It looks like... it feels very 'primitive'.

Lin's pompom is in a vast hall.

Everywhere here looks like a stone, whether it's the ground, the wall, or simply a rocky hall.

This part of the transpiration, and Lin found the location of the transpiration in the void and detected the entire shape of the transpiration.

This should belong to the serotoner's 'body', which is much larger than the previous head, about half as large as the northern continent. Lin then let a small number of troops approach it and successfully enter the transpiration. internal.

However, within the entrance, Lynn discovered a place like this... the original problem is not just that it looks like a rock structure, but also a lot of things on the rock. These paintings should be It’s some creatures, but it’s not the creature that Lynn has seen, but the wall of this rock hall is the material that Linde has seen, the same material that the group’s creatures used to make buildings, although it looks like stone. But very light.

Lin let the pompom fly slowly here. The hall of this rock structure is more than 30 meters in diameter. After flying to the head, Lin walks to the only passage here.

After arriving at the next place, Lin found that after arriving at a hall of the same size, Lin felt that it might be that the transpires intended to show something for Lin to arrange this. No matter how much, continue to observe and observe, Lin looks at these things. While also detecting the energy transfer activity here, it is obvious that the transpiration is using this body to affect the pompon.

It is now in exactly the same position as the month. I don't know if it is a coincidence... or it is deliberate.

However, the scope of its influence is not the same as the month. After Lin believes that he has more understanding of it, he decides whether to destroy the evapoturizer... or stay.

This place is exactly the same as the previous hall, except that the paintings on the walls have changed and become even more strange, more like some quirky symbols. Not like a creature.

After watching it for a while, Lin arrived at the third room. This place is the same as the previous one, but the painting has changed. Because there is nothing to explain what these paintings mean, continue to fly inside.

This seems... very interesting.

After reaching the next room, the size of the surrounding is still the same, but the structure of the room is not the kind of light stone, but it has become... metal material.

‘铛’ There is no air here. So this sound is simulated by Lin, but this metal material is much stronger than the previous stone structure, and the walls here are also marked with symbols.

Like last time, Lynn moved on to the next room... There were three such metal rooms, exactly the same as the previous rock room.

It seems that the design here is like this. Every three rooms will be replaced by a new material. When Lin flies over three metal rooms, it will come... What is this structure?

The room that Lynn came to this time was not metal or rock, but a pure white material.

This substance... feels much stronger than the previous two, some like the structure of the head of the vagrant who used to be in the fungal sea.

Interestingly. This very strong white only occupies the front half of the room, and the rear half of the wall and floor is a gray structure.

Lin's pompom has already flown to the second half, and the fluffy hair is gently poked off the gray wall, and a hole is poked on it, and a lot of dust is splashed.

The second half is very fragile, like dust piled up... Why is this part so fragile?

"Because they have turned gray after this."

Lynn heard a voice...accurately, it was a brainwave-like message sent to the pompom.

While Lin received this message, Lin noticed that there were a lot of dust particles gathered around slowly, and they slowly concentrated on the hole that Lynn had just poked out. Plug the hole up so that it is as good as ever.

"You are a group of creatures?" Looked, Lin sent a message to the source of the information, although Lin has not seen it. But Lynn knows that this information is sent by the Order: "Why does the transcript not talk to me directly?"

"I am here to explain to you the situation here." The corps continued to send a message saying: "You seem...have rejected the invitation before, which is really unwise."

“So, great, it’s decided to show you something that will give you the idea of ​​joining it.” The Mission’s biologist: “From the entrance to here, you saw a lot of things, this is one of its great projects. ……miniature."

"What are these things describing?" Zheng Lin continued to ask questions. It didn't respond, Lin continued to ask a few times, and it didn't say anything.

Forget it, Lynn already knows where it is, wait a minute to see if it can be found.

Thinking, Lin will continue to the next room, will the next one be the same? Still... it seems very different.

After arriving at the next room, Lin found that the previous model seemed to disappear, replaced by a large space, which is one kilometer long according to the detection of pompons... length and width, because the walls of the space show the starry sky. When I first came here, I felt like I was in the void.

There are many... buildings in the space. They are different in size and have various shapes. Just like the creatures built by the Order, there is no uniform appearance, but there are always some tall tower buildings that are the largest.

They don't seem to be bound by gravity here, floating slowly in the air, occasionally colliding, occasionally stopping, some are stone structures, some are metal, others don't know what the structure is, it seems very soft, some It glows like a fluorescent light.

What are they doing here with these strange buildings?

When Lin thought so, suddenly these buildings all moved neatly, and they lined up in the air, as if they had become a strange bridge.

Lin found that they are in a sorted order. It seems to start with the simplest building, slowly changing to a stronger material, and later it looks soft, there is a building that glows, and finally it is used. The most fragile building with dust piled up...

Do they want to say something like this?

When Lin thought about it, she suddenly realized that the space and the buildings were all gone, and the scenery in front of them changed rapidly, and finally changed into a narrow space.

The transpiration is to transfer the big space away, transforming it into a small space and picking in the entrance of Lin. Lin looked carefully at this small place, which is actually one of the many buildings that have just floated in the big space.

It is rocky structure, the outside looks square, the interior is quite complicated, there are quite a few room passages, and soon Lin finds the way to go forward.

After arriving at the passage, Lin found that the next place was the interior of another building.

Sure enough, just floating around and still arranged to give Lin a look at the shape of the building, now I want to see Lin inside the building, it seems that they say that they want to tell Lin about... the evolution of architecture.

Because every time the next building arrives, the building will be more advanced. From rock to mixed solid structure to metal, etc., the interior of the building is very different. After reaching the middle position, Lin came to a pure metal. The place of the structure.

It is said to be a building. It is more like the interior of a warship. There is something like a console in the middle, and the walls on all sides show flashing stars.

Although these places have become more and more advanced, in the end they are small rooms that are completely piled up by dust. As before, this room is very fragile and will break when touched, but will gather again to remain intact.

After flying through the last dusty room, Lin once again saw a vast place, and this place is much larger than before... There are countless buildings in a space of almost ten kilometers.

These buildings are covered with every inch of the ground, and they are densely populated, but the classification is the same as before, with simple buildings occupying the original position, and then the more advanced the buildings are.

This time, Lin found that it was more than a few times... a lot more intuitive.

The original buildings were low-rise small stone houses, followed by tall houses, two to three stories, and later higher, like tower buildings, followed by tall buildings, like virtual In the city of the people, there is still light in every building, but there is no... advertising version.

Moving on to the back is a pile of buildings that float in the air, seemingly soft.

Obviously, these descriptions are telling the evolution of Lin's architecture. Another point is that the entrance size of these buildings is very suitable for the size of the pompoms. Lin believes that it may be specially designed for pompoms. .

"Have you already understood our great plan?" After Lin floated all the places, the ecclesiastical creature sent a message again.

"This is a huge project." Without waiting for what Lin said, it went on to say: "The great transpires are constructing all the creations of thinking."

"All...the things that have thoughts?" Lin asked.

“Yes, what you see is only a small part.” The group’s biology said: “This is the specific content of the great project. The transpires create everything that has been created by thinking things and bring them together to make them. An object that is hugeer than anything in the void." (To be continued.)

Ps: Thanks ~ crazy words are 5888!

Thanks ~~日1994~看书知行~Engineering Technician~Sakura Snow喵~Tea Sen Nana~The monthly ticket~

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