"Here is... your temple?"

In the jungle filled with fog, scholars and Cuilong came to the center of the island, where the place where the temple was called by the Cuilong dragon. After coming here, the scholars also saw the temple...

This temple seems to be very special.

It looks different from other buildings, the most conspicuous is its height, close to ... 80 meters.

Cui Weilong was able to make such a huge building and the schoolmaster was quite surprised. On the way, he saw other buildings of Cuilong, which are like small tents, and basically made of wood, which can be said to be quite... …original.

But this building is like a building. Although it looks like a stone structure rather than a high-tech material, it can make this size... that's not a simple matter.

If you look at the environment in which Cui Weilong lives, they can't make such things.

“Hey! It’s spectacular!” Cui Weilong showed a very proud look. He looked at the temple and said, “This is the largest building we have built. Maybe the whole world is no higher than it!”

"Yes... ah." The scholar did not think that it seemed to be a building that stood in the jungle, but the scholars did not say so.

"So, come in and have a look!"

At the invitation of Cui Weilong, the scholar walked into the building with it.

The building seems to be divided into many layers. The first floor is an empty space. There is nothing here, except on the walls... Scholars can see a lot of paintings on the walls, as if they are stories describing their 'God'. These paintings look quite the same...original, because it was originally a simple mural.

"We are praying here." Cui Weilong went to the center of the room: "Pray and wait for a while to start, you should wait here first."

“Do you only use the first layer?” the scholar questioned: “There are many layers above... What do you do with it?”

“The upper floors are used for worship at different time periods.” Cui Weilong said: “This time it is on the first floor.”

“Just... why?” the scholar said: “Is there any other use?”

"Of course, there are a lot of ancient books on it, you can go on a visit. But be careful not to break anything." Cui Weilong said.

“Can you go to visit?” Some scholars were surprised that Cui Weilong was so ‘generous’ to let him visit, so he went upstairs without asking too much and began to visit the building.

.................. At the same time, on the other side..................

Lin is also visiting...a place.

Lin’s mini-arms are in the building of the sect’s creatures. At this time, the war of consumption continued, and a large number of fungal creatures continually collided on the water wall and then shredded, while the group creatures did not happen in the accidental surface, built under the water wall formed by the tsunami. Various buildings.

just now. Their tallest building is close to 80 meters, and many of Lin's mini-arms are observed throughout the building.

There is nothing in it, because the ecclesiastical creatures just made the 'shell', there is no furniture in it, and the building is divided into eight layers, each with a height of ten meters, and each There is a group of creatures in the layer.

They look like they are in a daze, because they are standing in the center of the room and don't do anything, so... Lin wants to ask them. Just like before.

Lin let more pompons rush into the water wall. These hidden pompoms flew into the tallest building. They didn't find out, although Lin felt that the hiding of the pompoms would be noticed by the vagrants, but It seems that it does not care.

The ecclesiastical creatures did not find it. After entering the building, the pompons arrived at each floor.

Then they came together and asked questions about the group's creatures on the floor... At this moment, Lynn felt that five pompoms had been attacked.

But there are three pompoms that have not been attacked, and the cultivating creatures there are willing to answer Lynn's questions.

This is also very interesting... The group's biological surfaces seem to be united. But in the decision-making on some things, there will be different opinions.

They once again told the pompons what they said before...this is a temporary site, and they will soon move on to the next site.

The next site is their real goal, as long as the buildings are built here, they can go to the next site.

Lynn continues to ask them about the next site. Because there is only one cultivating creature on each floor, and the cultivating creatures in other places have not come over, the pompoms can continue to be attacked here without any attack.

They say they are not very clear about where the next site is, but they can confirm that it will probably still be needed...the building can be completed in a few thousand seconds.

This is similar to the time predicted by Lynn, so Lynn decided to use them to get the way to investigate the next site, that is... to invade.

Three pompoms continue to communicate with the sect. The former mini-arms were gathered, and Lin asked them to invade a group of creatures in the building.

They drilled into the brains of this group of creatures and began some tests at the brain's position, where they were able to detect how the tranpers talked to them.

This is a method called 'transmission stimulation'. The transcripts make small holes in the brains of the cultivating creatures. These holes disappear at the moment of appearance, but they will stimulate a certain position in the brain of the sect. Then, the brains of the sect of the sect will grow some new structures, and these new structures have memories inside, so that the sects can get new news.

It was not detected before because the exchanges between the former tranfers and the corps were not as frequent, and the communication was now quite frequent because it kept on commanding the ecclesiastical work.

But the transpiration seems to have no way to do it by itself. Why does it have to rely on the sect?

However, this method is quite interesting. The reason why the memory structure in the religious brain can grow up with a little stimulation is not clear, but Lyne can almost know by detecting these new parts. What information has been received by the ecclesiastical creatures.

Lin will not fully analyze the brains of the sects, but the dreamer dreams tell Lin how to resolve this creature.

Therefore, Lin now fully understands... In fact, the dreamer dreams know a lot of things about the transpiration, including how the tranfers communicate with its 'believers', but the dreamers don’t want to say anything before they dream. .

Now its emotions are slowly recovering, and Lynn knows more from it.

Now Lin knows more through the group, and Lynn examines their brains and finds that the transcripts have given them orders recently.

There is still no way to detect the deep memory of the religious brain of the ecclesiastical group, because the dreamers do not know how to detect them, but they can know the recent exchanges of tranpers.

Most of the commands that transpirations give to the corps of creatures are how to attack them. How to build buildings or not, without reason or principle, let them do it.

However, the evaluator still said that there is something about the next site. After the building is completed, all the corps creatures must have a posture... so that they can go to the next site together.

The next site is the real ‘where to evaporate’, the fungus world is just passing by, so the transpiration does not evaporate this place.

When the next site arrives, they will immediately let that place evaporate, but they may also be attacked by local creatures, so they need to teach the creatures to help them prepare.

However, there will be ‘believers’ waiting in the same place as the sect.

Usually the tranfers arrive in the next world, where the believers begin to “awake” to worship the vagrants, but the site is different, the believers there wake up very early, and begin to expect the vagrants to arrive.

They will work with the sect of the sect to work for the transpiration.

Where is the next site? The transpirations do not specify the location of the next place here. After all, it is not a group creature.

However, it describes some local situations, which means that believers at the next site will build a building similar to the one here, which is the coordinate location, which will be transmitted to the vicinity of the building, estimated to be in the ocean. ......


“Is this really an ancient book?” The scholar was at the second floor of the Cuilonglong building, where he saw many stone products such as bottles and cans, but there was no text on it.

"The results of the investigation appeared..." Suddenly, the scholar received a communication in his brain.

“Is there a final result?” The scholars collected the cell samples of the ancient cockroaches before and transmitted the data back for ‘testing’. The experiment did not know who was responsible, but it seemed to be very slow, but now it’s finally good...

Thinking, the scholar asked: "What is the ancient ??"

“That is an evolutionary ancient 鱿 that is more developed than any ancient 鱿.” The newsletter said: “They have the perfect color-changing ability, so they can change words, patterns, and even movies on the body... but the most important The thing is that they have a special toxin."

"...toxin?" the scholar questioned.

"This toxin can affect the victim for a long time. The toxin is also found in the biological cells called 'Cui Yu Long' that you sent." The newsletter said: "They will make the victim's spirit abnormal, for example I think you look good, and there is..." (To be continued.)

Ps: Thanks~ Feng Yang 1~一闵~Listen to the snow~"Ghost King"~Chali Sen Nana~monthly ticket~

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