't belong to our enemy. Maybe it was in this world? No, I think No... hurry up, hurry and leave."

The unanimity of the Order's biology is reflected in Lin's expectation that they are now fully committed to protecting the tranfers and not letting the tranfers have any danger.

Now, Lin's pioneers are still not moving, but Lynn has already explored the transpirations in situations they can't notice.

Because the Blazers had already smashed the crack on the second layer of the evaluator, the crack was small, but enough for the tiny spiders to pass.

Lin found that there is no third-layer shell, but a lot of complicated structure. Lin feels that it has already entered... inside.

Of course, there is seawater entering with Lin. A lot of seawater is left in through small cracks. If it is not stopped, it may not affect the facade.

At present, Lynn has discovered many wonderful ways of material composition, some of which have been seen by Lin, and some have not been seen...

Lin is still feeling here... the dream energy of dreaming.

Dreamweaver dream food should be in this place, but still not sure about its exact location, Lin wants to find it, so sure to know more.

At the same time, Lynn is also on the other side of the farther, through another way to understand the transpiration.

That is through the creator. (To be continued.)

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