4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1101: Information within the fungus

"I don't know about this kind of thing, fluff, but I have a special feeling when I describe it."

This is what the creator of the dream world created.

It does not know the transpiration, it seems to be a matter of course, because the brain does not know the transpiration, most of the creator's knowledge is related to the brain.

So why do fungi know transpiration?

Lynn needs to know this information from the creator, but not from the creator of the dream, but from another...the creator.

That is the creator...the cub.

Lynn has a creator of the creator who has been 'storaged'. Lin did not let it grow, but has been observing the changes of the creator.

It must be said that the creator is a very interesting creature. If it is kept in a low temperature environment, its cells will produce 'evolution' in a low temperature environment, changing their own environment to adapt to low temperatures.

And no matter what environment it is placed in, it will try to create fungi that can break down the surrounding environment.

In general, as long as the creators are not placed where they can be killed immediately, they always have a way to live... and grow up.

This young boy, Lin, has been using various methods to keep it in the state of the cub, and it has been trying to grow up, and the ‘the showdown’ on both sides has never stopped.

I remember that the dream creator used to think that it was difficult to deal with, and then trapped its 'consciousness' in the dream... so that it could not grow, but Lynn did not use a similar method for this baby, but always used it. More... Ordinary methods trap it.

This will continue to observe changes in the research creator.

Lin knew it very early. Creators will change themselves in a variety of environments. This change is mainly taken from the 'cell information bank'. This information library contains all the nuclear information recorded by the creator and its ‘mother’, ‘grandmother’, and all the creatures swallowed by the earlier ancestors.

However, Lin did not find out at first that the information base in the creator was there. Later, Lin found that the information base was not in a specific position, but could change the position at will.

Usually all nuclear information is in a fragmented state, similar to brain cells. But it will be assembled when needed, but it is not clear how the creators distinguish and assemble the pieces.

And Lynn found that the fragmentation of these nuclear information is not complete, only a small amount, there is no way to represent the huge biological group in the creator's information base.

So Lynn now believes that the creator may have some special evolutionary ability to receive information from a distance, just like the mutants near the water polo.

However, there are questions about the creator that are put aside. Lin wants to know now... Why do fungi know transpiration?

That will start from here.

Now, Lin's pompom is flying in the sky of the fungus world.

Here is located on land. On land, the fungus is almost full of every place. Now in Lynn's eyes, the jungle of fungi fills the entire surface.

These fungi do not seem to have any special rules. They look like plants grow everywhere, but in fact the location of the fungus is...regular.

For example, they will... define some places as special places, like some places as bases, and some places are pure...environmental simulations.

Now, the pompom flies to a place.

This place can be said to be the place where they make fungal creatures.

Its location is on the edge of the coast, and a large number of fungal woodlands are now continually flying out of a large number of creatures, these are fungal organisms.

They are distinguished from those creatures that have a crystalline outer shell. Fungal organisms are purely used to fight things like battles, while creatures with crystal shells are like wildlife.

But these creatures are all constructed by fungi in some way. They are constructed like creators and have a 'repository'.

There may be a lot of things in this information library, such as the 'design map' of various fungal organisms, and some... information.

Like the vagrants, the fungus has never seen a transpiration, but knows that the tranfers should be because they have the creator's 'genetic' information for them.

Lin is going to find this information now.

In fact, Lin is not clear about the specific situation. This is just Lin's guess. Now Lin wants to see the guess...how accurate.

Thinking, Lin let the pompons speed up, flew from the air and rushed into the fungal woodland below...

Fungi are now in a state of peace... they don't actively attack creatures that are close to them, and of course they will grow on any nutrient, be it creatures or something.

But as long as you seal well and avoid the fungal creatures a little, don't get too close to them, you can swim in the fungus jungle.

The pompom now flies to a huge fungus structure. This structure is like a trunk. It is more than 70 meters long. The surface of the skin is very rough, and there are no extra things around the top.

At the bottom of the fungus structure there are many holes, from which a large number of fungal organisms are drilled, which seems to be used to produce those fungal organisms.

The pompom flies to the side of the fungus structure and begins to excavate on the outer skin using the fluff.

The outer skin is fragile, and it is easy to dig a large piece. When Lin pulls the dust off the flying belt, he also sees the inner... hollow.

It's not completely empty, but there are a lot of odd things.

It should be like this... Lin believes that this tree-like fungus structure, mainly made by fungi imitating creators... is made.

Lin also saw the information sent by the Master. It shows that many things that fungi do are similar to the creators, like their behavior in the manufacturing environment. They also produce many fungi that resemble plant structures.

They didn't have these things, because Lynn thought that the fungus might have started creatorization recently.

It's not that they become creators, but that they start to do things like creators. These are trunk-like structures and those special shapes inside, which are created by imitating the creator's form. of.

As for why fungi suddenly change this kind of change, it is not clear... Maybe they have certain creator characteristics, but they only show up after occupying the whole world.

Therefore, they should also have some creators... knowledge.

Despite this, fungi are not really creators, they are much different from the creators' way of doing things, so they don't spread the information base everywhere like the creators.

Lin believes that they can find their information base here. This structure should contain a lot of information about fungal organisms, and should also include knowledge about transpiration.

The pompom flies inside this hollow interior for a while, and finds something like a repository. This thing is at the top. Although the structure of the fungus is basically concentrated at the bottom, this thing at the top of Lin looks very good. suspicious.

Because it is like the creator...the brain.

The creator's brain generally has no fixed form. If a 70-meter-sized creator has a brain that gathers its cells, it is so big. If the fungus makes these structures completely in the creator form, then this image is like The brain should be... the information base.

Then, the pompom quickly tore off a small piece from the 'brain' and then flew out.

After the pompoms flew out, Lynn could see a lot of fungal creatures outside. They gathered around the hole that the pompom had just dug and drilled in.

The pompoms were almost blocked by them...but because the pompons were 'invisible', they didn't notice the pompoms.

Although they do not actively attack, the situation is different if they are attacked.

After watching the fungal creatures, the pompoms flew into the sky and detected the small piece of 'brain' that had just been torn off.

Actually, I can't detect anything, because this part is like a piece of meat, but what Lynn has to do is mainly to take out the nuclear information of the cells inside.

Then... put them in the body of the creator cub.

In this way, if the fungus really understands the tranfers through the knowledge that the creator inherited to them, then these nuclei can also be analyzed by the creator of the creator, and the pups get the same knowledge.

Then, Lin can know the information of the evaluator through this baby.

Lin’s pompom flies higher and higher, and then disappears into the sky.

And the next place where it appears is where the creator cubs are. Lin has locked it inside a ... warship, which should be considered a prison.

Next, inject the nuclear information from the fungus and see what happens to it...

The result is the next thing... and Lin thinks a lot.

The creator can analyze the nuclear information obtained from the fungus and thus produce more brain cells...

Lin believes that there is knowledge about transpiration in these brain cells, so the information in the fungus is indeed associated with the creator, so it can be passed on to the creator cub.

As for how to get the knowledge inside the creator's brain cells, Lin believes that there are many ways to get it directly, or ask the cub to get it.

So use a more interesting method to get it... (to be continued.)

Ps: Thanks ~ mint mints~ 588~

Thank you ~ red heart heart ~ ~ monthly ticket ~

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