4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1124: Unlimited engineering

This is an infinitely continuous object.

Because the creation of the void creature is infinitely produced.

The Order of the Creed... It is said, it tells Lin... The great plan of the vagrants, this great plan will include all the creatures in the void.

...all creatures that make things.

This is the main content of the great project of the evaluator... There are countless creatures in the void, and many creatures use the materials around them to assemble things, whether they are buildings, weapons, or anything else. It is a creature that will assemble things, and tranpers may pay attention to them.

The creatures of concern, if their history of making things lasts for a hundred years of pompon or longer, the transpires will create exactly the same thing according to the history of the creatures.

Most of them are buildings, and of course they contain other objects, such as weapons, vehicles, advertising versions, whether they are individual creatures, or divisional species, or other creatures...the things they make, the transpiration Will make an almost exactly the same.

Usually, there are many buildings, even if they are the same shape, and others are only one. The vagrants define the building as long as it is bio-manufactured and will stay in it for a long time. About ten pompons stay up all night, even if it is building.

It is not clear why buildings are built more, but all these buildings and objects learned from various civilizations are part of a huge project.

As for the materials used to make these things, of course, the tumbling debris obtained by 'evaporation', a large amount of debris will be stored in one place and then sent to a huge engineering site to assemble and transpire. The objects that are observed by those biological civilizations are exactly the same.

All the structures are connected to each other, they form a huge object, so the evapotrania needs gravitational maintenance techniques and transfer techniques to stabilize all structures.

If you go to the location of the project, you may see such a scene... a long, long continuation... is quite a huge pipeline.

The width of the pipeline is sufficient for the largest stellar bus to enter, and the composition of the pipeline is made up of countless civilized buildings, which may be somewhat primitive and consist only of ordinary rock. Some may have a very high level of skill, such as energy and some kind of hybrid attraction technology.

In these buildings, there are many things made by civilized creatures that make such buildings, like table stool chairs. Or dangerous items such as Type 78 bombs will also be available.

But no matter what, what kind of technology, they are assembled by the transpires, thus forming a huge structure.

"It will sooner or later cross the entire void and become the most spectacular spectacle in the void. All creatures will praise the greatness of the vagrant."

That group of creatures said so.

Lin doesn't think so, but it is true that this place will attract a lot of creatures, but why... Is the transpirationist constructing something like this? It seems that it is doing this to record all the creatures.

But it is not just to record the manufacturing method, but to directly create a complete object and then keep the object.

The tranpers also connected all the buildings, not knowing whether to use a simple method of bonding together or something else. In short, they have long been constructed in a cylindrical shape, thus creating the largest 'pipeline' in the void.

In the introduction of the sect of the sect, it said that the pipeline has been much wider than the stellar bus, and it is composed of countless buildings, so it looks quite spectacular.

All the time. The ecclesiastical creatures use ‘believers’ to observe how other creatures make objects.

These believers are usually primitive when they are thrown away, and most of them are placed in a biologically rich world, where they observe the growth of local creatures, and finally these messages are passed on to the trantrators.

The transpirations generally evaporate the world of no creatures, so that there is no obstacle to the construction of various creatures due to evaporation. Sometimes there are exceptions.

At the same time, the transpirations will also create buildings built by believers. In fact, most of them will count them in the project.

As for why they are doing this kind of project, the group's creatures are not clear about the great ideas of the evapoturizer.

It means that they did follow the transpiration for a long time, but they don't know. Where did the transpiration come from and when did the plan begin?

I don't know...what is the true identity of the transpirations, but all the sects are willing to contribute everything to the plan of the tranfer.

Although there are not many biologists who know the whole plan, only a few know it. But no matter what, they will be willing to sacrifice for the vagrant.

Lin thinks it is very interesting...because the creators are collecting evolutionary data from the Nether creatures, and the tranfers are collecting the creations of the Nether creatures.

If the two of them work together to create a 'perfect book' of the Nether creature, Lin actually wants to complete the book, and there is something like a 'empty map'.

But I feel that these are also huge projects.

The tranfers and the creators can't get together, because the plan of the tranfers doesn't fit the creator's idea, so the creators want to attack them.

"So. Why are you saying this?"

When Lin asked the question of the ecclesiastical creature, it seemed to hesitate for a long time before saying.

"Now, the project of the evaluator... is progressing very slowly."

It tells Lynn about these things... Although the project was slow, it has become slower now, mainly because the number of evaluators has decreased.

The transpirations do not seem to proliferate, nor will they create new transpirations. According to the group's biology, one of the transpirations will not have a replacement. It will only be less and less.

So, they need to find something... as a new transpire.

At the moment when Lin was discovered, the transpires thought that Lynn was a very suitable creature... so Lynn could be a vagrant and complete the great project.

Although it is said that this project will never be completed according to it, as long as there is a creature that will make things, it will not be completed.

Lin’s response is of course... let them take Lin to the project to have a look, but the group’s creatures said that this could not be done.

This requires a lot of ... conditions. (To be continued.)

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