4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1131: Forest journey

Here... is a complicated jungle. Xiao Xiaoyu said,

The huge plants completely obscured the sky, and there were strange sounds between the glittering branches and leaves, and wonderful creatures shuttled through the forest.

In this vast woodland, an obtuse-horned dragon is... slowly following a tree, and it is carrying one of the most embarrassing jade dragons... the legendary master of blood fog.

But even if the legend has gone to countless worlds, the blood mist master who has eliminated countless monsters will feel fear.

"Wow, oh oh oh," especially when the sound is heard, the master’s huge body can’t help but tremble. It drives away the obtuse-horned dragon and quickly catches up with the tree in front, and then The dragon on the tree asked.

"How long will it take us to arrive..." The Master of Blood Mist asked: "This piece of woodland is too big...and why a dragon...can't see it."

“They are all above.” Xiaolong responded: “Our 'buildings' are these trees, we live in trees, and you should know this.”

"I know this, but why can't I see it here?" The Master of Blood Mist looked up again. The thick and dense branches and vines covered its head. These branches were quite thick, and most of them had a diameter of two meters. It is indeed possible to walk around like a bridge.

It’s just that the Master of Blood Fog does not see the dragon walking on it now, it feels a little... nervous.

"It's not easy to see from the ground." Xiaolong simply returned, and he continued to move forward. The Master of Blood Mist always looked at the top.

Under the thick roots, there are many golden objects hanging on them. They look like the fruits of plants. They are surrounded by a lot of glowing bugs. These things are like 'lanterns' that fill the entire jungle, if not they. It may be dark like the night.


The blood mist shook, and the obtuse-horned dragon under it stopped, and the big tree in front of it stopped.

"We are here." Xiaolong stood up on the small platform on the tree and then jumped to the tree next to him: "Next. To walk over the tree, we..."

"Hey? On the tree?" The blood fog looked at the tree that the dragon climbed up: "This may be... not very convenient."

"...I also saw it." Xiaolong looked at the **** fog and said: "If you do, you will go by yourself."

Said, Xiaolong jumped from the tree. It took out a ... pompom jewelry, and then said to the blood fog: "Your dragon... can you find the target of the smell?"

The blood fog patted the obtuse-horned dragon underneath and said with confidence: "Of course, it is the most famous mount in the family of blood fog! Although there is usually no chance to use it..."

"Then let it find the smell of this thing to move." After the dragon gave the jewelry of the pompon to the blood fog, he quickly climbed the tree.

"Wait!" said the **** fog: "Don't you take me with me?"

"I still have a lot of things to do..." Xiaolong said: "You don't have to worry. You don't have any danger here, at most you just get lost. If that's the case, then I will go to you after I finish the case." of."

After that, Xiaolong climbed up the tree to the heights, and the blood fog still wanted to say something, but this dragon has already run away.

"How does it run as fast as it is on the ground..." The blood fog looked a little surprised. In fact, the emerald dragon climbed the tree very quickly, except for the **** fog itself.

"Let me go... how can I go by myself..." The blood fog is now very distressing, though in the dream world. There are countless dragons asking for it to take their own adventures, but the situation is completely reversed.

"Can you take me there?" Thinking, it asked the tree that Xiaolong had just taken.

But the tree didn't respond, it didn't move, it was like a real tree.

"Weird, why didn't you move? I have been away for so long..."

The blood fog jumped from the back of the obtuse-horned dragon, and went to the tree and knocked the bark of the tree, but there was still no reaction.

"... forget it." Some of the blood fog wanted to climb, but it gave up the idea, and then it turned to the obtuse-horned dragon...

"Wow," a strange sound suddenly sounded in the jungle. The obtuse-angled dragon suddenly made a scream and immediately began to rid.

"Hey! Don't run!" Looking at the obtuse-horned dragon that rushed to the depths of the jungle, the **** fog ran wildly. It chased the obtuse-horned dragon and it was dozens of meters away. Then it fell to the ground and panted.

Although the obtuse horned dragon is much heavier than the blood fog, it has enough muscle strength to support the body, so it continues to run, and soon it is outside the sight of the blood fog.

"No... this is a family... sitting..."

The sound of blood fog echoed in the jungle of the dragon, and drifted away with the wind, but it did not pass into the hearing of the obtuse-horned dragon. Or the obtuse-horned dragon may have heard it, but it has no intention of turning back.

