4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 1139: In action


The sound of the beat is echoing deep underground.

The legendary Master of Blood Mist is staying in an underground cave with a few dragons and cubs, using a variety of tools on the crystallized lake... Excavating.

Although the lake is very strong, the crystals slowly break apart as they continue to excavate.

The cubs have now dug a small hole in the lake and are exposed to a creature closest to the lake...

A fish without eyes.

"It’s a weird fish..."

The dug fish was placed on the ground. The original blood fog master was very worried about whether the fish would be smashed when digging, but it was discovered that the fish did not seem to be easily smashed.

Because...it is quite sturdy, the whole fish is solidified like crystals...

“Why is this happening?” The blood fog took the fish up and looked at it carefully. It seems that the fish is not covered with crystals on the outer skin, but it is hardened by itself, and it is very hard, that is, it is also hard to knock. Will not break.

"Don't you think it's weird?" The blood fog looked to one side, and it saw several dragons and cubs still digging there.

"The fish is very strange, but what we most want to find is that thing! That's right, we have specifically found tools to dig here!"

Looking at the bottom of the transparent lake, you can see the things that several dragons and cubs said. The blood fog doesn't know what it is. It just looks like a... dinosaur egg, which is nearly half a meter in diameter. The top is also covered with spots, but the head of the egg is a little cracked, and the crystal luster can be seen from the inside.

It seems that it is not a liquid, but a crystal.

"Then I will also dig it, hurry and find out." The blood fog put the fish aside, and it also took the tools brought by the dragon cub and began to dig with them.

The four dragons dig faster together than before, and the transparent crystal lakes are quickly dug to the bottom. I got the egg...

“Wow, wow!” When the eggs were taken out of the excavation cave, the dragon cubs looked at the egg in amazement: “What is this thing? I think it’s like a creature’s egg. Maybe it should be taken to the elders, it may know what it is."

"Who is the elder?" The blood fog questioned.

"The elders are elders! It knows a lot. It lives nearby, let's go together." Finished. Several cubs jumped and took the eggs away.

The blood fog looked at the crystallized lake where they dug a hole. It picked up a fish on the ground and followed the cubs toward the depths of the cave.

............ At the same time, on the other side............

"Do you think this is really a good idea! What do you say? I didn't hear it clearly!"

It is a vast green canyon that falls within the territory of the Emerald Dragon. Above the sky, there are two huge pterosaurs flying.

These pterosaur wings are up to sixteen meters long and are one of the largest pterosaurs, but their flight in the air is usually quiet and silent, which helps them not to be discovered.

Even if they were discovered, no one would notice that the two pterosaurs were still carrying two emerald dragons on their backs. They were the former ‘poachers’.

As long as they are recorded on the smuggling list, the Jade Dragon can no longer enter the border of the dragon, no matter where they enter, they will be discovered by the gnomes or patrolling dragons.

but. It is known from some old smugglers who are good at smuggling that this strict defense will only appear at the border. If you can directly cross the border into the border of the Dragon, there is no problem.

So, these two emerald dragons came up with this method. They rented two dust-wing pterosaurs, which can take passengers to a destination and then return by themselves. It is considered that no matter how far you fly, you will never forget. The dust in the nest, so it has this title.

If you can't point out the exact location. That can indicate the direction of the pterosaur. The pterosaur will always fly in one direction until it is bored or the passenger says that it will land before returning.

In the country of Emerald Dragon, there are many places where there are such pterosaur rental points, which facilitates the transportation of the entire country. However, such rental points occasionally have bad rumors.

That is, the dragon that rides the pterosaur will occasionally disappear, but this is not the reason for the pterosaur or other reasons. After all, the pterosaur is only responsible for delivery, and is not responsible for returning it, so it has not been carefully investigated.

Of course, these two poachers do not care so much, they think that they can fly to the country of Xiaolong by riding the pterosaur. However, they have already succeeded, and Xiaolong will not fly in with pterosaurs.

"It’s almost going to land here!"

Because of the gusty winds in the air, they must scream to make the other party hear a little voice. An emerald dragon keeps yelling and making gestures, but its companion looks in the other direction.

