“Why do you do this? I don’t pose any threat to you, I’m just describing our great project.”

Here is a small, dimly small space.

Lin’s pompom is facing a group of creatures, and this creature is constantly saying a lot of words in front of Lynn.

"Do you really want to attack us? Why don't you think about the consequences? You may never see such a great project again. What a miracle!"

Lynn thinks this is very interesting. It doesn't say anything to counter, but it doesn't see their projects. They seem to know that Lynn is really interested in their projects.

However, if Lin made it herself, she would not make these things, just record the information and only make... interesting things.

"Since you don't want to say all this, you can only understand it yourself." Lin said that Lin let the pompon rush up, and the teaching group did not move, but Lin had already felt that there was transmission energy around it. I want to escape to another location.

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It seems that obstructing their transmission is indeed very effective... Lin asked the pompom to catch the ecclesiastical creature, and then stretched out a fluff to prepare for its internal organs.

"I don't know the location of the great project. It's futile to do this." The corps creature said again at this time: "Investigate me, you can't find any useful news. This is a meaningless move. Hurry up and stop. ""

Lin did not do what it said, but quickly let the fluff penetrate into the brain for testing. Although its outer skin is very strong, these fluffs are very strong... drilling ability.

When discovering the brain, Lynn noticed that the brain of this group of creatures... is indeed different, it is much bigger.

Its brain is more than three times larger than the brain of the general religious group, but because there is a lot of space in the brain, it is still installed. After the initial inspection, Lin found that the big part of the big part included the part of thinking, and there are many memories, etc., simply said. This sect's biological intelligence has computational power, reaction speed, and so on, all of which are stronger than other sects, but the most important thing is its memory.

It grows bigger and contains a lot of memories in the brain. These memories let it know a lot of things...

The ecclesiastical creatures themselves have this wonderful ability to grow with their age. Their brains will slowly grow larger. It is said that no group of creatures can live to the moment when the brain grows to the maximum, even the cult of the corps is not, because its brain is still not enough to occupy all the vacancies.

But it is already much stronger than other sects.

Lin intends to test these memories, but these new brain structures can't be fully understood immediately, but Lin feels that they can still be resolved slowly.

"Don't make this kind of move, you shouldn't know what you don't know..." The group said: "So stop this behavior..."

“Why?” Lin said: “Why don’t you want me to know about those situations? Are you afraid that you will be threatened?”

As Lin talks about it, she also interprets its brain structure and can analyze these new structures based on the brain structure of the original group biology.

Lynn has obtained some basic information.

For example, this group of creatures has been here for a long time, but it is not the first. In fact, long enough old cultivating creatures are likely to come here to manage the interior of this vagrant.

Their task is generally to maintain internal 'stability', and it seems that tranpers are not fully managed, so they need their help.

This group of creatures is usually not known to ordinary cultivating creatures, they will slowly be forgotten by ordinary groups and remain here.

But they can follow the vagrants to many worlds and observe the evaporation of the world after another.

This group of creatures seems to have seen it a few times, and its most recent task is to find a new transpiration, that is, Lin... So I came here.

It believes that Lynn can fill the vacant vacancies. It can even... replace the other transpirations to build the project, so that their engineering will be completed faster and faster.

Lynn wants to know why they know Lin very well, so I started to investigate from this aspect... It seems to be from the ‘sentiment’ of the vagrant.

It detects when the pompom is nearby. I feel the speciality of the pom-pom...

It feels that pompoms are a very large creature, and when it does a 'feeling' step by step, it turns out to be the case.

Lin is very concerned about why it can feel it, why can I know?

The transpires have recorded so many things that they can feel it is indeed possible. Just Lynn wants to know what it is.

Continue to monitor the brains of the ecclesiastical, Lin found a lot of information, for example, it controls the details of this place, the buildings here are displayed by transmission, some buildings are originally here, some are outside...

But there is no news that Lynn wants about ‘feeling’... Maybe the transpires didn’t tell it, maybe...not found.

When Lin began to test, this group had a lot of biographies, but slowly it didn't say anything, it seems that there is nothing to do while staying there.

Lin is here to quickly learn a lot of things, slowly parsing all the contents of its brain...

At the time of parsing, Lin found that it seemed to be correct. It did not know where the project was. Although it knew that the group had lived in the project site, they had left it for a long time, and there was no Any record.

The transpirations are not expected to record them, to prevent information leakage?

But the projects they make so big should be easily noticed by some passing creatures. Lin decided to look around and continue to observe.

There are still some memories that are not fully resolved. Although Lin feels that it has no more content, in simple terms, this group of creatures is a manager and communicator. It is special, but still does not know the transpiration itself. .

But even if it doesn't know, Lin can still continue to probe. Through it, Lin knows the secrets of many places here.

At the same time, Lin also knows that evaporation should start after ten days and nights, although it is already evaporating part of it, but after ten days and nights it is a full evaporation... (~^~)h:.4.44.19

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