Perhaps it is too little contact, which makes the creature unfamiliar with it. The blood fog now regrets why it is not in contact with it.

But this is no longer meaningful. The blood mist stood up after breathing out. It found that he was alone in the jungle, and the cold wind in the forest slowly blew past it. It could not help but tremble again... I don't know if it is because of the cold or because of the fear of loneliness.

The blood fog decided to turn around and go back. It is an adventurer in the dream world, but in reality it is the opposite. It does not want to take any place it feels safe.

So it walked back under the tree where the dragon was riding, and it believed that it was a moving thing and could protect it.

Just waiting for Xiaolong to come back... With this in mind, the blood fog has gone back... "Hey? Where have you been?"

It found that the tree was gone.

"This is impossible..." The blood fog stared at the original position of the tree in amazement. Although there are trees everywhere, the tree is obviously different from the surrounding trees. It is much smaller than the surrounding trees, and it is not so thick. The branches can be seen at a glance.

But now it is gone, is it running away?

Before the blood fog came, looking at the traces on the ground, the ground here is composed of complex roots, and the roots of the roots are covered with a thin layer of soft moss.

Even the blood creature, the size of the creature, will not leave any traces on the moss, even the tree... seems to be the same.

When the moss is pressed, it will quickly bounce back to its original state, which will leave something like footprints on the body, which makes the blood fog completely lose the trace of the tree.


The strange noise in the jungle shook the body of the **** fog again. It didn't want to stay here again. It just chose a seemingly better road and left.

In this way, the blood fog is walking in the jungle... walking...

It seems that, as Xiaolong said, it did not encounter any danger. Except for the occasional sound, and the scream of where it came from, it did not encounter anything that made it scary.

The only thing that threatens it now is thirst and hunger, because all the food and water are on the obtuse-horned dragon...

In general, creatures that are so obese are meant to store large amounts of fat that they can use to avoid starvation in the absence of food.

This is the subject of the blood fog that I heard when I was young, but it doesn't know how to use fat to avoid hunger, and I feel that if I go on like this, it may starve to death.

However, the velvet dragon road, at the moment when the blood fog felt that it was impossible, it suddenly saw a forest glade in front.

In the glade, there is a small, clear lake surrounded by strange saplings.

There wasn't much blood fog, and it quickly ran forward, and then plunged into the small lake. It first drank a big mouth, then turned around and looked around, trying to find out if there was anything to eat.

“Oh oh?” And the blood mist suddenly found that the saplings around them were moving. They were scattered around the lake, but they are now gathering in front of the blood.

"These shouldn't be the seedlings of the moving trees?"

Looking at the saplings, the blood fog couldn't help but reach out and grab a seedling...

"Emerald Dragon...here here?"

Suddenly, a voice came from behind the **** fog. It was shocked and immediately looked back. It was found on the other side of the lake... There was a big tree.

The tree is more than ten meters high. Its bark is full of wrinkles, and its branches have no leaves. In general, it is very similar to the one that the dragon has taken before.

The only difference is... it speaks the language of the Emerald Dragon.

"Why are you in this place... Jade Dragon...?" The sound of this tree was low and slow, but it was very loud, and the blood smog stunned for a while. It said: "Oh... I am coming to treat."

"The phenomenon of crystallization... I know... This is very uncommon..." The tree moved with heavy steps and slowly moved toward the bloodstream along the lake: "I have been a long time... I have not seen it. ......"

"I want to ask." The blood fog found that the tree did not seem hostile. It let go of the heart and said, "Where is this place?"

"This is one of the small lakes for nursery... Our seedlings grow and thrive here..." The trees walked to the **** fog, and then a branch came out to the front of the **** fog: "Are you lost here? Come Let me... I will take you where you should go..."

“Hey?” said the **** mist and said, “Is it? Thank you so much!”

As he spoke, he pulled the branches and tried to climb to the tree, and the branches made a squeaking sound as they climbed the tree, as if they were about to break, and the blood mist was so scared that they quickly released their hands.

"Don't care... although I'm very old..." The trees sticked out more branches and hugged the **** fog: "But still can carry some very heavy things..." (To be continued.)

Ps: Thanks ~o Shangguan phoenix o~ river crab can not eat ~ bamboo leaf green sxy~4362u~ magic dragon ~ moon ticket ~ h:.34.176.210sf0916

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