4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1116: With the wind

"Yes, in the aesthetics of the dragons, your appearance is very... personality, but this kind of green dragon does not think so, why is it? Is it because of their mixed blood? No, that is Because... they are poisoned."


The scholar is staying on the second floor of the building. It looks down from the passageway and looks at the green dragonfly that prays in the center of the first floor room: "So what..."

Scholars have also obtained some of the cells of Cui Weilong sent to the laboratory, mainly to test their mixed relationship, but now unexpectedly found that this Cui Weilong infected the ancient toxins ... What does this mean?

"This may be the reason for their abnormal behavior. Ignore the jade dragons or dragons that drifted to the island, but they are close to...you, and according to your instructions, they have built a big unusual building in the jungle. These are strange performances."

"It seems like this..." Listening to the information in the newsletter, the scholar thought about the previous things.

Before the Cui Longlong told it, they often fought against the ancient scorpions, but although the ancient scorpions attacked them, but ... not to die, just to catch them into the jungle.

They often bite or scratch the dragon, and the toxins may be transmitted at this time.

This ancient sucker has barbs on it, which can be easily scratched. In the long-term battle, the whole family of Cuiyulong has been affected by the ancient toxin, and then the behavior has become weird.

It can be seen that the actions of the ancients are purposeful. They are not to kill the dragons, but to make them strange, but why? For this weird building?


The scholar heard a sound that seemed to be coming from the sky. Is it thundering outside?

The scholar has come to the next level. It came outside the building, and the dense fog outside made it unable to see the weather, but the air did not fall. At the same time, scholars also saw a group of green dragons appearing in front of it.

"Hey! Great heroes, please visit our prayer activities!" The lead Cui Yulong greeted the scholars. While walking in with the rest of the dragons, under the watchful eyes of the scholars, the group of dragons and dragons walked to the first floor of the building, and then arranged neatly to pray.

"..." Scholars think that it should ask some questions, but it does not know how to open it, so it looks at the group of dragons there.

They didn’t say anything, they didn’t do anything, they just sat there with their eyes closed, as if they were sleeping...

The ‘ booming ...... scholars heard it again. It sounded like a thunder, but it didn't rain...but it's just common to get thunder and rain, and scholars don't care too much.

This phenomenon lasted for a long time, and the scholars felt a little bored and began to look around. It suddenly found a strange thing at the moment when he turned his head.

A small sand grain slowly rose in front of it.

"What is going on here?" The scholar stared at the sand in a puzzled manner, and the dust of sand was flying everywhere. It has been seen countless times. But this phenomenon of sand rising straight up... It has never been seen, unless something like a vacuum cleaner is sucking on it.

But the uplifting scholar can only see a thick fog. The main thing is that the fog next to the sand has no signs of rising, which makes it very strange. The scholar reached out and stopped the sand.

The sand hit the scholar's hand and stopped there... This phenomenon lasted for a few seconds and the sand seemed to return to normal, and it began to fall.

The scholar immediately caught the sand and began to test...

…………at the same time. On the other side............

"Hey... everyone is here." This is the south coast of the northern world of the pompom world. The port city of the Jade Dragon sits here. At this time, in a place called the Port Management Conference Hall, an emerald dragon is Sitting on the north side of a round table. Its eyes gazed at the entrance to the room, and saw the entrance to the jade dragon from the entrance.

"The king of trade, the captain of the ship that conquered the farthest island, the legendary descendant of the Lord of the Blood Mist, the blood fog II..." The emerald dragon sitting there looked at the seat and filled the seats around the round table. Laughing and said: "Hey... It seems that this time there are dragons that are not small."

"So, everyone is here..." It looked at the emerald dragon around and said: "The 136th session, 'Is it a delicious salty taste or a sweet taste?' ,Start now!"

"...not sea bream?" asked the legendary blood fog master.

"That was the last time, now we are beginning to decide the taste of the new cuisine!" Jade Dragon said: "So master... What do you say about this meat?"

Master angered: "I have never eaten you, how can I answer?"

"Sorry..." Jade Dragon shouted: "Come on the dragon! Take the sea bream meat, please also taste the taste of it!"

"Yes!" A voice came out of the room, and several emerald dragons came in with a few pots of meat and placed them on the table.

"It looks pretty good..." The Master of Blood Fog looked at the scented flesh and was picking up the dining tool to poke it, but found it poked empty because the piece of meat floated in front of it.

"Hey! This meat is so powerful!" The master of the blood fog was surprised: "Can the sea bream still fly?"

"That..." The jade dragon also looked flustered: "This is not flying, why is it floating?"

It said that he reached out to grab the meat with doubt, but he was pushed by the master of blood fog: "Don't touch it with your hands, it's too dirty!" Then it used the meal tool again to stab the sea bream, but this piece The flesh flies higher and it stabs again.

"How is this going!"

The Emerald Dragon in the field also screamed, only to see all the meat flew up here and hit the roof.

Not only that, but also the various furniture here, like the chair and everything, also flew up, and even the jade dragon here.

They were horrified to find themselves floating in the air, leaving only the Master of Blood and fog standing still.

Ask why the blood fog master did not fly, perhaps because it weighs about three times heavier than the ordinary jade dragon.

"I am going to seek assistance." After dropping this sentence, the Master of Blood Mist ran out of the room.

"This...this is..." But when it went outside, it found that the situation outside was the same...

A lot of things... are floating. (To be continued.)

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