"Hey! Don't look around!" Jade Dragon yelled angrily: "We are going to land, otherwise it might fly to a place we don't know, it's awful!"

"We have to jump." Suddenly, the companion turned his head and said to him: "Listen well! When they land on the ground, we have to jump!"

This made it sound confused. It wondered: "What are you talking about? They will put us safely on the ground... eh?"

When it was not finished, it felt that the pterosaur suddenly swayed and swooped down at a very high speed.

"Hey? Wait a minute! I haven't given the order to land!" Jade Dragon was a little panicked by this sudden landing, but it quickly calmed down and said: "Forget it, here too, we are here. Landing!"

"I said that I must jump before they get to the ground!" the companion shouted: "Look at the eyes below and they will kill us!"

“Hey?” It looked out and looked down. The ground was getting closer and closer because of the pterosaur's landing. It found that the ground seemed to be a swamp, and the swamp was overgrown with grotesque plants, in those Around the plant, it is covered with a lot of white or gray things.

Those are... bones?

It didn't have time to see it clearly. The pterosaur had already flown over the swamp. At this time, it heard a scream from the companion: "Jump!"

At the same time, it also saw that the companion jumped from the pterosaur and fell into the swamp, but it did not dare to do the same because of fear. It found that the pterosaur flew to a huge plant and fiercely Turn the body over and drop it from the body.


With a scream, it fell onto the plant. The top of the plant was like a huge... mouth, and it was covered with sharp barbs.

After the Emerald Dragon fell in, the mouth merged instantly, and then a more screaming sound came from inside.

"Is it not jumping?" Another poacher, Jade Dragon, stood up and looked at the plant, and the companions in it continued to scream.

The plant is about ten meters long, with large blades of more than three meters in diameter, and the top of the plant is like a 'chimney'. If you look at it from the sky, it looks like a mouth full of teeth. The emerald dragon was thrown in and is now estimated to be digested inside the plant.

"It seems that the missing dragons are all this kind of end, hehe... I can't believe it if I don't see it with my own eyes."

The living jade dragon has heard of similar things. Many pterosaurs, such as the dusty pterosaurs, have no teeth in their mouths and cannot eat larger, hard-shelled creatures, so they generally eat small fish. Classes, but they are associated with some kind of...special creature.

It is this plant that has reached an association with the pterosaur...

The pterosaurs will drop the creatures that they can't eat from the mouth of the plant, and the plants will digest the creature internally, and then when the creatures are digested...

The Emerald Dragon has now seen two pterosaurs lingering beside the plants, and the large leaves in the basin on both sides of the plant will slowly seep out of the liquid.

These liquids can be said to be 'broths' made from digested victims, and this carnivorous plant uses this method to give back to the creatures that feed it.

In this way, the pterosaurs can enjoy the creatures they usually can't eat, and the plants also get nutrients, but the plants are not necessarily pterosaurs, as long as they are capable of feeding it. Return.

"Those Snapdragons should cut down these plants and should not leave them here." Jade Dragon looked at the pterosaurs that were drinking 'broths' at both ends: "And I have to report these bad wings after I go back. The dragon’s rental point should be able to... earn a lot of shells.”

"But I still have to go to the crystallization first... although it is dead, there is no way to bring it back too much, but it doesn't need to be divided..."

This swamp is mainly composed of soft mud and mossy plants, which is why it has not been injured before it fell.

The carnivorous plants here only receive food in the air, they don't attack creatures that move on land, so now it's safe.

While thinking about his own plans, Emerald Dragon was glad that he had seen some of these plants before moving on the swamp.

It picked up its own weapon, looked at the surroundings first, and took out a map to confirm it...

"It seems that my position is here." It looked at every point on the map carefully and said to himself: "There should be traces of crystallized creatures here... but there is no exploration here, there may be new discoveries. And there is also a suspicious place here, there is an abandoned excavation site, there may be some..."

Just when it was hesitant, he didn’t notice that there was something next to it that didn’t feel like moving... moving. (To be continued.)

Ps: Thanks ~ to be patient and long-lived ~ Yang Futa ~ to go all the way to fly ~ don't talk nonsense Oh ~ waste Kara ~ monthly ticket ~

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